OOC- tried. He was out before i got up. I was like in shock xD
OOC- back lol my bro spilled freezing cold water on me :lolface:
This cannot be possible! Its a frickin dream!! Ohmegawd! Its an imagination cuz this shìt doesnt exist! Ack!! Whats the world turning into. Its gone mad! Mad I tell you mad!
Jesse was really nervous, but shes trying not to show it. As she got ready she realized she had to go. Jesse appeared through the doors and walked down the aisle to where Alucard was standing.
Droplet- Uhm, I gotta go. . . *leaves*
Why does this thread sound fruitier then Froot Loops?
Im adding you but only pm's k? <3
Droplet- *same* Kãiri- *laughs* OOC- Yea yea they just cant say no. xD
Kãiri- *tackles him* Shush! xD Droplet- *hugs him back* Love you too.
Droplet- Y-yea. :inlove: Kãiri- Shut up! xD
Droplet- *still has him pinned* Yea, sure. :D Kãiri- Hmm. Whats that? *points ahead*
Kãiri- Its all dark and foggy. *gets closer to Xikru* Droplet- *laughs* *pins him* Heheheh. ^_^
Droplet- *tackles him before he gets there* xD Kãiri- Alright. *goes in*
Droplet- Heheh, I just noticed were still sitting on the floor. *laughs* Kãiri- *holds his hand* :D Ready?
Kãiri- *giggles* Nice. ^_^ Droplet- *cuddles up to him* ^_^
Kãiri- *laughs* Its right here! SIGN- Redenorville. Droplet- :o Come here. :D
Droplet- What? :D Kãiri- Uhm, well Redenorville. Haunted ass place. :D
Kãiri- Heheh, ok. xD Droplet- *pulls Beucefilous to her* :D
Kãiri- :D Wanba go to a scary place? ;D Droplet- *gets up* Uhm, heheh. Hi.
Kãiri- Heh, sure. ^_^ Droplet- Aww man. :o