...so...um...who have we lost?
isn't this war a little...um...sexist?
i can say that i'm not a girl, sir... i am a male servant who do the orders i have been told... ...does it make you feel better, sir?
i have a feeling that i will be a part of the gossip... HOD so ugly...
i never meant that, sir! but i am not a soldier...
what if they have a laptop, sir?
b-but i'm a servant of the bunnies...
i'm weird, miss! isn't that one of those ''cute but deadly'' feelings you get from that?
i hope this doesn't turn into a war...or i will have to slaughter all who threaten the bunnies...
what if we combined the candy mountain in a bunny castle?
then why don't you spen some time here, as well?
well...it's no race, miss... but it proves that we enjoy being here, right?
alright, then... i dont think it's worth to create a level if you haven't completed the story yet...so you might want to do that first...
i'm sorry...
i'm done with the story but the online-play is wonderful...in my opinion... especially when playing with friends... it's all about friends....you can say... you create levels...or play the ones other have made... the game rewards creativity and is very cute...
well, sir... my nephew got lbp planet before me....so i had the chance to see a little what you had to do... but also...i love that game... i recently finished working on my own stage...
hello sir... merry ....late christmas... ... how are you, sir...?
all the more proves how brilliant miss kupo really is!
... um..to a big eyed manga...?
eh...um... very nice sig, miss kupo... but...what happened to the cute tiger and kitty...?