I play around with Rainmeter a little and change the skins on Winamp to give my desktop a new look. A new look helps refresh the mind in my opinion.But I made three and I can't choose which one to use. D: Help me decide, KHV. Spoiler
I don't know if this should go here or in Video Projects. Feel free to move this, if any of you feel it is necessary, staffies. And let it be known that this guide is meant to be used in Windows. I don't have a Mac or a Linux partition installed onto my computer but I might look into the subject and try to find a guide that can help you guys. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Video footage can come in many shapes and sizes. There's MKV, MP4, OGM, MPG, AVI, WMV, and maybe even something else. The problem with all of these though, is that they probably aren't fit for editing because they aren't compressed with a codec that is suitable for editing. You see, video files compressed with a lossy codec like Xvid, Divx or any of their variants usually throw some data away when they're being compressed to make the filesize smaller. These codecs are ideal for the final render when everything is done and ready but horrible for editing because Vegas, or any other editing program for that matter, usually needs all of the data to edit properly or you'll get problems like blockiness or the video not appearing at all sometimes. Plus working with video files that are compressed with a lossy codec(DivX, Xvid, x264) and then rendering them out again with a lossy codec leads to more data lost which leads to a drop in video quality. To resolve this, it's best to re-compress the video file with a lossless codec, which as the name implies, means that after compressing the video, and then decompressing it, you wind up with the exact same data as you put in. The downside to using lossless compression is that the resulting file, while perfect for editing, is very huge in filesize, like in GB range >_>. If you have a lot of hard drive space or an external hard drive though, this shouldn't really be a problem though. For this guide, I’ll be using “.mkv” since at the moment, it’s become a standard among fansubbers(most of us get our anime for video editing from fansubbers) because the container has many more features than other containers and supports a wide variety of codec. Fortunately, no matter what type of file you have, we can handle it the same way. Now in order to convert our video files into editable .avi files, we are going to be using a few programs to convert them properly. The programs that you'll need for this guide are: The Community Combined Codec Package - The best codec pack that I know of. It supports most, if not all, of the video formats in use today. Before installing it though, make sure to uninstall previous codec packs that may have on your computer. Two codec packs can lead to conflicting codec problems which can lead to your video not being able to decompress and play properly. Avisynth - This program isn't your typical program because it doesn't work the same way that most programs do. You don't run an .exe and use some graphical interface to change settings or anything. Avisynth insteads work in the background. It's a program that makes video editing/playback software think that it is reading a video file when in reality the footage is being generated frame by frame to your design thanks to Avisynth. To make Avisynth do its thing, you'll need to make scripts. So it's more like programming than video editing at the moment. I know it sounds complicated, but trust me, it's not that hard. AvsPMod - For Avisynth to do its job, you're going to need to make script. Now you could easily make these scripts in Notepad if you wanted to but I suggest using AvsPMod since it was made for editing Avisynth files. It's a text editor specifically designed for making AviSynth scripts. It has a ton of great features like syntax highlighting, autocomplete, integrated video preview, a tabbed interface for easily comparing different scripts, and so many other features that I really can't even get into them all here. Even if you don't understand what all of that means, just rest assured, it makes creating AviSynth scripts VERY easy and fast. VirtualDub - This is a very handy tool for viewing and compressing AVI files. UTVideo - A lossless codec and the best option for losslessly compressing videos at the moment. Now most of us know that Sony Vegas doesn't support .mkv and neither do a lot of other video editing programs as well. So you'll have to convert the file into a format which Vegas does support. No worries, there won't be a drop in quality since we will be converting losslessly. The program that we will be using to convert our .mkv files is VirtualDub. But unforunately VirtualDub doesn't support the .mkv format as well. This is where Avisynth along with AVSPmod comes in. All you do is write a simple text file with some commands on it and you give this file to a Video Editing program(like VirtualDub for example) to read. When the Video Program looks at the file it doesn't see the commands you wrote, it sees video. The video the program sees is what you described in your simple file. AvsPmod will be helping you make these little scripts. I assume you already have Avisynth installed and AVSPMod extracted. I personally put my ASVPMod folder on my desktop for easier access. After installing Avisynth, open up AvsPmod and you should get what looks like a simple text editor. The first thing you're gonna do is make simple command: DirectShowSource("") Now this command won't do anything unless you put the path to the video file in between the parenthesis. Something like this: DirectShowSource("C:\Users\user\Desktop\Stuff\Footage\5 Centimeters Per Second\5 Centimeters Per Second.mkv") Just replace the line that I put down with the path of your video file. To find the path to the video, just open the folder that the video file is in and click on the address bar at the top of the window. Copy and paste that in between the parenthesis. Afterwards, you just need to put in the name of the video file. Make sure you put file format at the end of the file's name. I’m using an .mkv file so the script will end with ".mkv". But if your video file ends with .avi then you’ll add .avi to the end and the same applies with every other file format. To see if the script works, press F5 and you'll get a preview of the video. Now since the video is most likely HD, the resolution is gonna be 1280x720. If that's too big for you, you just have to use a simple command to lower the resolution to something more reasonable like 848x480(Standard Widescreen). In the end, I've always found it best to work with standard size since it makes the files smaller and they usually run faster. All you need to do is add an extra line to the script: DirectShowSource("C:\Users\user\Desktop\Stuff\Footage\5 Centimeters Per Second\5 Centimeters Per Second.mkv") Spline36Resize(848,480) Pressing F5 again will show you that the frame size has lowered. And that's it! All you have to do now is save the script by going to "File > Save script as...". Now it’s time to open up this script in VirtualDub. Open up VirtualDub and open the Avisynth script that you just made by going to File > Open Video File. Two video screens should open in the program and if you scrub the handle at the bottom, you can look through your video. If everything looks okay to you, go over to Video>Compression. Now there should be 4 versions of UTVideo in the window that just opened. You'll only be needing to use one which is UT Video Codec YUV420. By pressing Configure while having the codec that you want to encode with selected, you can choose whether to optimize the video that you're about to encode for decoding speed or compression. Choosing the former makes the video load faster in Vegas while choosing the latter makes the video have a slightly smaller filesize. Pick whichever works best for you. Press OK to get out of the compression window. After that you should go back to the Video tab on the toolbar, but this time, you'll just be clicking on Fast Recompress which will change how the program will compress the video. After that you can take out the audio if you want to. You can do that by going to Audio>No Audio. In the end, just go File>Save as Avi. Specify where you want to put the video and press Save. It should start compressing after that and the resulting file should work just fine in whatever video program you’re using. BUT GS, THE FILE IS TOO BIG D:< Well no worries, there is another way to compress the video file and it should work just fine in any video editing program. But there will be a slight decrease in quality but the in exchange, the file will be relatively smaller and to be honest, unless somebody goes through your video frame by frame and actively looks for the decrease in quality then it shouldn’t be noticeable. Now the only thing you have to do is change one step of the guide. And that is the codec that we selected in the Compression window. Instead of selecting UTVideo, you will be selecting ffdshow. If you installed the Community Combined Codec Pack then it should already be in the window to select. Click on Configure and to the top right, there will be a scrollbar with the word “Encoder” next to it. Click on that and select the option “MJPEG”. After selecting the option “MJPEG”, you just need to change “Quality” which should be right below the encoder. By default, it should be set to 100. I usually change the number to somewhere between the 85-90 range. The quality drop isn’t noticeable and the file size should be relatively smaller when compared to a compression made with UTVideo. Thanks for reading and If you have any problems or if there’s anything you want to be cleared up, feel free to ask. I’ll most likely be making revisions to this guide later on and add a few things that might be helpful.
a very premium New Year C: [video=youtube;6OnFfpSVVsQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OnFfpSVVsQ[/video] The people who participated are: Amethyst Heart -dinamplified- GS libregkd Llave de Espada Noroz Rissy Spunk Ransom (: Sumi/Skullyphones What? Peace-and-War Happy New Years! Sorry if some of the videos are out of sync with the audio but some of the videos that were sent to me had the weirdest framerates.
Over 2000 pages.... Time to start an archive binge :V I give it 4 or 5 days, tops.
...that we wouldn’t talk to strangers on the internet... >_>
UMMMM TH4T T)(112 T)(R34D W11LL G4RN3R 20 MUC)( )(4T3 4ND F0R T)(4T, 11 ) (4T3 Y0U Cl4W. Y0U 20ULLE22 M0T) (3RGLU8811NG G11NG3R!!! MY ) (4T3 F0R Y0U 8URN2 W1T)( T)(3 34T 0F 4 T)(0U24ND 2UN2. 11 )(0P3 Y0U D11E FR0M TH3 R4D11AT110N!!! <3 w
So apparently this thread needed to be made the right way. LET'S GO BETCHES AND HOSE! Spoiler Winner of The original: Spunk Ransom (before hack) Chev (after hack) Winner of the sequel: Kellyjelly Winner of trequel: ... freaking Kelly *shakes fist* Winner of the quadquel(lolwut): Phantasmagoric(GS) I think I'm doing a good job at being the leader gayz. Have an EDITED (08.08.11) song: Spoiler Welcome to LP2P, welcome to the madness, Prepare to be lost in pure sweet randomness. This is the place to be, doesn’t take much to see, So come on, you’d better be ready, Because it’s about to blast off. OBJECTIONS flying round the place, Feenie’s here and on the case, Better not lie or try to run, Or his PW army will join the fun. Enzy’s there, light as a feather. She the one who holds us all together, Her presence makes the whole place glow, Get ready everybody, let’s go, go, go! MS is grinning like a Cheshire cat, Dancing around to who knows what, Her fairie magic’ll kick some ass, So don’t mess with this little lass. Then there’s ff, here to party, Ready with a hug, oh so hearty, He's our resident Xbox expert, Be careful now, don't get hurt. Burning motorbikes, probably with spikes, Grand entrances and future hikes, That’s our BiU for you, Always ready with something epic to do. Belgian waffles, goes the shout, Someone’s let our Machi out, With an extra dose of random, He’ll add to our mad tandem. Risk is in the house today, Witty and clever, ready to play, Desu weapon at the ready, Guess his mood, it’s never steady. Kelly’s causing a storm again, Dagger in hand stabbing all the men, With that dangerous glint in her eye, Better beware or she’ll blow you sky high. Chris is up to his usual tricks, Flirting, not caring who he picks, Teasing, making the whole place smile, This devil’s got some real style. That’s the team, that’s what we do, Always random, always new, Battling Dahlia or making stew? We’ll show you how it’s really done, So come on now and join the fun! For anyone unfamiliar with the faces you might stumble upon here at LPTP, there has been a character description made by our beloved Midnight Star! Click the spoiler to see it. Spoiler Once upon a time in a strange unfamiliar land there was a small group of people, a mismatched lot by all means but this group together could do anything. Each of them was unique and brought something different to the team. Let me introduce you. First we have Chris, self-proclaimed leader of the group though there is some debate about that. He’s got no shortage of confidence and has such a style and elegance around him that gains him respect. He always appears to know what he’s doing. He fights with that same elegance and that simple smile, his twin blades a blur. Next is Enzy, the heart and soul of the group. Never without a smile upon her face, she holds the group together. Her bright outlook is like a ray of sunshine in the dark days they face. With her calm resolve, she often solves the party’s disputes sensibly, though still enjoys a good laugh. She does not fight, she’s the group’s healer and second in command. FF is ruled by his heart, his passion as strong as an erupting volcano. He cares deeply about his friends and will protect them fiercely, no matter the cost to himself. He will fight for what he believes in and will never give in. He wields a large broad sword with the all courage of a lion, never running from his fight. Feenie is the one who can make light of any situation and bring a laugh to the group when it is most needed. He can support anyone and is always dependable; he will never break his word or let you down. He is smarter than he sometimes lets on and can fight strongly too. He always has a cheeky grin and fights with a great showmanship, using his bo staff to great effect. Don’t underestimate this joker. Kelly is ice cool; she is perhaps the darkest of the group and sees things for what they are. She does not mess around with the frills and doesn’t fool herself. She takes it all in her stride, and nothing appears to phase her. She enjoys the darker side of things and can find efficient solutions, facing straight up to the hard truths of life. Her tongue is as sharp as her daggers that never leave her sight; this is one girl you do not want to mess with. Then you’ve got Midnight, the little girl of the group. She loves to have fun, go hyper and mess around but there’s more to her than meets the eye. When she wants to be she’s a force to be reckoned with, she can be clever and is always there to help when need be. She’s a mini scientist, with a host of chemicals up her sleeves, ready to make an explosion. Then when she’s got her bow, be afraid, she’s an expert archer and this little girl can kick ass with an innocent smile on her face. Risk is always ready for action, he is quiet but his actions speak louder than words. His mind always thinking ahead, and his mood is as unpredictable as weather. You never know what you’ll get but it’s guaranteed to be interesting. His fighting style changes with his mood so he chooses to go without a weapon. This makes him no weaker as he fights with his hands using his skills in multiple martial arts. Another often found with the group is Teddy, who brings along a little good old-fashioned innocence. In an ever-harsher world, this brings a breath of fresh air. Despite his innocence, he is not so vulnerable as he is able to utilise a multiple of little contraptions and traps to protect himself and help the group. Now as you can see, the group is mismatched and as odd as can be but if you combine all these people and skills, you get a formula not to be sniffed at. You get a team, ready to take on the world and who are just about capable of anything.
Feel free to move this thread if it isn't in the right place. It is the month of November. You have 30 days to write a 50,000 word novel. Gogogogogogogogo! For those of you who don't know what NaNoWriMo is and the purpose of it, TvTropes has a great explanation. Official website So who else is participating this year? I was thinking that we could use this thread as a place for people to discuss their stories, ask for comments and critique and talk about how we're going about making a 50,000 word novel. So far, my word count is...0 BUT I've been using these past four days to come up with my idea and fleshing it out so it wasn't all a waste.
A realm where six will gather: the Thief of Flight, the Mage of Knowledge, the Heir of Energy, the Page of Fruit, the Judge of Space and the Guardian of Time and together they will Ascend. They wait for he who would rise from the ashes in a burst of flames . They wait for he who would impart his knowledge, bringing enlightment. They wait for he who would bring forth from lightning life and death equally. They wait for he who would bring life back to the deadest of lands They wait for he who would smite those who worshipped evil’s might. They wait for he who will maintain the balance of time with his wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
I'm sure they expect him to look like this. Spoiler All he needs now is a monocle.
has been ruined ; ~ ; http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs39/f/2008/337/3/5/Rats_by_FwankyHouse.jpg I need some brain bleach.
Such mysterious letters. Whatever could they possibly stand for? Spoiler Gelatinous Sabby Gargantuan Scrotum Gargantuan Sphincter Gilgamesh the Sumerian Glutinous Sextoy Glowing Schlemele Gregarious Sociophile Glorious Stripper Giggling Sabby Gandalf Saruman Guffawing Stardust Gnostic Sardine Giggling Schoolgirl Gassy Sabby Graceful Subjugglator Gigantic Schnitzel Apparently I am many things to the people of Voxli.
Spoiler Get your ass out of the Spamzone! Spoiler
~ An Edda by ***Guardian Soul**** and ***What? **** ~ This is a tale about five young chosen individuals that act as guardians of light in a united world. A tale of inner strength and courage. ***C H A P T E R S**** PROLOGUE. Awakening. As of late, I’ve been having these dreams. Dreams of a city. This city has no sun and it has never seen a clear sky before, yet it is never entirely dark. A light, although faint and flickering, shines and gives form to this city. The streets and alleyways are empty and desolate yet there are shadows with nothing to cast them and soft whispers with no mouths to utter them. In this city, I am isolated for there is no life but myself but I always feel that something exists alongside me in this world. Something that is similar to me but also my polar opposite. But today was different. Today I heard a sound, the sound of glass shattering. It came from the second floor of the house that I had been staying in. What could have caused it? Nothing happened in this ominous city unless I caused it. Something else was here. For once, I wasn’t alone. I knew I shouldn’t have looked but my curiosity got the best of me. There was a disturbance, a change in an otherwise static world and I had to investigate it. Being cautious of my surroundings, I walked up the stairs quietly and as I reached the second floor, I could hear the creaking of a door. At the end of the hallway, one of the doors to the room was slightly open, allowing some of the light to shine through. I continued to walk across the hallway slowly, paying close attention to my surroundings, and then I approached the door. Taking in a deep breath to calm down, I pushed the door open. I didn’t enter for fear of whatever was inside but from my point of view, there were no signs of life and what was even weirder was that there was no broken glass. I was sure that I had heard the sound of glass breaking but could I have been mistaken? Confused, I walked into the room and then the door slammed shut behind me. A chill ran down my spine and I ran to the door and tried to open it up but no matter how much I pulled on the doorknob, it was shut and I was trapped inside this room. With beads of sweat running down my brow, I started to breathe heavily and then I heard it again, the sound of glass shattering. But the window was still intact. What was being broken!? And then I noticed it. The thing that was being broken was not glass but instead the floor. The floor was cracking and small shards of it were already missing. And then the sound of shattering came once again. The floor cracked more and an even bigger piece of it fell through but it didn’t fall through to the floor below. Underneath the floor, there was nothing, just an endless abyss. Damn it! What do I do now? Fear no more for you shall be safe. “Who are you?” I called out as the floor started to fall apart under me. But there was no response. Could this voice be trusted?, I thought as I continued to pull against the door with all of my strength. But something on the other side was holding it tightly. Somebody wanted me to fall. I opened my mouth and began to shout and call for help as I banged my fist against the door. And suddenly, to my horror, the floor shattered beneath my feet. My eyes widened in alarm as I slowly started to realize what was happening. I tried to reach out and grab the doorknob but suddenly, the image of the door vanished, broken by a ripple as though it was nothing more than a reflection on the surface of water. I leaned back. I knew at this point that there was no hope. There was no use crying for help. Nobody would help me. ~////~ It was cold. It was dark. It felt as though he was sinking into the depths of the great blue. But this was different. He could feel the cool air rush over his skin. It felt as though he was falling from the heavens and down to earth but it also felt like drowning in water at the same time. He continued to sink further and further into the depths, spiraling downwards headfirst until his feet started to grow heavy, as if they were being pulled down to the surface like iron to a magnet and gently his feet touched ground. He looked around in confusion but he couldn’t see anything. There was nothing but darkness, and not a single soul in sight. He was utterly alone in this dark abyss. But he knew that he couldn’t be afraid and that this was just a dream, a figment of his subconscious, and nothing more. Sooner or later, he would wake up in his bed, safe and sound. Right? He took a brave step forward and the sound of his footstep resonated and as it echoed, the floor beneath his feet began to shine brightly and he had to shield his eyes as the darkness broke away into pieces, unveiling the floor and revealing its true form. Turning his head slightly, he looked around in shock and as he looked at the darkness flying away, he realized that they weren’t dark fragments and that they were actually birds, flying away into the furthest reaches of the abyss. He turned his head to the right and looked over his shoulder and then looked straight ahead. He stood on top of a small circular glass platform that rose from the darkness like a pillar. This platform was tinted red and on its glass surface, there was a simple sigil. The sigil was a simple line that spiraled from the center of the platform and continued to twist for most of the area of the circle until it stopped right in front of the boy’s feet. Looking down at the end of the spiral, the boy realized that strange glyphs were written on the floor right below his feet and he stepped back to read them. ЖИВАГО Furrowing his brow, he ran his hand over his ruffled dark brown hair and scratched his head in confusion. He had never seen these types of scripts before. Maybe it was from a language of a far away country. Suddenly he heard a voice and he spun his body in a full circle to see if there was anybody behind him, but there was nobody there. The voice seemed to come from everywhere but also from nowhere at the same time. Or maybe it came from within the boy himself. Power sleeps within you A pillar of light erupted from the surface of the platform to his right and as the light dissipated, a stone tablet revealed itself and floating above this tablet was a grey staff with a silver lion’s head attached to the top. If you give it form… Turning his body to the left just in time, the boy was able to see yet another pillar of light erupt before him and as it faded away, another stone tablet revealed. Perched on this tablet was a grey shield with a silver outline on its edges and in the middle, there was a silver lion’s head. The same design as the one on the wand. …it will give you strength And yet one more beam appeared before the boy, this time in front of him. The tablet that had been revealed by the light held a broadsword with a grey guard and a silver hilt. The boy looked at each in turn, baffled, and then the voice called out to him again. Choose wisely Turning to the tablet that held the staff, he walked forward and stared at the staff in amazement. Magic. It had always fascinated him. Instead of power that was limited by your body like strength, it was truly limitless. If you could imagine it, you could do it. He stepped in front of the tablet and climbed on top of it to claim his weapon. Holding it in his hands, he looked at it in awe, his eyes widening with wonder. It felt light in his hands like it was made for him to wield. It had a very simple design, which would probably make it not only useful for magic, but for bashing things with as well. The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin... Is this the power you seek? He looked up into the black sky, wondering to himself who the voice was and if its bearer would reveal themselves. He looked back to the staff that laid in his hands and quietly said, “Yes,” as he nodded his head. In a flash of light, the staff in his hand broke into small particles of light. As the light disappeared, he could feel its power flow through his body. Your path is set. Now... what will you give up in exchange? He turned around and glanced at the other two tablets. “Give up?” Power came at a price. He walked to the center of the platform and looked at the shield. No. Who wanted to be strong and weak at the same time? His eyes drifted from the shield to the sword. He swallowed hard and started to walk in the direction of its tablet. He pulled himself onto the tablet and held the sword in his hand. The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. Do you give up this power? Frowning as he looked at the sword, he swallowed and nodded his head for approval. Just like the staff, the sword broke into pieces of light but this time, he didn’t feel anything enter his body this time. It simply disappeared into the air. The boy looked up to the darkness again, waiting for the voice to call again, but there was silence. Suddenly there was a jolt below his feet that had almost made him lose his balance and fall off the platform. He looked down at his feet and realized that the platform was sinking into the stained glass image. There was another quake this time, causing the boy to tumble off the tablet and onto the platform. He stood up quickly, realizing that the stained glass was shattering and falling to the depths, enveloped by the darkness. Run, he thought, but where to? There was no place to run to in this chasm. He hoped that he wouldn’t fall again, that maybe he would float in the air, but his hopes were broken when the floor beneath his feet broke and he fell through. ~////~ His eyelids were heavy. Was he falling again? No, he could feel that he was laying down on something solid. He snapped his eyes open and with some effort, he got on his feet. It was another platform, just like the one before. It glowed with a brilliant blue and this one held a picture on its surface. The focal of the image was that of a woman and a lion while the rest of the image that covered the platform had been decorated with floral flourishes. The maiden in white, while calm and gentle, was also dominant and was able to subdue and calm the lion. Why did the picture feel so familiar to him? But his memory was foggy. All he could remember was the dream and how he had gotten here. Everything else was a blank. He looked up and around but there were no traces of the platform that he fell from, just darkness. It was rather off-putting to think that maybe this platform would break as well whenever he was finished with the next task before him. Suddenly there was a flash of light in his right palm and when it faded, in his hand rested the staff that he had selected at the first platform. You’ve gained the power to fight. Take a swing. Catching him by surprise, the boy jumped back a little bit. He wanted to yell at the voice but what would it do in the end? He called the shots in this place and there was nothing he could do about it. The faster that he completed what was asked of him, the faster he would wake up. Hopefully. Holding the staff tightly with both hands, he swung at the air like he was hitting a baseball. There will be times when you have to fight. There will be times when you will need to protect others. Remember this well. Protect others? Could I truly do such a thing?, he thought. It had always been the other way around for him. Whether it was at school or around the neighborhood, he had never been able to stand up for himself. Somebody had always helped him along the way. But what is his name?, he thought, straining himself as he tried to remember. Watch your back. The voice caught him by surprise, but the boy’s body followed the order and reacted instinctively by gripping the staff tightly in his hands like a baseball bat and turning his body on the heel of his foot while he swung. The staff connected before he was attacked, causing the creature that it hit to explode into a puff of darkness. The boy had only caught a glimpse of the thing that attacked him but he had never seen such a thing before. It had a somewhat humanoid form like that of a child but its body was as black as the abyss, it had sharp claws instead of hands and on its head, it had two antennas and two beady yellow eyes. The power within shines brightly but don’t be afraid of the darkness… Suddenly three dark spots that looked like ink stains started to appear on the area around the boy, taking the form of the creature that he had just defeated and surrounding him. They rose from their two dimensional shadows and stood before him. His eyes widened in fear and his hands began to shake. The boy looked at each of them and started to step back but he had no place to run to. He looked down at his trembling arms and wondered if he could actually face them. Then suddenly a voice, no, a memory called out to him. “Come on, keep your head up and always push forward.” “That’s right,” he whispered as he lifted his head up and turned around to glance at each of the shadows that surrounded him. Taking in deep breath, his right hand tightened around the staff and the trembling began to stop as he held the staff with one hand and bended his knees, getting into a stance. In unison, the shadows began to crawl towards the boy as he stood in front of them, standing still. They jumped at the boy with their claws ready to attack, but before any of them could attack, the boy said, “Too slow,” and spun around with the hand holding the staff outward, hitting each of the creatures in the head in succession and making them explode into black mist. …but instead, let the darkness flow free. Suddenly the sound of static screeched throughout the area. Holding his head in pain, the boy massaged his forehead with his fingers gently to aid the headache. Confused, he looked around to see that dark blotches were staining the glass-like surface of the platform. Like a disease, they continued to spread across the floor. The boy looked down at his feet. The darkness…it was everywhere! It continued to spread, trapping him until it finally enveloped the floor beneath his feet. The black void, like quicksand, started to pull him down while he struggled, trying to pull himself free. Darkness is often misunderstood. While the darkness was still up to his waist, he tried to lift himself out of it, tried to pull himself toward what was left of the glowing blue platform, tried to grab hold of anything that could help him. Without darkness there can be no light... So how can darkness be truly evil? He held out his hand, hoping that somebody would grab it and save him from being swallowed. But he continued to sink further and further and his eyes started to widen as all of his body was pulled into the void. So don’t be afraid of the dark, embrace it. ------------ Writer's Note: Wow, I sure do take my time when I write but I'm impressed with myself. I should give myself a pat on the back. This story basically started off as a random spur of the moment idea that me and What were discussing. At the beginning, we weren't really thinking of going through with it but after coming up with so many ideas and coming up with an actual plot, it suddenly became "Why aren't we writing this yet!?" and here we are. I hope you guys enjoy. We have much more in store. CnC is very welcome because seriously, who doesn't want to improve?
Other men have said that they have seen angels But I have seen you and you are more than enough Will you marry me?
I was sick and without much to do and Chev, like a knight in shining armor(lolpun), came to my rescue and saved me from my boredom. Together we made this collab to pass the time. CnC?