i don't hate you sir... i even chose Canada when we had an english project about countries good support for earth... and i do love the niagara falls...
true.... chocolate cake is addictive and sucks innocent bystanders to itself to grow in popularity and prestanda... truly...an act of evil....
so...no torture, then sir? i have just started with the confrontive pain-cycle sir... they aren't dying yet...
i began thinking about auron, saying... this is your story and all that... when i think about it... my story is of evil, yay!
right... hm...so i begin by removing their nails and proceed by burnig the top-flesh from the fingers....this is more to raise the fear-factor... i could proceed by piercing the toungue with salt injections... ...oh...i am going to enjoy this...
they all have long ears, right? um...so....what sort of homo-species is he?
yes, but it's fun to argue like this.... even though i'm just popping in with my own opinion... hehe....sorry...
i could torture them....
no... they are...... ... i have no idea....
my sisters love austin powers...
heh...this is getting serious... now, now...miss... whatever sexuality link ever has, no one can deny that he is still a hero... i find it hard to belive that he is homosexual...but...meh...who knows... i think this was first brought up by simple link-haters and the fact that he has an earing... i don't really care....but he's still a man...
aren't most fantasy's based on each-other? almost all boring swedes and many other writers take the orcs as a common enemy but probably change their name or something like that...
i cannot call myself a ninja... for they usually fight for good....or for a master.... i could...for the master...but i'd rather call myself death's apprentice
yes, thank you sir... congrats with CoM sir...
eh.... um... anyways... i like the muscle area around the throat... then again...i'm not surprised by your skills because your so talented...
well done, miss! they never stop amazing me, your pictures are 1*st class!
my goodness, sir... i'm flattered...... i don't make this a better place....not at all... but thank you... be as it may...you are right about...
why did i get invited? i thought you hated me... um...thank you, miss...
i am already fed up with blood and sallad, thank you sir...
... i think the girls can defeat me, merely by asking me to give up... but i am still not a female...