Hey is it just me or is it boring
Toddles will return on wednesday
of course I have to go soon so bye
So It will be 2010 soon
The question I have is how is he alive you think the emperor would dispose of bodies but have to wait and see I liked the first the force unleashed and I hope they do as good as a job as they did with the first one or better with this one.
Due to the distance they there houses are
at least you can talk to them I cnat talk to my friends till after christmas
Might as well listen got nothing better to do right now
Zele sighed he was just waiting for something seeing a random empty bottle a distance away he decided ro use it as target practice getting the lense on it then he fired.
Zele continued prowling threw the town drinking from a bottle of water every often"Where are you rats hiding hmmph" Zele pulled out a rifle and attached a scope to it.
I shall have to go with Mickey mouse on this because he is Mickey mouse after all If I had the option to choose him over the others I would choose Mickey due to how fast he is and why is he not in the list.
Mickey did not respond to Axel he was to board and he had grown tired of the Organzation so he simply smirked and laughed at the red haired nobody he had changed over the short time. The king dismissed his keyblade and sighed. Saix was walking when he saw the king and Axel but walked towards them."Axel leave the mouse king to me I have nothing better to do after all and Mickey seems....different some how".
Sylis sighed and opened a portal to outside the remnant base."Well hopefully I have not pissed off the boss of well". Sylis walked through the entrance and sighed while walking in and looking at his hand and then looked ahead to the frount entrance and finnaly entered the base.
Organization Elementos Name:Elex Age:31 Gender:male Element:Nature Powers:can create plants with from the ground and can create poisonous clouds Child Of:none Weapon:dual sickles Appearance:White cloak with black hair with silver through it and green eyes Neither side Name: Sylis Age:37 Gender:male Element:Poison Powers:stealth Child Of:None Weapon:Keyblade Omega weapon+ Appearance:A dark bluish coat witout sleeves he wears jeans on his legs and black boots under his hood is short blue hair with silver streaks through it and one green eye and one amber eye.
Zel walked through the streets breathing through his gas mask like helmet looking around then kept walking"Come out of hiding you rats" Zele continued talking to himself.
I have not got mine yet but I dont plan to after all it is new so there is no telling what could happen due to side effects thats just my oppinion so Im not taking it
I would like it if fantaisa made it in of course not the whole movie but the bald mountain segmint would be fun and decent
Mickey walked through the streets of the world that neverwas and sighed"I wonder what all of the comotion is". Mickey continued walking summoning his keyblade and slashing dusks that attacked him but they rarely did attack him so the king continued on his way to the nobodies fortress sighing as before. He had already helped defeat the Organization before he could not fight them all again.
Krone was walking through the streets with his bodyguards and sighing. Meanwhile Zele the heartless started to change into a more human his true form.
To unite all people within are nation