the topic up for debate in class today is the positive and negative influences of the internet and people start to talk about online relationships and how "online friends aren't actual friends because there isn't that physical interaction" and I'm like "b-b-b-but"... And then I decide to stay quiet because I'm a socially awkward penguin and I can't articulate my thoughts quickly enough.
Congratulations on becoming green and our first translator, gurl! Be the best translator you can be, Sumi.
I'm a little curious since I only know about memes from the some English speaking country or Brazil. I guess I'll start things off. Here's a Brazilian viral video that became a meme a few months back. You don't really need to understand Portuguese to get what makes the video funny.
It was awesome. If you haven't played it, do Although it's disturbing how unsettling the game can be at times. I'm looking at you, Tanetane Island. >_>; And then there's the Frightbot. Oh god the Frightbot! D:
But I've been without an internet connection for almost a week now. This new forum is confusing. The first page I usually go to on KHV is my User CP but now that it's gone, I keep on getting this error message. I honestly thought the site was down when I got back on today. Had a mini-heart attack. Whatever would I have done without KHV? xD So besides the new forum, what else happened while I was gone? It seems like all the big changes happen while I'm away.
And I'm here to provide. Horribly
>a majority of threads are getting activity >more than 1 thread has 5 pages >the threads are actually funny what the fuck happened?
I'm horrible when it comes to choosing between two things but that's why I have you guys. C: Out of these two audio cuts, which one do you like more, KHV? Song 1 Song 2
...and sort of a sadomasochist for what I'm about to do. Right now I have the book Fifty Shades of Grey. Y'know...the book that set the record for fastest-selling paperback since Harry Potter. How did it do this? I don't know considering it started off as Twilight fanfiction but it's time to find out. Maybe I'll find something worthwhile in reading this book, maybe I'll have a good laugh or maybe I'll come to believe that the future of literature is doomed if this sold so well. Wish me luck. Oh and recommend good books for me to read after this so I can recover from the shock.
I AM ON A ROLL! I was able to write up almost 7000 words for a chapter of a story in two days. Considering how it takes me forever to write up half of that, I think I did well. I was also able to outline three other stories and started writing up a script for a project I'm working on with another member. And besides writing stuff, I was able to work more on this and actually start working on an AMV for the first time in forever. But now that I'm back, I guess there's really no hope for me finishing those things.
I mean it is still is but I've gotta give some props to the Persona fandom. Making a high quality fan soundtrack for P5 is pretty sweet. [video=youtube;delV-38pJ6w][/video] [video=youtube;PQm0ROuOSSw][/video] [video=youtube;clb3WkG0ExM][/video] [video=youtube;z1JlZBeE9B8][/video]
Second Phase Feel free to shoot any of the coordinators a PM if you need help: Send a message to Guardian Soul |Send a message to Stardust | Send a message to What? [View the First Phase Thread] Information: Spoiler: "Information" What is an MEP? MEP stands for Multi Editor Project. Multiple editors working together on one project. Despite most MEPs usually using one song, one band, or one theme, this project will be more like a worm. Everybody makes a small video and in the end, we'll combine them together to form a whole video to showcase our editors. - Video Sources - Since this is a Kingdom Hearts community, the allowed video sources will be Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy and Disney. Other sources unfortunately won't be allowed. - Song Selection - Anything you want it to be but keep it PG-13. - Editing - The editing style all depends on the track. If the track is fast-paced, the editing should reflect that, and likewise with a slow song. Use whatever style suits you best, though. Having different styles in this MEP is what I'm shooting for, as having all the tracks look the same isn't fun or appealing at all. This is a collection of our styles all in one project and I want it to look that way. - Rules - - Two of our lovely staff members, Stardust and What, will be helping me coordinate this project. Their words shall be law! Listen or fear the banhammer or the infraction chisel*shot* - If you join the MEP, I expect you to be active or I will hunt you down. You are to keep everyone involved in the MEP up to date with your progress. Be it a little or a lot. I would like to know where everyone stands on their tracks. So try to keep us updated. - Song changes this year will be limited to TWO CHANGES PER PERSON, so pick your song wisely. - It's not a rule per se, but please keep in mind that this isn't a race: you'll have plenty of time to put your part together, so don't feel like you have to turn in anything right off the bat! We want you guys to turn in parts you're really happy with. - There is no limit on participants and no restriction on who can participate based on post count or join date, so everyone is free to join up! - At the moment, the time limit hasn't been decided on yet. It'll be determined by how many editors will be participating in the project. - No bumpers, watermarks, or anything of the such. They're very distracting and people will be able to find out who made what part just by looking at the description. === Due Date August 14, 2012 List of Possible Participants: Droid Korosu chessplayerjames ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠ Knightshade Okabe Rintarou Hayabusa Leblonk Anti ☢ Sora Saxima Wingly starlight2011studios Ienzo lillovedoctor Dawn Hayato TitanTX MovingOnMjrn Cloudrunner62 muff monkey darkhorseD Greetings, MEP participants! Now that we've got a list of people interested in the project, it's time to move forward with song choices and MEP parts. The second phase is rather simple. We will be working on and collecting the parts of the MEP to be compiled. Here's what we need from you: - A post confirming that you are currently still able to participate - Your song choice - Eventually, your MEP part. Simply posting your song choice can double as a confirmation of participation, but if you haven't decided what song to use yet, you can just post to let us know you're still interested. We will give the people on our master list three days to post a reply here, at which point we will send a PM to any who have not replied to confirm their status. Those who receive the PM will have three more days to reply before we remove them from the list. Even if you posted your song choice or part in the last thread, we ask that you please do it again to keep everything in one place. FAQ Question - How will I send my part to you? Answer - To send your part to me and/or Stardust, you'll have to upload to a hosting website. There are many sites to host your file such as Mediafire for example. Q - What format should my part be in? A - We don't have a specific requirement for formats, as we understand you all use different computers and editing software. We do ask that you save your file in good quality, however. If there is a compatibility or quality problem with your submission, we will let you know. Q - When's the due date? A - At the moment we don't have a set date but I'm thinking it'll be around the first week of August since after that most people will be finishing their summer vacation by then. Q - How long is my audio cut allowed to be? A - 1 minute. I will not allow anything over this. Q - Should I render my part in High Definition? A - No. Many participants do not have the software needed to do so. Also, in order for your final product to be in HD, your clips must be in HD to begin with --'s clips are currently not recorded in High Definition, so if you are using our clips, you will only decrease the quality of the video since you'll only be upscaling the video. If you export a HD video using Standard Definition clips, the result will not look better than rendering it normally (and will take up a lot of extra space!). Q - Should I fade out my part? A - No. For consistency's sake, it's better for it to be faded if need be while being compiled together. I would also like that everybody add a blank 2 seconds before and after your parts. These blank seconds don't count as part of your video. They're just there to facilitate me editing everything together. Q - Is there a filesize limit? A - Yes, there is. Please keep the size of your files under 100 MBs. Q - What should the framerate of my video be? A - 29.97 This is a problem that I noticed last year. There were different framerates being used and as a result of this, some parts were out of sync with their songs because they were either sped up or slowed down. This year I would like everybody to use the same framerate to avoid that problem. You can set what framerate your render will be in most non-linear editors like Sony Vegas or Adobe Premiere. WMM only exports in either 29.97 or 30 so it shouldn't be a problem since the difference would be so small. If you aren't sure how to set the framerate of your video, just ask and I'll be glad to help. Q - What resolution should my video be? A - If possible, 848x480. If you cannot do this, it will be adjusted when the MEP is compiled. Q - Any other things that you would like to address? A - Interlaced video. Don't render your part as an interlaced video. If you don't know what interlaced video is, it looks like this. Spoiler: Interlaced video It's when those lines appear. Normally footage from games and films aren't like this and are progressive instead so you wouldn't normally have to worry about this. The problem is that some video editors can render footage as interlaced. Please don't do this. Removing interlacing is both a chore and the end result isn't always pretty. Like setting your framerate, if you don't know how to do this, just ask and I'll be glad to help. Participating Members and Songs Spoiler [table="width: 500, class: grid, align: center"] Member Song Artist Leblonk Identity Kutless ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠ Nightmare Avenged Sevenfold Wingly Erased Dead By April Stardust Modern Times J-Five Anti ☢ Sora --- --- Korosu Giving Up Ingrid Michaleson Hayabusa For What It's Worth Placebo muff monkey Skin of the Night m83 Guardian Soul Painted Sun in Abstract Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross Hayato ULTRAnumb Blue Stahli TitanTX Loaded and Alone Hinder Saxima Sarah Smiles Panic! At the Disco Ienzo Running Up That Hill Placebo Dawn God Help the Outcasts Bette Midler Cthuko Morning Glow Draw the Emotional darkhorseD --- --- Knightshade --- --- HellKitten Mark David Chapman Mindless Self Indulgence lillovedoctor Saeed Infected Mushroom Lulus_Moogle Lego House Ed Sheeran Terra254 Shattered Trading Yesterday [/table]
Because my semester is over! And it's been over four months since I visited home and I'm homesick. ; ~ ;
Tales of Xillia is getting localized TALES OF XILLIA IS GETTING LOCALIZED TALES OF XILLIA IS GETTING LOCALIZED This...this can't be. :'D
That awkward moment when you realize you're one of the few sober people at the party. ...that awkward moment where you sort of regret not getting drunk
you don't **** with a ***** when he's jogging
uhhhh he's the staff's alarm system and doesn't afraid of anything
Spoiler LOLJK *slaps knee* The actual situation is that it's the end of the semester and I've got a bunch of tests coming my way and a few projects due in the next few weeks. I've decided that I'm going to be less active on the internet in general to get my head in the game and focus on what needs to get done. I'll probably pop up every now and then to check up on you guys but I won't be posting except for an RP that I'm participating in at the moment. And for those of you who have me on MSN, I'll be on less often or if I am on, it probably won't be for long unless it's the weekend. For those of you who suggested songs for the audio mix for the KHV MEP, I'm sorry but I don't have enough time to make an audio mix that I feel would be decent enough for the MEP. So this year we'll be doing the same thing that we did last year for the MEP. The MEP project will probably get started while I'm away but until I get back, I'll mostly be working behind the scenes while Stardust and What? take the reins. I'm not letting the audio mix idea die though. I'll most likely organize another MEP separate from the official KHV MEP some other time when I'm less busy and maybe we can get it to work then. Until later guys. I'll be away for 3 weeks at most. I'll miss you. ; ~ ;
Who's in a bunker?