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  1. mikael110
    yes put this at the start of the code [*code*] and this at the end *[/code]* (without the * marks,i only put them there so that the site would ignore them )
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. mikael110
    could you post the code's you were using?
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. mikael110
    you get the message "the code is for the wrong game" because you forgot put in the game id when you converted the code.

    each game has a unique game id.

    the game id for kh2 pal is:09c9
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. mikael110
    hmm..sound like a good idea to me.but im no coder. :( so you should ask evilman or erkz about it
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. mikael110
    you need a cheat device like action replay max or xploder
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. mikael110
    No.and plz don't talk about the riku code.its kinda not allowed here as it often lead to flame wars :(.
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. mikael110
    ok. here:
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. mikael110
    sry to break it to ya but there is no way to make the emulator run faster.ps2 emulator are slow and there are no way to fix that. :(
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 8, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. mikael110
    hmmm...well then i don't know whats wrong. :(
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 8, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. mikael110
    what boss did you try to replace the junk with?

    some bosses overloads the game if you have to many of them

    here try this code and go to the junk area and tell me what happens:
    11C7A1F0 000008B5
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. mikael110
    it's shorter (its only 1 line)
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. mikael110
    nope we can't play as riku with this code :(
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. mikael110
    i just ported the UMM (Universial Moveset Modifier) :)


    Neo-Moveset Mods PORTED BY MIKAEL110
    1] IDs are what values are their own movesets. Sora's ID is 01. Hence his moveset value is 01.
    2] I do not know what the classes stand for. They're in the game, and they have some significance;
     - Class A is unusual. The only playable Class A character I know is Antiform.
     - Class B are usually playable characters such as Mickey and Sora, and Drive Forms.
     - Class C tend to be NPCs.
     - Class HB are world characters. Donald and Goofy are also included here, amusingly.
     - Class ? are things from Pooh's book.
     - Classes F, D, zD and suchlike are uncommon, and have no moveset.
    3] EVERYTHING has a moveset. However, things without unique movesets, or things with their weapons built into them... Are given IDs of 00.
    4] Bosses have a default moveset of 00, and are usually Class B.
    5] EVERYTHING has a moveset. Just making this clear. Once it has a model, it has a moveset.
    6] This is NOT a complete list. Bosses having a moveset of 00 doesn't help with finding them.
    *How to use*
    1] Take the code of the person you want to mod. 
    2] Find the person who's moveset you want them to have, and plug their ID in. 
    3] Insert the completed code, and boot your game.
    4] Have fun.
    [ID-01] [Class B]
    01CB9C36 000000??
    Battle Form [Valor]
    [ID-02] [Class B]
    01CB9C96 000000??
    Magic Form [Wisdom] 
    [ID-03] [Class B]
    01CB9CF6 000000??
    Trinity Form [Master] 
    [ID-04] [Class B]
    01CB9D56 000000??
    Ultima Form [Final] 
    [ID-05] [Class B]
    01CB9DB6 000000??
    Heartless Form [Anti] 
    [ID-06] [Class A]
    01CB9E16 000000??
    ??? [No name listed in Moveset] 
    [ID-09] [Class B] (o.O Wait, where're 7 and 8?)
    01CB9E76 000000??
    [ID-1C] [Class B]
    01CB9ED6 000000??
    [ID-11] [Class HB] (Something doesn't feel right...)
    01CB9F36 000000??
    [ID-14] [Class HB]
    01CB9F96 000000??
    ??? [No name]
    [ID-1F] [Class C]
    01CB9FF6 000000??
    [ID-20] [Class HB]
    01CBA056 000000??
    Jack [Santa Form]
    [ID-20] [Class HB]
    01CBA0B6 000000??
    ??? [World Char, dunno who.]
    [ID-21] [Class HB]
    01CBA116 000000??
    [ID-17] [Class HB]
    01CBA176 000000??
    [ID-19] [Class HB]
    01CBA1D6 000000??
    [ID-1A] [Class HB]
    01CBA236 000000??
    [ID-18] [Class HB]
    01CBA296 000000??
    [ID-22] [Class HB]
    01CBA2F6 000000??
    [---Huge gap of unusable Movesets---]
    Lion Form
    [ID-07] [Class B]
    01CC0B16 000000??
    [---Another huge gap =(---]
    ??? [World Char, dunno who.]
    [ID-16] [Class HB]
    01CC1556 000000??
    ??? [<_< You get the idea.]
    [ID-16] [Class HB]
    01CC15B6 000000??
    [ID-0B] [Class B]
    01CC1BB6 000000??
    [ID-1B] [Class HB]
    01CC2576 000000??
    [ID-1C] [Class B]
    01CC39B6 000000??
    Dual-Wield Roxas (So that's where he was...)
    [ID-0A] [Class B]
    01CC3D76 000000??
    Donald [Lion King]
    [ID-11] [Class HB]
    01CC53F6 000000??
    Goofy [Lion King]
    [ID-14] [Class HB]
    01CC5456 000000??
    ??? [o_O Teh hell? Who's this?]
    [ID-3B] [Class B]
    01CC56F6 000000??
    ??? [Oookay...]
    [ID-08] [Class B]
    01CC5E76 000000??
    Valor Form [Again? And what's NM?]
    [ID-0C] [Class B]
    01CC6476 000000??
    Wisdom Form 
    [ID-0D] [Class B]
    01CC64D6 000000??
    Master Form
    [ID-0E] [Class B]
    01CC6536 000000??
    Final Form
    [ID-0F] [Class B]
    01CC6596 000000??
    [ID-10] [Class A]
    01CC65F6 000000??
    [---Excessively large gap---]
    ??? [Think it's Sparrow's human form]
    [ID-24] [Class HB]
    01CC9C56 000000??
    ??? [._.]
    [ID-34] [Class HB]
    01CCA856 000000??
    Aladdin's Carpet [WTF?]
    [ID-35] [Class B] [._o Wait, it's playable?]
    01CCAA36 000000??
    ??? [World Char for Timeless River... But... o_O?]
    [ID-33] [Class HB]
    01CCC4D6 000000??
    ??? [-_-;]
    [ID-31] [Class HB]
    01CCC716 000000??
    ??? [-_-;;]
    [ID-32] [Class HB]
    01CCE5D6 000000??
    ??? [-_-;;;]
    [ID-39] [Class B]
    01CCEF96 000000??
    Donald? [Where is this from?]
    [ID-12] [Class HB]
    01CCF1D6 000000??
    Lightcycle [o_____O]
    [ID-36] [Class B]
    01CCF416 000000??
    Card Form [o_o Wait, this has a Moveset?]
    [ID-38] [Class B]
    01CCF896 000000??
    Dice Form
    [ID-37] [Class B]
    01CCF8F6 000000??
    Goofy [Where from?]
    [ID-15] [Class HB]
    01CCFF56 000000??
    ??? [Possibly Timeless River Sora]
    [ID-25] [Class B]
    01CD1096 000000??
    ??? [o_O?]
    [ID-2B] [Class B]
    01CD10F6 000000??
    Valor Form [... <_<]
    [ID-26] [Class B]
    01CD1756 000000??
    Valor Form [._o?]
    [ID-2C] [Class B]
    01CD17B6 000000??
    Wisdom Form [WTF is up with these repeats?]
    [ID-27] [Class B]
    01CD1816 000000??
    Wisdom Form [@_@]
    [ID-2D] [Class B]
    01CD1876 000000??
    Master Form
    [ID-28] [Class B]
    01CD18D6 000000??
    Master Form
    [ID-2E] [Class B]
    01CD1936 000000??
    Final Form
    [ID-29] [Class B]
    01CD1996 000000??
    Final Form
    [ID-2F] [Class B]
    01CD19F6 000000??
    [ID-2A] [Class A]
    01CD1A56 000000??
    Antiform [I died a few codes up, just so you know.]
    [ID-30] [Class A]
    01CD1AB6 000000??
    Sora? [The hell?]
    [ID-01] [Class B]
    01CD3376 000000??
    [---HUUUGE Gap---]
    Riku [About freakin' time.]
    [ID-23] [Class HB]
    01CDA516 000000??
    [ID-24] [Class HB]
    01CDA696 000000??
    [ID-22] [Class HB]
    01CDA6F6 000000??
    Sidecar [o.o Ooh... I wonder]
    [ID-3D] [Class B]
    01CDB236 000000??
    Mickey [... Go away...]
    [ID-1C] [Class B]
    01CDC196 000000??
    Sidecar [Again?]
    [ID-40] [Class B]
    01CDD396 000000??
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. mikael110
    0_0 you hacked all those today? wow you are amazing.

    and what dose the:the drive is a lie code do?
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. mikael110
    yes here:

    play as roxas:

    11CFAC7C 0000005B

    AR MAX:
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  16. mikael110
    hmmm....sry but i have no idea of why it is freezing :(
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  17. mikael110
    hmm..weird the riku code works fine for me.what master code are you using?
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  18. mikael110
    no that code is for ntsc.
    i will try to port it but there is only about a 50% chance that this code will work

    junk replaced by.......:
    11C7A1F0 00000???
    11C7A230 00000???
    11C7A270 00000???
    11C7A2B0 00000???
    11C7A2F0 00000???

    somebody plz test that code and tell me if it works or not.
    yes. here:

    riku replaces donald:
    11CFAC7E 00000819
    AR MAX:
    riku replaces goofy:
    11CFAC80 00000819
    AR MAX:
    riku replaces guest:
    11CFAC82 00000819
    AR MAX:
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  19. mikael110
    cloudstrife252 has already tested the code and it had no effect on the there is no point in porting it.
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  20. mikael110
    sry but it only works on emulator's + they cannot control the bosses.
    Post by: mikael110, Jan 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault