So I've decided that I wanted to do something different for this year's MEP project that we will be holding this summer. The idea is simple. Instead of people making small AMVs that will be sent to me to be compiled into one huge video, I thought it'd much more organized if I were to make a mashup of various songs beforehand, editing the audio together properly so each part transitions into the other smoothly. I think this would help make the final product feel more united and harmonious instead of disjointed which happens when you take various unrelated videos and try to put them together. Now I'm not saying that last year's MEP was bad. I personally thought it was great and I'm proud of everybody who participated for helping me revive it. But we can always aim higher and do better, no? Here's an example of what I would like to do this year(unfortunately the video on Youtube isn't working properly anymore) but instead of focusing on one band, we'll be using music from various sources. Now the purpose of this thread is for music suggestions. Everybody is welcome to suggest songs. You don't have to participate in the MEP to suggest. I don't want this mash-up to only reflect my taste in music so songs from any genre are welcome. The only thing I ask is that the song fits thematically with Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy or Disney. I can't guarantee that every song you suggest will make it to the final mix though. At the moment, I don't know how many songs will end up on the mix but I'm fairly certain that the minimum will be 15. Now whether this idea is implemented is still up in the air. If the majority of people don't like the mash-up, then we can do things the way that they were done last year. But I'd like you guys to suggest songs anyway because maybe you'll feel differently about it if you actually had something to listen to. If anybody has any questions, feel free to ask. Now to start things off, I'll suggest a couple of songs for now. [video=youtube;QujJlmGxges][/video] [video=youtube;gwcdsIUfMag][/video] Now it's your turn. c:
1. YOU'RE NOT 15 ANYMORE! DON'T THINK YOU CAN RUN LIKE YOU'RE 15! 2. Stretch more before you run. Damn cramp in my leg! D: 3. Gatorade saves lives. 4. I'm more out of shape than I thought. I need to fix that. 5. Los Campesinos! and Justice are pretty nice bands to jog to.
but nope...actually doing something productive is for loooooooser. So I've decided to try out the Nuzlocke challenge again. My last experience with Pokemon Emerald was...unfortunate. DAMN YOU WATTSON! ; ~ ; For those of you who don't know what the Nuzlocke challenge is. It's pretty simple. The rules are: 1. Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released. 2. The player may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. 3. The player must nickname every single Pokemon he captures. This time around, I'll be playing Pokemon Fire Red and you, the lovely people of KHV, will be choosing my starter Pokemon. and then everybody chose Charmander to screw me over >_>
Portuguese for KHV I need your help. I need song suggestions. Preferably songs that you think would fit with Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy or Disney like in an AMV. I have this idea but I need songs to flesh it out. All suggestions are welcome but I won't guarantee that your suggestions will be used.
She's so cute. :3
Link to the article Link to the actual document for those of you interested. Looks like the US is spiraling into police state territory with the advent of this document and bills like NDAA being passed and bills like CISPA even being considered. I do wonder if the document is actually real or if it's a fake since there hasn't been any confirmation yet. Although with this sort of document, I doubt there ever will be. I would think that validating a document that was suppose to be kept under wraps without screwing yourself over even more would be...tricky to say the least.
I'm sick. Could you sing "Soft Kitty" to me?
Do you have a problem with a burly man tending to his garden and picking flowers before he goes to sleep at night!? WELL DO YA PUNK!? I don't need to eat dinosaur bones and razor blades for breakfast, brush my teeth with angle grinders, catch bullets with my furrowed brow, strangle rhinoceri with my mustache, communicate exclusively with my fists, juggle flying helicopters, or belch tornadoes to prove my manliness! This rose represents the blood of my enemies! I ALSO LOVE CUTE THINGS! oh and this outrageous thread is because of a dare
...what it would be like to meet yourself from 10 years ago through time travel shenanigans? I've always wondered what Past!GS would think of Present!GS. He probably would've wanted me to be cooler. xD
And MSN blocked it. Unfortunately due to various circumstances, I can't get the code to change the password on my account and open it again so I just decided to make a new email. So if anybody I have added has gotten a shady email from me lately, just ignore it. For those of you who want to re-add me, I already changed my email to the new one so just click the MSN icon under my name and for those who don't have me added, feel free to add me I guess. inb4stopdownloadingporn
I need you to post in this thread. Like...right now please. c: You'll find out why in due time.
Your courage Your resolution Your darkness Will bring us victory!
Nowhere being a café somewhere on the highway system of EspÃrito Santo, Brazil. And I can still get an internet connection out here. Suh-weet! What's up with you guys?
I was looking forward to seeing you, Red! My rival should be strong to keep me sharp! Spoiler Time to battle!
He does it with style
How many miles have I scrolled my mouse wheel? Tumblr has most likely tripled that distance. >_>