Source Ufotable + Type-Moon = Insta Win Considering how big of a Type Moon fan I am, this makes me very happy :D. The only thing that could make me happier is if they adapted the Heaven's Feel Scenario from Fate/Stay Night which would be beyond awesome. In my opinion, Fate/Zero is by far the best of the Fate stories and I hope that the anime adaptation really does justice to the novels.
Source FINALLY! As long as I see some gameplay footage of Versus XIII & Agito XIII and some possible release dates, I'll be happy. I'm also curious of what other games that they might be announcing at the conference. Maybe some news about KH3? It's a stretch but the 1st Production Department is responsible for the development of the mainline KH games so maybe just maybe something might be announced. I shouldn't get my hopes up in the end though...D:
Combine that with power metal and you get this. [video=youtube;ev3VwmpBXyo][/video] I <3 Powerglove
Portal 2 has been delayed for two months. It's now set to be out in April 2011 This is such a surprise. I mean Valve is never late with the release schedules that they put out :O/sarcasm
Another Makoto Shinkai film [video=youtube;QneiIife33M][/video] I wonder if it's going to be another tearjerker like his other films. My first impressions of his new film has to be DAMN!...that's some nice scenery porn and from what I'm seeing in the trailer, the story looks pretty interesting too.
PUNTASTIC I got a good laugh out of this xD
Me+free time+photoshop=fresh batch of icons I was mostly playing around with adjustments layers. EVANGELION TYPE-MOON CnC? Also feel free to use any of the avatars if you want to.
Link I don't really have a problem with this since I don't live in the UK for one and even if I did, the R4 hasn't been supported in a while and there are a lot of better cards out there like Acekard and CycloDS to name a few. Hopefully this doesn't lead to banning other cards like the ones already mentioned because there are many legitimate uses for a flash cart devices. Opinions?
Not really much I can say about this one. I made it to experiment with lighting more and I kinda like the outcome. CnC por favor
Source I knew this series would be coming soon or later after the huge success that Bakemonogatari had but I still couldn't help saying "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG" over and over again. For those who don't know what Kizumonogatari will be about, it's the prequel to Bakemonogatari. It chronicles the time when Koyomi was a vampire and how he was cured of it. Some pretty badass fight scenes of Kizumonogatari were shown in the first episode of Bakemonogatari so I guess they were planning to make this no matter what happened.
I don't even /facedesk Who the fuck let Soulja Boy make another song?
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 35 bytes) in /home/khvids/public_html/includes/functions.php on line 240 I just got this error when I was searching for new posts in the forum. Wondering if I'm the only who's getting it or if everybody also got the same error. It only happens when I search for new post though. All of the other parts of the forum seem to be working fine for me at the moment.
At least that's what Micheal Pachter says: While it isn't that big of a surprise that the 3DS is gonna cost significantly more than the DS, at least it's nice to know that the price of the 3DS is probably gonna be below $300 and that the games are gonna be slightly higher than most portable games. The latter one shouldn't really be a surprise as well since the games for the 3DS will feature 3D and have better graphics and stuff. I'll probably end up waiting a little bit before I get it though.
Since the light novel has only been written in Japanese, I've only been able to watch the anime so far which means that all of my opinions are coming from what I think about the anime. This show has probably got to be one of my favorite animes of all time. The show can probably be described as "Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei meets Mononoke on acid". So if you like either of those shows, you should probably give this one a try. The combination of CG, anime, and abstract features give the show a pretty nice surreal feeling to it. The voice acting and the conversations between characters are just amazing and can be pretty humorous as well. I'd recommend this series to people who are looking for something different in anime which nowadays has too much moe and fanservice and not enough originality. I also thought that I would mention that even though the guy to girl ratio in this show is like 1:4, it isn't a harem and never will be. So has anybody else seen this show? Discuss.
Well, Trent Reznor recently got married to Mariqueen Maandig and took a break from Nine Inch Nails. After their marriage, they pretty much got straight to work on new music, in a band they've called How To Destroy Angels. Their first six-track EP is available for download in good quality mp3's, completely free of charge, on their website: I just started listening the the EP right now and all I can say right now is that it has the industrial sound of NIN but it doesn't try to sound too much like NIN since Trent is trying to go for something new. Mariqueen on vocals has given a pretty interesting twist to the band's sound too. If you're a fan of industrial/electronic music and female vocalist, I would say that you should give the EP a try. It's also free so you're not wasting anything.
It's name is Ghost Trick and it's the newest game to come out the amazing mind of Shu Takumi, the man who created Phoenix Wright. Destructoid has made a preview article of the game and its features and I thought I would bring it over here to KHV for the people who might be interested in it. Link to the article The game looks really interesting and if I get a new DS by the time it comes out, since my old one is broken, I'll definitely be getting this. The animation of the game looks pretty fluid for a game that is on the DS and the character designs have a certain flair to them that I really like. Anybody else have any thoughts about the game?
Everyone seems to love (or, at least, not mind having around) the Nintendo 3DS. That fact remains just as true over in Japan, where a recent survey on game news site found that 86.4% of gamers have plans to purchase a 3DS when it comes out. And it's not just the gamers that are interested in it but even the nation's army of developers are showing some interest in the new platform Here are some quotes from some of the best and well known in the Japanese game industry: Link Now all of these positive opinions about the new system must mean that Nintendo did something right with the 3DS. It's pretty sweet that all of these game developers are showing interest in it and some even have future plans to make something on the system so I want to buy it even more now. I guess I got to start saving up my money.