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  1. No.III Xaldin
    Read the comment. [For the Keyblade part, you can change it so often that i wont post the names. i will do that in a new thread along with the organisation's weapons too(yes you can change them in 358/2 days)]
    Post by: No.III Xaldin, Nov 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. No.III Xaldin
    All i need for now is a badass sig of me and my weapons.
    if anyone can help me, tell me before you start the sig so i can tell the details.

    Oh and pm me when you're done. Thank you.
    Thread by: No.III Xaldin, Nov 9, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  3. No.III Xaldin
    kh vids forum page
    annoy you
    annoy people

    Now that's how you do it
    Post by: No.III Xaldin, Nov 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. No.III Xaldin
  5. No.III Xaldin
  6. No.III Xaldin
    UPDATE:Weapons named by the Organisation

    Xemnas - Ethereal blades(2) - Interdiction

    Xigbar - Arrowguns(2) - Sharpshooter

    Xaldin - Lance(6) - Lindworm

    Vexen - Shield - Frozen Pride

    Lexaeus - Axe sword - Skysplitter

    Zexion - Lexicon - Book of Retribution

    Saix - Claymore - Lunatic

    Axel - Chakrams(2) - Eternal Flames

    Demix - Sitar - Arpeggio

    Luxord - Cards(52?) - Fair Game

    Marluxia - Scythe - Graceful Dahlia

    Larxene - Knives(8?) - Foudre

    Roxax - Keyblade(sometimes two) - Kingdom Key

    Xion - Keyblade - Kingdom Key

    For the Keyblade part, you can change it so often that i wont post the names. i will do that in a new thread along with the organisation's weapons too(yes you can change them in 358/2 days)
    Post by: No.III Xaldin, Nov 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. No.III Xaldin
    THANK YOU NO.XV DOCYX(who apparently has the avatar of Zexion)
    The list is only the weapon's model name, not what they call it/them
    (like mine would be Lindworm)
    Post by: No.III Xaldin, Nov 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. No.III Xaldin
    Thanks for using me.
    Now i'll have to hunt you down.
    Post by: No.III Xaldin, Nov 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. No.III Xaldin
    Post by: No.III Xaldin, Nov 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. No.III Xaldin
    Look up the english KH 358/2 days help book. You'll see i'm correct or send me the picture. It is also in
    Post by: No.III Xaldin, Nov 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. No.III Xaldin
    Seriously, i saw the best wepons thread for the Organisation and i was offended by the weapon's wrong names. If this thread was previously posted, then i'm sorry to have missed it. Here are their true name ant its/their owner.

    Xemnas - Ethereal Blades(2)

    Xigbar - Arrowguns(2)

    Xaldin - Lance(6)

    Vexen - Shield

    Lexaeus - Axe sword

    Zexion - Lexicon

    Saix - Claymore

    Axel - Chakrams(2)

    Demix - Sitar

    Luxord - Cards(52?)

    Marluxia - Scythe

    Larxene - Knives(8?)

    Roxax - Keyblade(sometimes 2)

    Xion - Keyblade
    Thread by: No.III Xaldin, Nov 9, 2009, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone