I saw it and loved it. The creatures look amazing like they came right out of Pan's Labrynth It's got plenty of action and humor, I'd say it's the second best movie of the summer behind Dark Knight
Should kotOR be an MMO? Probably not, but think of it this way It's KotOR that never ends, we'll all be able enjoy the game's quests for hundreds of hours I personally hate MMOs, but this could be the one game to change my mind
I'll take care of the haters *pulls out car keys*
"I must fight my emo urges" from TWEWY
Unfortunately, that thing was loaded
I just beat it the other day, I'd say it's the best game on the DS so far I ignored the whole brand thing and just wore the same stuff the whole time Also, the game kind of reminded me of the Apprentice and the Amazing Race at times I also loved all the emo jokes in the "Another Day" chapter
That was epic!!
I saw Hancock yesterday, I enjoyed it for the most part However, the last half hour took a dramatic left turn and seemed out of place with the over the top humor of the first hour of the movie but all in all, it's a funny movie and I recommend it P.S. Am I only one who liked Wild Wild West?
Yeah, my nobody forced me to watch!! unlike with high school musical
Although, im fairly certain everybody on this thread no longer holds any interest in what i have to say, I would just like to say, that it is important for all of us to respect one another and to make our own sandwiches... or steal them P.S. I do not support the cool crime of stealing
And what if a woman who changed genders asked a man who's changed genders for a bagel? What would that be?
If a man goes to subway, and asks a woman who works there for a sandwich is that sexist? If so, then Jared is one hell of a sexist
I personally don't believe that I think women can be just as intellectual, strong, and even as annoying as men
I froze applesauce the other day and turned it into a popsicle it was pretty good
I saw hulk today *spoiler* hulk smashed
I love Spider-Man and Batman movies (even Batman & Robin)
I know Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead,Hot Fuzz) is making an Ant-Man movie So he'll most likely be in it
I know Enix made Actraiser
Midnight Meat Train lol My one friend is desperately trying get people to go see that with him, but everyone refuses and says "No, way that sounds like some gay porno" Anyways, I really want to see Tha Dark Knight, I heard there's Oscar Buzz over Heath Ledger's performance so it should be good
Best: Super Mario RPG Worst: Lionheart (I was expecting it to be as good as Fallout, instead it was just terrible)