Happy Russia Day, Comrades!! Russia Day Russia Day is a holiday of national unity celebrated on June 12. On this day, in 1990, Russian parliament formally declared its sovereignty. The holiday was officially established in 1994. Initially it was named "Day of the adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation", on 1 February 2002 was officially renamed to "Russia Day" (in 1998 Boris Yeltsin offered this name socially). There exist a widespread myth, that the name of this holiday is/was "Russia Independence Day", but it never had such a name in official documents. Tetris (Russian: Тетрис) is a falling-blocks puzzle video game, released on a vast spectrum of platforms. Alexey Pajitnov originally designed and programmed the game in June 1985,[1][2] while working for the Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Academy of Science of the USSR in Moscow. He derived its name from the Greek numerical prefix "tetra-", as all of the pieces contain four segments, and tennis, Pajitnov's favorite sport.[3][2]
I neither think it is bad nor a sin I think us Catholics should be the ones' supporting gay rights more so than any one else We should all learn to accept each other no matter what And even if it is a sin, we are all sinners. It is impossible to go your life without commiting a sin, so who cares if they are commiting one particular sin, because it is definetely a sin to judge and hate them for their lifestyle P.S. I didn't vote on the poll because those choices were idiotic and don't cover valid opinions
I was wearing an eye patch the other day
Spider-Man, Venom, and Deadpool After playing Marvel: Ultimate Alliance I really wish i had some of Deadpool's comics
I say Frelk instead of f***, cuz that's my sister's friend's last name i annoy my sister by saying it all the Frelking time
I'll usually say something like "That's nice" or "Good for you" unenthusiastically
For those who've seen the new one, is it good?
Wow!! This movie was incredible. It'll please your inner child. It's like being on drugs, but legal!
Bo-bo-bobobo I couldn't even begin to explain the plot
Haven't played it yet, but it sounded amazing
Once again the Office concludes their season with surprises and making you want to know what happens next A truly amazing episode
I've only used PCs so I guess that's my answer
Hello friends, this is yet another story I wrote for my creative writing class tell me what you think Take me to your Lead Role This is the story of a young and talented actor named Tobey. Tobey always had a passion for acting beginning with his first role as Tiny Tim when he was seven years of age. Tobey was very attached to his role. He always walked around with his crutch and insisted that everyone call him Tiny Tim. Tobey always got into character way too much. It was cute when he was young, but eventually it just got weird. When Tobey became a teenager, he was in a play where he was a vampire. He refused to go outside during the daytime. So he would wait at school 2-3 hours after rehearsal until he could go home, and he would leave for school at 5:00 in the morning. It didn’t stop there. He also got a part in Grease. He would put grease in his hair, even though it wasn’t even necessary for the role. Also he would break out into song and dance at random times. It was especially strange when he got a role as Romeo in Romeo & Juliet. He talked in rhymes for starters. Also he talked to himself from time to time. Also he was under the impression that the girl who played Juliet was his girlfriend despite the fact they had never met before the audition and she had a boyfriend. Perhaps his strangest behavior was when he was in The Diary of Anne Frank. He would just sit perfectly still in his attic for hours upon hours. He didn’t even show up for the play. He refused to leave his attic due to his fear that the Nazis were going to get him. This peculiar behavior wasn’t just associated with plays either. He once played Dungeons & Dragons. He claimed he was an elf and went around saying that he had to fight the evil dragon with his +1 mace. Okay, I think you get the picture. He currently has a role in the play The Lonely and Delusional Boy who Claimed to See an Alien but Didn’t by the famous playwright Harold Wogelsang. He plays a lonely and delusional boy who claims to see an alien but didn’t. Several actors who he had worked with over the years got together for an intervention. For Tobey was a rather creepy and frustrating person to be around, and the actors felt it was time for Tobey to get a grip on reality. The news about how his colleagues felt shocked Tobey. He always believed his behavior was completely rational. However, he decided that in the future he would try his hardest to not become his character. Late that night, Tobey was lying on his roof staring at the stars. He was deep with his thoughts; wondering whether or not his behavior was strange and if he could control his behavior for his newest role. Then all of a sudden a UFO zoomed through the sky! “Well, there something you don’t see everyday.†thought Tobey. The following day at school. Tobey told his fellow actors about the event he saw. Angelica, the most serious and boring actress he worked with, said, “Honestly, one day! You couldn’t be normal for one day?†Tobey had completely forgotten about his role in the play and the complications it brought upon his alien story and his new attempt at sanity. Tobey then wondered perhaps he never saw the UFO and it was just his imagination trying to help him get into character. Tobey then decided to fight his insanity and to convince the actors that it was just a joke. Later that night, Tobey was once again lying on his roof staring at the night sky deep in thought. Had he seen this UFO, or was it his subconscious mind pulling a trick on him so he’d become his character? Then the UFO flew through the sky again! The next day, Tobey chose not to tell anyone about his second encounter with the UFO because he wanted to have proof first. So late that night, he got up on his roof with a camera and waited for the UFO. Then the UFO came by and he got a picture. The next day he showed the picture to the doubters. Tom, an actor Tobey was somewhat intimidated by ever since his portrayal of a Nazi in The Diary of Anne Frank, said, “Oh, please your character in the play does the same thing. He takes a picture of a toy UFO and tries to convince his friends that it’s the real thing. See, your still getting into character. Save it for the stage, ya loony nut.†Tobey didn’t realize that his character had done a similar thing in the play. Now that Tobey thought about it, he had been so caught up in his UFO shenanigans he hadn’t read past the 3rd page of his script. That night Tobey decided to read the entire script. He had a clever plan. In order for him to convince people he wasn’t becoming his character; he would have to act nothing like his character. He then looked out the window to see the UFO zip through the sky. He then extended his middle finger and stuck it out the window. At the next rehearsal, Tobey was wearing a top hat with an apple glued to the top of it, red and blue 3-D glasses, a shirt with one long sleeve and one short sleeve, and pink jeans with picture of a green flamingo on the left knee. Angelica asked, “What’s with your outfit?†Tobey replied, “To prove to you all that I’m not insane and I really did see a UFO; I’m acting nothing like my character.†“Let me get this straight. You’re going to prove you’re not crazy by dressing like that.†Tom said while laughing. “Well, does my character ever do this in the play? No he doesn’t, and I’m going to prove to you all I’m not making this up!†replied Tobey. Tobey then approached the director, and told him he was quitting the play! Tobey then ran to the other actors. “There, I’m officially not part of this play anymore. There is no character for me to try to be. This is me… the real me. I’m telling you all I saw a UFO!†Phil, Tobey’s understudy, exclaimed, “Woo, I get to be in the play!†The rest of the actors completely ignored Tobey and congratulated Phil. “Fine, be that way.†Tobey muttered and no one heard, and he sadly walked away. Later that night, he yet again lied on his roof and looked up at the night sky. He saw the UFO; however it did not zip through the sky. It was just hovering above him. A bright green light appeared from the UFO, and an alien slowly came out of the ship. The alien had a body similar to a human except he had green skin, nothing in his eye sockets, claws, and a horn sticking out his forehead. “Oh, me god, me cannot belief I be talking to you.†said the alien in a bizarre accent. Tobey was so freaked out about was going on he couldn‘t say anything. “Me name is Dogen. Me is your biggest fan.†Tobey then mustered up some courage and spoke to the alien, “How, do you know me?†“My people are fans big of plays. So we be using cameras to watch plays. We also be interested in behavior of actors so we be watch them to. Actors be so silly. You be silliest of all.†replied Dogen. “Great, the whole universe is mocking me.†said Tobey. “Not Saturn.†replied Dogen. “Really?†asked Tobey. “That be joke; no one lives on Saturn.†joked Dogen. “Me come to earth to find you because me can never get part in play at my planet, and me want acting lessons from great actor.†Then an idea sparked in Tobey’s mind. Perhaps he could trick the alien into revealing himself to all the disbelieving actors. “Alright, if you can convince the actors at my school you are human, then you will be a good actor.†“Okay, me think me can do that. Before we begin lessons, me have question.†said Dogen. “What is the question?†asked Tobey. “What did that thing you did with your middle finger mean?†asked Dogen. “Oh, nothing.†said Tobey nervously. Throughout the night Tobey gave the alien intentionally terrible acting lessons. The next day, Tobey had dressed up the alien to look more like a human. He first covered him with make up to make his skin look normal. He gave the alien his top hat to cover up the horn. The alien wore sunglasses to cover up his eyeless sockets and gloves to cover up the claws. Later that morning, Tobey and Dogen met up with the actors. “Good any minute now this alien’s strange behavior and appearance is going to reveal the alien’s identity and prove that I’m not crazy.’ thought Tobey. “Hi everybody, this is my new friend, Dogen, he’s a foreign exchange student.†said Tobey. “Pleasure meeting you.†replied Dogen. “Isn’t it nice day for humans, for which I am.†“Yeah, it’s a good a day to be a human, I guess.†replied Angelica. “Me like pet rocks and bookcases, you know human stuff.†said Dogen. “Did any you watch last night’s human sport event. Me missed it half way through because me human dad turned channel television to earth news.†“Tobey, this guy’s awesome!†replied Tom. “Awesome? This guy is totally weird how are they at least not a little bit suspicious? This is going to call for drastic measures.†thought Tobey. Tobey then tapped Dogen’s top hat off his head. Dogen’s horn is now exposed. “Hey, that thing’s cool. You should audition for Rhinoceros.†said Phil. “Really? Me always want to be in play!†said the excited Dogen. “Oh, come on! Can’t you see he’s an alien?†shouted Tobey. “Oh, don’t be so insensitive, Tobey just because someone looks a little different doesn’t mean he’s an alien.†said Angelica. “Just a little different!†shouted Tobey. Tobey then poured some water on Dogen to reveal his green skin. He then yanked the gloves off Dogen to reveal the claws, and pulled off the sunglasses to reveal there were nothing in his eye sockets. “There, tell me now that he is not an alien!†shouted Tobey. “Okay, truth comes out now.†said Dogen. Tobey’s face shined with satisfaction because now the alien was going to reveal his identity and prove Tobey was not crazy. “Me have horrible skin problems and other health problems. In me old country, me often picked on for it. Me come to America to make friends who accept me; not be accused of being an alien by silly lunatic.†lied Dogen. “That’s a touching story, Dogen. You should be ashamed of yourself, Tobey.†said Angelica. “No it’s all lies! He’s just acting!†shouted Tobey. Yet, no one ever believed him. A week later, Tobey was talking to a psychiatrist. “I keep telling you, I donâlong here. He is an alien.†said Tobey. “Now, now there is much to discuss. These lessons are very important so you can go back to living normally with society.†said the psychiatrist. “I can’t believe it, I’ve been crazy most of my life, but now when I’m perfectly fine…I need therapy!†complained Tobey. “Could be worse.†said the psychiatrist. “How?†asked Tobey. The psychiatrist replied, “At least the Nazis didn’t get you.â€
SEX and VIOLENCE there wasn't that exciting
Dang someone already beat me to it
Oh, boy it's time for another "Who hates __________" thread
I finally saw it! It was awesome!!! I hope that all superhero movies that feature an Avenger will end the same way
Just under curiosity does the film ever just freeze or a few seconds like the anime did? I always thought that was funny about speed racer, all of a sudden it would just freeze
But then we would never have the movie History of World Part 1
I think job fair was probably the best episode of the current season and don't call me shirley