GS likes rap lolwut official website Recommended Songs November The Exception to Everything Searching For Something Beautiful "Ghost in the Machine" Ft. Louise Fraser For those of you who listen to Emancipator, I suggest checking this guy since he uses some of his beats in his debut album. Sadistik is one of the most personal rappers I have ever heard. It is like he is putting the entire story of his life into his songs and damn, are they delivered so well. Official website Recommended Songs Overworld Conveyer Dark City 8-bit + metal = <3 Just started listening to this band and I have fallen in love with them. Anybody else listen? Soundcloud Recommended Songs 15 Easy Chromatic Bird Some chill music to kick back and relax to :B. Anybody else listen to this group?
I wasn't going to let all of the Homestuck art I had go to waste so here's a fresh batch of avatars. Enjoy! And please tell me if you're going to be taking any of them.
Spoiler My keyboard...
Second Phase Feel free to shoot either of the coordinators a PM if you need help: Send a message to Guardian Soul |Send a message to Stardust [View the First Phase Thread] Information: Spoiler: "Information" What is an MEP? MEP stands for Multi Editor Project. Multiple editors working together on one project. Despite most MEPs usually using one song, one band, or one theme, this project will be more like a worm. Everybody makes a small video and in the end, we'll combine them together to form a whole video to showcase our editors. - Video Sources - Since this is a Kingdom Hearts community, the allowed video sources will be Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy and Disney. Other sources unfortunately won't be allowed. - Song Selection - Anything you want it to be but keep it PG-13. - Editing - The editing style all depends on the track. If the track is fast-paced, the editing should reflect that, and likewise with a slow song. Use whatever style suits you best, though. Having different styles in this MEP is what I'm shooting for, as having all the tracks look the same isn't fun or appealing at all. This is a collection of our styles all in one project and I want it to look that way. - Rules - - One of our lovely purple monsters, Stardust, will be the co-coordinator of this project. Her word shall be law! Listen or fear the banhammer*shot* - If you join the MEP, I expect you to be active or I will hunt you down. You are to keep everyone involved in the MEP up to date with your progress. Be it a little or a lot. I would like to know where everyone stands on their tracks. So try to keep us updated. - There is no limit on participants and no restriction on who can participate based on post count or join date, so everyone is free to join up! - At the moment, the time limit hasn't been decided on yet. It'll be determined by how many editors will be participating in the project. - No bumpers, watermarks, or anything of the such. They're very distracting and people will be able to find out who made what part just by looking at the description. === Due Date August 12, 2011 List of Participants: Key: Red: User has not turned their part in. Green: User's part has been turned in. Gray: Not Participating or status otherwise unknown -kingdomhearts530 - unable to participate -Gerdneek - unable to participate +Anzu_100 - Save the World (Tonight) by Swedish House Mafia +Noroz - Participation Confirmed +jojoj13 - Stop and Stare (Gemini Dubstep Remix) by Fenech-Soler +ЅкyCɑт - To The Stage by Asking Alexandria +Roxasvsriku - Nebula[type J] feat. mitsumushi and xxJulexx by Tripshots +Love - Kremlin Dusk by Utada Hikaru +Lulus_Moogle - Sunlight by Plain White T's +Nate_River - The Adventure by Angels and Airwaves +Ienzo - Locking Up The Sun by Poets of the Fall +Josephmahon1 - Across the Line by Linkin Park +Ace Phoenix - Falling Apart by Zebrahead +Fearless- Love You Like a Song by Selena Gomez -gorillajoe2k - unable to participate +Aqua101 - Move by Thousand Foot Krutch +gabr - Jetlag by Simple Plan +roxas2142 - Animal I Have Become - Three Days Grace +P - Participation Confirmed +Invader Jack - Hold by Superchick +Fayt-Harkwind - Leave All Behind by Wilma Sidr -Ventus108 - unable to participate +HellKitten - Everybody Loves Me by One Republic +MovingOnMjrn - Participation Confirmed +Kalnet - Can't Nobody by 2NE1 +Sacredlith - Shooting Star by David Rush ft. Kevin Rudolf & Pitbull -flowergothic - unable to participate +kellyjelly - Violet by The Birthday Massacre == Greetings, MEP participants! Now that we've got a list of people interested in the project, it's time to move forward with song choices and MEP parts. The second phase is rather simple. We will be working on and collecting the parts of the MEP to be compiled. Here's what we need from you: - A post confirming that you are currently still able to participate - Your song choice - Eventually, your MEP part. Simply posting your song choice can double as a confirmation of participation, but if you haven't decided what song to use yet, you can just post to let us know you're still interested. We will give the people on our master list three days to post a reply here, at which point we will send a PM to any who have not replied to confirm their status. Those who receive the PM will have three more days to reply before we remove them from the list. Even if you posted your song choice or part in the last thread, we ask that you please do it again to keep everything in one place. FAQ Question - How will I send my part to you? Answer - To send your part to me and/or Stardust, you'll have to upload to a hosting website. There are many sites to host your file such as Mediafire, Megaupload and Sendspace. Q - What format should my part be in? A - We don't have a specific requirement for formats, as we understand you all use different computers and editing software. We do ask that you save your file in good quality, however. If there is a compatibility or quality problem with your submission, we will let you know. Q - When's the due date? A - At the moment we don't have a set date but I'm thinking it'll be around August since most people will be finishing their summer vacation by then. The part deadline is August 12, 2011. Q - Should I render my part in High Definition? A - No. Many participants do not have the software needed to do so. Also, in order for your final product to be in HD, your clips must be in HD to begin with --'s clips are currently not recorded in High Definition, so if you are using our clips it will not make a difference. If you render a HD video using Standard Definition clips, the result will not look better than rendering it normally (and will take up a lot of extra space!). Q - Should I fade out my part? A - No. For consistency's sake, it's better for it to be faded if need be while being compiled.
So I've been thinking about making a Fate/Stay Night RP for quite a while now. But I've always been a little discouraged to make it since I don't think many people know of the source material and for the RP to work properly, it would require a lot of people. But I finally decided to give it a shot and here it is. This RP will take place in an alternate universe where the events of Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night did not take place. _________________________________________________________________________________ King Arthur. Herakles. Cúchulainn. Alexander the Great. Gilgamesh. Medea. Medusa. These names are legends scattered across the world. They are those who stood out from the others of their time by performing deeds and possessing qualities that nobody else could obtain. Their origins are tales of great heroism and terrible bloodshed. Even villains can be the heroes of their own tales, and the telling of these tales inspires mankind. When a person is venerated enough by humanity, they can become a Heroic Spirit that surpasses time itself. In Fuyuki City, there is a ritual called the Holy Grail War where seven Heroic Spirits can be summoned to ally with a magus known as a Master via contract and become Servants. Together, they fight to acquire the ultimate prize, the Holy Grail, which can grant the wishes of the Servant and Master who are victorious. As their true name would give opponents an advantage over them, it is hidden. Instead, each heroic Servant Spirit is given a Class by which they are addressed: Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Berserker, and Assassin. If you deem yourself worthy to possess the Holy Grail and are willing to risk your life in the struggle then come to Fuyuki. By a trial of magic and steel, you shall be tested and in the end, only one may receive the greatest of all blessings. Masters A Master is a person, normally a magus who is chosen by the Holy Grail to participate in the Holy Grail War. Masters are given the right by the Holy Grail to summon and form a contract with a Servant. This right is symbolised by three Command Spells tattooed on one of the Master's hands or arms, which allows him or her to issue three orders that his or her Servant cannot disobey. The Master is mainly responsible for providing the Servant with prana (or MP in regular RPG terms). In exchange for this service, the Servant promises to fight alongside the Master. Thus if the Master dies or breaks his contract, his Servant will dissapear if it does not find a new Master within a given period of time. To qualify as a Master, a magus must have a strong desire to achieve the Holy Grail and if the Grail recognizes this desire, you’ll be granted 3 Command Spells. However, the Grail occasionally chooses random people who happen to be at the right place and time, in case the quota of Masters and Servants is not reached by the time the War begins. Servants A Servant is a copy of the spirit of a legendary hero (called "Heroic Spirits"), which is summoned into the present day to fight in the Holy Grail War as the familiar of a Master. The Servant is not an ordinary familiar, as they are far more powerful than their Masters, being legendary heroes and all. Indeed, they take orders from Masters only because of their contract. They have their own desires and motives for fighting in the Holy Grail War. There are a few last basic details to note about a Servant: -If a hero does not qualify for any of the below classes, then he or she cannot be summoned as a Servant. -Some heroes are multitalented and can be summoned as one of several classes. -The Servant's class name serves as an alias, in order to protect their identities. After all, Achilles, powerhouse as he is, doesn't stand a chance if you hit him in the heel. Thus it would be fairer to call him Lancer or Rider instead. Classes Servants are summoned as one of seven distinct "character classes", which represent their specialisations when they were alive and have their own unique abilities. These classes are Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker. Spoiler Saber - Reserved for Bushy-Brow-1992 - Servants of this class are adept at swordsmanship. Saber Servants, like Riders, have the Riding and Magic Resistance abilities, although it isn't well known for its Riding abilities. The Saber class boasts the strongest Magic Resistance of all classes. Their Noble Phantasm is usually a sword. Lancer - Reserved for turntechGodhead - Servants of this class are skilled with the spear. This class is considered the most agile. Excellent close-combat ability. Their class ability is Magic Resistance. The Lancers, of course, usually wield a spear or lance as their Noble Phantasm. Archer Servants of this class specialize in fighting with projectile weapons. More so than any other class, their true strength is determined not by their attributes but by their skills and Noble Phantasms. Their main class ability is "Independent Action", survive for a certain time after their contract with their Master was severed; the time varies with the rank. As a side note, that ability means that the Archers are capable of fighting without backup from their master for extended amounts of time. Their other class ability is Magic Resistance. Although the name Archer suggests that the class’ Noble Phantasm would be a bow, it can be any protejectile weapon. Rider - Reserved for Monochrome - As the name suggests, Servants of this class must have a degree of skill in riding, be it animals, cars, bikes, planes, or even divine creatures. They usually have a good maximum speed and a powerful Noble Phantasm. The class abilities of the Rider class are Riding and Magic Resistance. The Rider class normally possesses the weakest Magic Resistance. The Rider class's Noble Phantasm is usually a mount or vehicle. Caster Servants of this class are adept at sorcery. Their class abilities are Territory Creation, altering the surrounding lands in favor of their sorcery, and Item Construction, which allows the magus to create magical items and tools. They are the weakest of classes in terms of physical strength Assassin Servants of this class must be skilled at operating covertly, stealthy and silently. This class specializes in killing Masters and not Servants. Considered to be one of the weaker classes at fighting. However, the Assassin class is an oddity that will attack using the most unfair and advantageous conditions, and with these conditions it is possible for an Assassin to match and defeat other Servants. Their class ability is Presence Concealment. Berserker Servants of this class are usually for heroic spirits who weren't necessarily strong but are known for having gone berserk at least once in their life. The class ability Mad Enhancement allows them to trade their sanity in exchange for increasing all of their attributes, but this ability comes at a price, as the Master must expend a large amount of additional prana merely to maintain the Berseker. Noble Phantasms Noble Phantasms are "crystallized mysteries", armaments made using the imagination of humans as their core, and weapons or abilities owned by Heroic Spirits. They are the embodiment of the ultimate mysteries of a hero that symbolizes his existence through historical facts and anecdotes. They can be general weapons, such as sword, lances, or bows, support items, such as rings and crowns, or they can be abstract concepts, such as abilities and curses. These are your trump cards during the war and they are activated by channeling prana into them and releasing their true names, and this can only be done by their true owners. For example, King Arthur’s Noble Phantasm would be Excalibur, the Sword in the Stone, and his sheath that was said to protect him from all harm. Use them sparingly. Remember that you have to use prana to activate these weapons and you don’t have an infinite pool to draw from. And since you need to call them by their true name to release them, you risk revealing your identity. They are categorized under 4 types: Support, Anti-Unit, Anti-Army, and Anti-Fortress. In terms of raw power, Anti-Unit would be the weakest while Anti-Fortress is the strongest. If anybody needs help creating their Servant and Noble Phantasms, feel free to ask me for help. Profiles Master Profile USERNAME: // FULL NAME: // AGE: // GENDER: // ALIGNMENT: // [Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil] APPEARANCE: // PERSONALITY: // MAGECRAFT: // [what magecraft do you use? e.g elemental magic, support, healing, etc.] STRENGTHS: // WEAKNESSES: // MY HISTORY: // [just a little bio of your character. nothing too fancy] MY GOALS: // [your character's reasoning for being in this war] Servant Profile USERNAME: // FULL NAME: // SERVANT: // [class name here] GENDER: // ALIGNMENT: // [Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil, Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic Insane (Berserker Only)] APPEARANCE: // [link form or description please.] PERSONALITY: // MY LEGEND: // [link to who in history you are, wiki or other] MY GOALS: // [your character's reasoning for being in this war] WEAPON: // NOBLE PHANTASM: // [Name of Noble Phantasm and any fancy title it might have. Your Servant may have up to 3. Single Noble Phantasms with multiple 'modes' add to the counting. ] Type: [Support/Anti-Personnel/Anti-Army/Anti-Fortress] Rules 1. No god-modding/power playing. Seriously I should’nt have to say this. 2. Yes I know the amount of terms are a little overwhelming but they are important. They’re there for the people who haven’t played the game to at least know the basics and be able to participate. 3. This is an elimination game, which means that your character will most likely die or left incapable of fighting in the war. 4. The Holy Grail War and Magic is supossed to be kept a secret in the game world, which basically means that even though you can kill civilians in plain daylight, destroy whole buildings while giggling and declare yourself Lord Mage and Master of all the Muggles, all these acts will carry dire consequences. If you break the masquerade, you will make yourself enemy of the Magic Association and a price will be put on your head. You have been warned. This doesn't mean that you can't be evil, you can commit as many attrocities as you can think of, the trick is to be discreet and make sure that nobody notices. 5. With the exception of King Arthur, Hercules, and Gilgamesh, Servants from the games are open to summoning. In the case of Arthur, it’s due to plot reasons and in the case of Gilgamesh and Hercules, well broken doesn’t really begin to describe them. Those who have played the game know what I’m talking about. 6. You cannot use heroes who became famous after 1900. 7. Remember people, this is war. Everything is fair. If you want to team with another pair to take down a common enemy, go ahead. 8. Knowledge of the Nasuverse isn’t required to participate in the RP. I’ve already got most of the basics covered in this RP. But reading up on the series a little bit wouldn’t hurt. Makes things a lot easier for me. 9. Be active. If for some reason you cannot post, please let me know. 10. Have fun! If anything needs to be cleared up, feel free to ask.
CnC plz?
Source My body was not ready for this xD. Seeing as how they mentioned that the movie will be using lots of CG and visual effects, I'm kinda hoping that the movie have a sort of Scott Pilgrim feel to it and that giant OBJECTION/HOLD IT! speech bubbles will be popping up on screen
So yea, I had to make a vector of myself for one of my classes. Never really vectored myself before but I quite like the outcome, considering this is my first time doing this. Spoiler I have also learned that shading is a ***** in Corel Draw D: but ehh, at least I tried. CnC?
Source I'm really excited for the new IPs that the main studio is gonna make. But considering how they have lost 55 million this past fiscal year, I'm thinking that Square is gonna stay on the safe side of things(which isn't a bad thing, of course) when these new IPs start out. But who knows?
I had a scone and a large house blend And then a little conversation with my squirrel and chipmunk friends
Oh Sabrina! Let us join our hands, and with our hands, our hearts. Other men have said that they have seen angels But I have seen you and you are more than enough You are the Nunally to my Lelouch and the Final Fantasy to my PS3 I'll follow you and make a heaven out of hell And I'll die by your hand which I love so well <3
...lust is the most intense. All other worldly passions seem to follow in its train. No Text With Text So Rissy was all like "I wanna make something in Photoshop" and then I was like "I wanna make something too. Why don't we do a collab?!" and she was like "COOL!" and then I was like "YEA!" and less than a day later, we made this :B CnC por favor? Official website Recommended Songs Don't Stop Die Tonight Live Forever American Trash Obsession I've known this band for quite a while now and recently I've found myself listening to them more and more everyday now. Especially since their new EP came out. While the EP's sound is much more electronic than their debut, I'm loving it. Opinions?
Are you my master? Color Black and White Just me playing around with some C4Ds. You know the drill! CnC?
[video=youtube;eDlaJlb1ezg][/video] Spoiler Bet you liked that, didn't ya? I know I di*shot*
Source I love Hiromu Arakawa's art style and storytelling so I hope her new series doesn't disappoint. Not much I can say about it for now since barely any info has been released on what the manga will be about other than it being in a high school setting. But the title "Silver Spoon" makes me think of psychic powers. It's a wild guess but it's still an idea of what the story could be about.
So I decided to make a thread for the general discussion of Visual Novels. For those of you who don't know what a Visual Novel is. TVTropes gives a good summary. I myself have read and recommend: - Tsukihime - Great story imo and for those who don't like ero-scenes, the translation patch has the option to take them out C: - Fate/Stay Night - Also a great story and made by the same guy who wrote Tsukihime. Unfortunately, the ero-scenes can't be taken out on this one. One route wouldn't make much sense if they were taken out too. - Umineko No Naku Koro Ni -A Super Mod and Pokemon like this VN so why shouldn't you? xD - Katawa Shoujo - Weird premise but handled very tastefully imo. - Saya no Uta - Strong violence/sexual content so I wouldn't recommend this to everybody but it's still a good read from what I've read so far - Ace Attorney - Over the top lawyers pointing at each other. What's not to like? Its localization is top-notch too. So...yea...DISCUSS AND RECOMMEND! xD Important Note: If you're going to talk about a specific series, make sure to put spoilers in spoiler tags. Some VNs e.g. Umineko can really be ruined for most people if somethings are spoiled.
Not even me, see? I'll kill me before that happens Spoiler Happy Valentine's Day KHV <3