Whats up??? :D
I live this band. If you have heard about them please respond on what you think of them. The band consists of 5 people. Andrew (Andy) Biersack, the vocals. Ashley Purdy, I think hes the lead guitarists. Jake Pitts, back up guitarists. Jinxx, violen and bass. Christian Coma, drums. One of their most famous songs is Knives and Pens, Perfect Weapon and (in my opinion) We Stitch These Wounds. :) ~Kairi
RIKU!!!! BEST FRIEnD!!!!!!!! :glomp::glomp:
~ I'm sorry. Can someone fill me in on what has happened :(
:( Why you never talk to me anymore.
Nothing muchh lol. You?
Really frickin' awesome! Havent heard that in a while. Lol ;)
Cause straight men dont go shopping with their girlfriends/wifes. Team Gay Men 4 life <333
It is if i say so....;)
Your not on? Huh, I guess thats okie. Hardly ever talk to you anymore. I sure miss the hell out of you guys. <\3
I dont know..... Lol fine, I guess.... Kairi- *magically appears*
Uhm which character should I be? :lolface:
Lol, made a facebook been spending a lot of time on there lol
Kairi- *hugs Roxas* ^.^
Kairi- Guess who! *smiles*
And a happy new year XD
Merry Christmas :D
Huh, what?
Great, honestly, I'm tired from school && such. -_-