....oh...eh...um.. makesmeblush... pity...
i am....but more of a coward shy... don'tlikeme....right?
...but...aren't you mad at me?
...i can't right now...sinse i am reponsible for something sad... but...um..thank you for caring, miss...
that's not being selfish, miss....that's just accepting that your sweet... selfishness is taking everything to yourself... yourveeeerysweet...
well...that sounds nice... i'm happy for you, miss...
no beatings or torture?
n-no i'm not! sweetest..
well? i have made a false statement and a sin according to the castle rules i am in need of a punishment...
i....i'm sorry...miss bunny... what is my punishment?
good for you, miss kitty! ....i'm not sure what to call you emma...i'm sorry... you'll hate me for this...i'm sorry....but what have you learned?
i am just a humble servant....yes... fantastic...
i guess... but only today... how is your swedish doing, miss..?
because your so kind, miss... kind...
hm...both you and that bunny makes me happy, miss... is there a cause for this good mood, perhaps?
f-fine, thank you miss... you seem happy today, miss...
username: heart of darkness gender: male (i think everyone knows though)
well... i'll be that way then...
sinister it is, then... hello miss queen and cat queen, emma....