before I die I want to go to: Asia: Japan China Korea Australia Europe: Amsterdam Ireland Scotland England Switzerland Germany Americas: Mexico Candada Brazil Africa: Egypt Kenya How about all of you?
OMG! I didn't realize it was already Leif Erickson Day!
So I just recently watched Beauty and the Beast for the first time in like 10 years. The Beast still scared the crap outta me. (*sigh* I'm a 17 year old boy who doesn't flinch during Saw and Hostel, but Beauty and the Beast makes me jump on multiple occasions) Also, I still think that the Beast looks dorky as a human Also, I found a lot more innuendo...not that really found any when I was 7.
Although my expectations for this movie are very very low. I'm sure it'll be better than Disaster Movie/ Meet the Spartans...ect because I thought the The Wayans Brothers' Scary Movies were actually not half bad. Plus it's got Amy Sedaris, an underrated but quite funny comedian, in it
Who honestly hasn't seen, the Breakfast Club, and for those who haven't I recommend you do. I remember we watched it in my history class on my first day of high school.
Hard to say, they both look cool. And since I haven't read either comic series, my loyalties lie nowhere so... hmm...
I wouldn't care if Kari, Sora, Riku, or any original character was gay but if they made a pre-exsisting character gay; it would be changing things too much But, I do for the most part think they need more good gay characters in games because right now the only ones that do gays fairly are some of Bioware's RPGs
I liked the movie, Dorian Grey was a beast. Sean Connery: So, a man walks into a bar with a monkey...I forget the rest of the joke, but it ends with your mother being a whore
Doesn't Robert Pattinson of Twilight kinda look like Quentin Tarantino? Here's Robert Here's Quentin
I love naming characters In Final Fantasy 6 I named every character. Also in every FF game I name my character FreddyK or Freddy Krueger I'm not sure why; it just seems to make sense to me
I'd say "I'm with you" it sounds amazing it's easily in my top 10 favorite songs
This might be old news but here's the petition to stop Zac Efron from playing Light/ Kira in the American adaptation of Death Note
Rob Schneider was an average Janitor until he becomes... THE LIBERTY BELL and he'll discover being the Liberty Bell, isn't all it's "cracked" up to be Rob Schneider is... THE LIBERTY BELL Rated PG-13
They also re-released it on the gamecube with Ocarina of Time and the 2 NES games
I just watched his big speech tonight, but after that I'll continue to get my news from the Daily Show and Colbert Report (yes, yes, I'm a simpleton).
Getting back onto topic, I for one am really glad that he is president. Also, republicans, I think you'll notice over the next couple of the years that he isn't a terrorist. So you can sleep peacefully tonight. I think we can all look forward to the next 4 years. Also, he is a power ranger
Kinda hard to say, when I was young I was too afraid to watch any scary movie but now I can watch just about any scary movie without being scared So I guess I would say either Child's Play or It
Lol Oh, no, I was going to get the game either way, but I was just curious about that.
I was thinking of getting Mass Effect for Christmas and whatnot anyways I was wondering, if you make a female character can she hook up with Seth Green's character?