thx :) and here is the code you asked for. Follow the wind = xaldins lances (no hits with ground combos): RAW: 21CEF628 00000845 AR MAX: T19T-Y825-28PZ1 GQTF-GGDQ-D5CXH
great that was what it was supposed to do. that means's that i have ported the Command Menu Text Mod. here: Command Menu Text Mod PAL 01C8927C 000000XX 00 - Sora 01 - Mickey 02 - Skateboard 03 - --- 04 - Stitch 05 - Mushu 06 - FAKE 08 - Bounce [O_O WTF?!] 09 - FAKE [x3] 0A - No idea 0B - Nothing 0C - Riku 0D+ - Nothing
yes here: click on the attachment.
no i haven't tried. i only posted the ntsc version of the code's so he wouldn't have to look for them EDIT:can somebody try this code: RAW: 01C8927C 00000001 AR MAX: ZCKK-HBUR-N9FQH UPUK-HTAP-1E9V6 and tell me what it does.
well could you port the enemy mod? and the Command Menu Text Mod? (01C88D7C 000000??) and the Command Menu Mod (01C88E64 000000??) i know those codes are hard to port.but plz try.
both the destiny island and castle oblivion are in this game (i don't know why castle oblivion is here.) and yes the code's are pal.actually i was the one that ported the room mod to pal :) so im 100% sure that they work.
because of some strange reason some music digits can only be played at the world map and in battle.(i don't know why) i don't think there is a way to fix that :( .
O.0 post the code plz.
the joker address for kh2 pal is:0035BA5C
here this save is from : (Slot #8) Save before Sephiroth fight (Lvl. 99 / Completed Journal prior to that fight/ 100% Gummi Ship done) - Proud Mode: CodeBreaker Save (North America) Max Drive Save (North America)
you must hold R1 while you change room's,pressing R1 is not enough.
the code you jokered was already jokered. jokering a code 2 times will not this code will work: Destiny Islands: Shore press R1 EA5883A1 98267B7F 1A6922ED 00000203
wish granted,but now your a zombie. i wish that i would remember what to wish for.
ok i found it its called "KH Corrupted Wish Game" well then i don't think there are any point in having this thread i will get a mod to close it :(.
i haven't read through the 765 pages of the spam zone so im not sure.if there is can somebody tell me what the tread is called and what page it is one.and close this thread.
i don't think there is a thread for this on this site so i decided to create one. il start. i wish that the keyblade was real.
sry but those codes are not gonna work you converted them with the wrong game id.
no. sry i must go now so i can't explain.
no.i mean use the code from another place.example try to use the code in the hall of the cornerstone.
that happens sometimes try using the code in a different place.