i'm not emo... i'm a loner who's evil and suck... about... undead servant...?
... great?
everything which is orginal to me is something dark or depressing... hence heart of darkness... but i need something else...
i'm sorry... myleader...
how about... i-suck-and-you-should-kill-me-slowly-and-painfully....?
i'm a loner miss... nearlycorrect... sinister isn't a good username?
i'm not sweet... everyoneelsehereis
Hod...? real nickname would probably be a good username...
hello crazy.. anyone here think i should change my name?
gotcha... um...i'm sorry for coming in between your conversation...
heh! no worries! but who did you mean to send the message to?
i'm just an evil person... but i guess....i don't like any movie when it's to repetive or to easy to know when the guy is going to pop up in the corner...
i'm sorry? have i made a bad statement somehow? if so...then i'm sorry...
i'm for...... long as it's not just romance... i have no heart, so romance cannot budge me...
yes, sir... um...but...did you mean to say that to make us know that english is better than american?
me neither... but i have grown a slight interest to zombie movies....since they are all rather same...i like them...i'm weird...
yes miss.... but shaun of the dead is actually a parody...