Well i dont normally do this but here it goes, Well Jessi and I been goin out for a 1year and 2months but we havnt been connectin lately and today on valentines day was suppose to be a cure for our relationship for us to connect. But we did not connect and we did not have any fun just sadness on our date. Well we ended breaking up and stay friends but we cryied so much when we discussed it but the relationship was hurting us both. Now i cant get any sleep and i miss her so much i just want to say i love her one last time. It hurts so much but i cant cause where not goin out anymore.
Heres another poem so enjoy I look at her but back to the ground, is our love still around, is our hearts connecting I wonder about that fact, as I look at the sun down I say to her is our love gona end like this day, her eyes waters she does not say, i try to smile or change my mind but my heart been torn and its bleeding, our hearts failed to provide what they been needing, she walks away I want to say something but I did not, I never saw her again but i alway see the sun going down, its a painfull reminder of how such a beutifull love can dissapear, I look at the ground and I say I wish it would reappear.
Well heres some poetry i hope you guys enjoy it :) As I lay I wonder was it realy worth it, before I say my last words would you remember it, would I only be a memory or an heart ache, sure i may be gone but if we never met i know my heart would ache, so i ask myself why did i risk my life, the answer is i wanted to protect my happyness your life as i bleed i fell pain and sadness, but when i see you by me all i can do is smile from this strange happyness, so before i enter my never ending sleep i will say i love you, all i need to hear is i love you coming out of you lips, i smile as i replay my memories seeing the same lips kissing min, clossing my eye lids smiling for all the good times i spent with you.
Well heres some poetry i hope you guys enjoy it :) As I lay I wonder was it realy worth it, before I say my last words would you remember it, would I only be a memory or an heart ache, sure I may be gone but if we never met I know my heart would ache, so I ask myself why did I risk my life, the answer is i wanted to protect my happyness your life as I bleed I fell pain and sadness, but when I see you by me all I can do is smile from this strange happyness, so before I enter my never ending sleep I will say I love you, all I need to hear is I love you coming out of you lips, I smile as I replay my memories seeing the same lips kissing min, clossing my eye lids smiling for all the good times i spent with you.
Well i dont know how to put images on here and well i try but i never shows so here is the link for my emo grape on my DA account so enjoy :) http://decembersfang.deviantart.com/art/emo-grape-111387113
Yes i have drawn one of the most unexpected thing ever yes an emo grape now u guys do you like the idea cause i cant get it on here cause it wont load up so ill try latter
well it been an normal day just same stuff. Well it been two years since the heartless incident and the desappearance of Daniel. well i guess my day was good Joey said.I wonder what i will do tomarrow ill just call up Daniel. But you rememberd you havnt learnd what happend to Daniel in the last two years.Twilight town realy does get boring without an friend to act stuped with.i wonder where did that Dexnail guy went to i have not seen since two years ago.He did look like Daniel and surprissing he acted like him so maybe it was Daniel Joey thought.Nothing bad happend to Twilight Town i wish nothing happend to it in the first place. Well ill be heading back to my house said to himself. knock,knock,knock Joeys oppens the door Jessica-hey Joey Joey-he Jessica so how are you doin? Jessica-im doing good so anything good with you? Joey-not realy Jessica- i realy mis Daniel's horrible singing Joey-yea i do too Jessica-so have you heard from him? Joey-no.... im srry to say that we may never see him again Jessica-yea i feared that and I still love him it hurts not seeing him Joey-yea it does hurt Jessica-well i got to head Joey-k cya Jessica heads down the road,But then she remembers to give Joey some papers the school gave her to give to Joey. So she heads back but she saw an dark void appear by Joeys house so she stops and watches what happens. Then an dark void appears,Dexnail steppes out of it visiting his old home, where most of his dreams and memories came from.Well this is Joeys house he should be around so ill say hello.By time i won that challenge from Hades that guy can get realy get anoying Dexnail said to himself. Joey hears an famillier voice almost in a singing voice that was horrible saying missed me. Wait an horrible singing voice Joey turns around to see Dexnail slumped against the wall of his house like Daniel did sometimes. Joey then realized Dexnail was Daniel. Jessica saw Dexnail but when she looked closer she saw Daniel with that her heart was thumbing. She then realized Dexnail was Daniel so she ran to him as fast as possible. Joey-Daniel is that you it been two years since i saw you! Dexnail-so you finnaly realized that well thats good buddy but yeah its me its Dexnail now but you know what i mean Dexnail hears an voice he looks around then sundenly he ges tackled and kissed like crazy Jessica-Daniel its realy you i missed you so much its finaly not an dream you are here with me Dexnail-ya im here sometimes i thought i would never see you again and im glade i can finally hold you tight Jessica-I love you handsome Dexnail-well i lost my old name and my heart but i got an new one in the underworld from hades and I still love you i will always love you no matter what beutufull. Dexnail and Jessica kiss,Joey can see light flowing from Dexnails body and they was shinning in the purist of light. Well its not Dexnail kissing Jessica instead its Daniel just like the old times Joey said to himself. Joey get Dexnails attendtion by yelling sto Dexnail gives his attention to Joey Dexnail-yea what do you need buddy? Joey reaches his hand out like he did for the last time before Daniel became an nobody.Dexnail walks to Joey and shakes it remmebering all the fun his somebody had with his best friend. Joey sees Daniel instead of Dexnail when he shook hands. Joey-well its good you're back Daniel-yes it is
yo im Dexnail its awesome to b in this forum so its nice to meet all of u and well im nice and im funny . (demyx for president)