How did you go about learning it? Like what did you find to be difficult about the language? What helped you learn it? And what do you suggest to those who are trying to learn it? A friend of mine wants me to tutor them in English but I don't exactly know how to go about doing it because I learned English like any other native English speaker. Trying to explain some concepts to non-native speakers is pretty difficult for me when there aren't equivalent concepts in their native tongue that I can draw parallels between and also because English is so natural to me that I don't even think about why things are spoken the way they are. They've always just been that way for me.
Know what that means? I finally get to be somebody's senpai! yesssssssss
If she even looks at my direction, I think my life shall be complete.
06/02/2013 23:27:55] Ars Nova: My friends are the best I just had a free dinner Love u all 4 lyfe <3 [06/02/2013 23:28:52] Makaze: that's a haiku [06/02/2013 23:30:34] P: Notifications Why won't they leave me in peace? Must I cut all ties? [06/02/2013 23:31:01] ben: haikus are really lame, and ya'll should be ashamed for writing shit poems [06/02/2013 23:31:28] absolio: i can't stop laughing [06/02/2013 23:32:30] Ars Nova: Pika you're a shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit [06/02/2013 23:33:34] absolio: ben I'm fucking quoting that on tumblr [06/02/2013 23:33:40] Makaze: When did you get here I have missed you so much With less emotion [06/02/2013 23:33:52] Ars Nova: 5-6-5 :L [06/02/2013 23:33:57] Makaze: is it? [06/02/2013 23:34:03] Ed: yeah [06/02/2013 23:34:07] Makaze: missed is one syllable isn't it [06/02/2013 23:34:09] Makaze: damn [06/02/2013 23:34:10] absolio: 5-7-5 [06/02/2013 23:34:12] Ed: all of those words were one syllable words [06/02/2013 23:34:15] absolio: isn't it? [06/02/2013 23:34:16] Ars Nova: Unless you're saying miss-ed [06/02/2013 23:34:24] Makaze: I was thinking miss-ed [06/02/2013 23:34:26] Ars Nova: which I don't think is how that works [06/02/2013 23:34:31 | Edited 23:34:34] Ed: who says miss-ed? [06/02/2013 23:34:32] Ars Nova: even in old english [06/02/2013 23:34:40] Makaze: bother [06/02/2013 23:34:42] Ars Nova: It has to be a verb used as an adjective to be two syllables [06/02/2013 23:34:45] Ars Nova: like winged, learned [06/02/2013 23:34:47] Ars Nova: etc [06/02/2013 23:35:01] Ed: learned is one syllable [06/02/2013 23:35:09] Ed: no wait [06/02/2013 23:35:12] Ars Nova: As a past-tense verb, yes [06/02/2013 23:35:14] Ars Nova: but as an adjective [06/02/2013 23:35:17] Ars Nova: it's learn-ed. [06/02/2013 23:35:17] Ars Nova: :L [06/02/2013 23:35:24] Ed: really? [06/02/2013 23:35:31] Ars Nova: Yup! [06/02/2013 23:35:32] Makaze: When did you get here I have missed you in these chats With less emotion [06/02/2013 23:35:33] Makaze: there we go [06/02/2013 23:35:35] Ars Nova: It's old-fashioned, but technically correct. [06/02/2013 23:35:43] Ed: wow, I didn't know that [06/02/2013 23:35:50] Ed: I've always just said it as one syllable [06/02/2013 23:35:54] Ars Nova: Y'all are bad at this Syllables are nbd Get on my level [06/02/2013 23:36:04] Makaze: nbd? [06/02/2013 23:36:10] Ars Nova: Like I said, it's old-fashioned. [06/02/2013 23:36:19] Ars Nova: A lot of people pronounce it with one syllable anyway, no matter what. [06/02/2013 23:36:22] Ars Nova: "no big deal" [06/02/2013 23:37:34] Hals: hey guys [06/02/2013 23:37:47] President Smeernof: Why are their Haiku's? Are we trying to be cool? This is really dumb. [06/02/2013 23:38:16] Ars Nova: I don't even know I just saw them doing it and jumped right on in [06/02/2013 23:38:46] Ars Nova: I actually like them so nnnn *sticks tongue out* [06/02/2013 23:39:37] ben: [quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2013 23:33] absolio: <<< ben I'm fucking quoting that on tumblr credit my blog plz and thanx u [06/02/2013 23:39:55] Makaze: Syllables are hard I do not care what you say Practice still makes good [06/02/2013 23:39:55] Ars Nova: I always tag my friends' urls when I chatquote [06/02/2013 23:39:56] Ars Nova: :> [06/02/2013 23:40:10 | Edited 23:40:24] Ed: Blame Makkity Mak He was in a haiku fight and lost badly too [06/02/2013 23:40:15] Ars Nova: If that's what you think Prepare to have your mind blown I never practice [06/02/2013 23:40:20] Ars Nova: :L [06/02/2013 23:40:22] Makaze: ost? [06/02/2013 23:40:27] Ed: edited [06/02/2013 23:40:28] absolio: yes ben [06/02/2013 23:40:34] absolio: what's your blog again? [06/02/2013 23:41:16] ben: [06/02/2013 23:41:17] President Smeernof: Is this still going? Why can't we just get along? I will beat you all. [06/02/2013 23:41:18] Makaze: You are a writer Of course you practice often Though unknowingly [06/02/2013 23:41:22] Makaze: might be wrong the last line [06/02/2013 23:41:23] absolio: right, k [06/02/2013 23:41:29] President Smeernof: It's right [06/02/2013 23:41:33] Ed: no, you got it, Mak [06/02/2013 23:41:59] Ars Nova: That's a poet thing I can't poetry, it's hard Though I can do dis! [06/02/2013 23:42:36] Ars Nova: You changed your tune quick Nate, I thought you hated this Way to flip-flop, tool [06/02/2013 23:42:41] President Smeernof: So I got this just now [06/02/2013 23:42:41] President Smeernof: [06/02/2013 23:42:43] ben: poetry is not hard be like that parappa dog ya gotta believe! [06/02/2013 23:42:49] Ed: Poetrying all up in dis bitch is difficult I feel your pain, bro [06/02/2013 23:42:52] Ars Nova: PFFFF BEN [06/02/2013 23:43:24 | Edited 23:44:23] Makaze: I can poetry This is difficult for me To be contrary [06/02/2013 23:43:25] absolio: i'm far too lazy to join in on this battle gigantic nipples. [06/02/2013 23:43:30] Ed: 6 syllables in the first line, Ben [06/02/2013 23:43:32] Ed: FAILURE! [06/02/2013 23:43:46 | Edited 23:43:52] President Smeernof: Traditionally, Haiku's involve the seasons. So we're fucking up. [06/02/2013 23:43:57] Ars Nova: I think several people think "poetry" is only two syllables lol [06/02/2013 23:44:08] Makaze: It isn't? [06/02/2013 23:44:11] Ars Nova: Are we pronouncing it like we're from Louisiana [06/02/2013 23:44:15] ben: actually, im bad at counting [06/02/2013 23:44:17] Ars Nova: Po'tree? [06/02/2013 23:44:18] President Smeernof: Po Et Ry [06/02/2013 23:44:25 | Edited 23:44:35] Ed: Po-eh-tree [06/02/2013 23:44:34] Makaze: Fixed my haiku [06/02/2013 23:44:40] ben: ive failed all my math courses in college [06/02/2013 23:44:57] Ars Nova: I think it's [06/02/2013 23:45:00] Ed: I think you're the weird one here, Nova [06/02/2013 23:45:00] Ars Nova: a combination of [06/02/2013 23:45:04] Ars Nova: knowing a lot of words [06/02/2013 23:45:17] Ars Nova: and listening to a lot of different rhythms in my spare time [06/02/2013 23:45:27] absolio: traditionally tradition is gay and so are you [06/02/2013 23:45:38] Ars Nova: plus I just like arranging things in sets :> [06/02/2013 23:45:46] President Smeernof: Vocabulary Must be wide as the ocean To do this shit right [06/02/2013 23:46:01] Ed: good job, Chris [06/02/2013 23:46:02] Makaze: Absol your second line only has 5 [06/02/2013 23:46:14] Ars Nova: Not always, my man To be frank and keep things brief Short, old words are best [06/02/2013 23:46:59] ben: I will kill you all If you don't fucking stop this shit; I hate you all [06/02/2013 23:47:16] Ars Nova: That's a Churchill quote That dude said some funny shit Throwaway third line [06/02/2013 23:47:35] Ars Nova: I see y'all typing I can pump out six haikus before you're all done [06/02/2013 23:47:51] Ed: Laconic vocab isn't always the best path plus I like big words [06/02/2013 23:47:53] Ars Nova: Wanna test my might? I'm the haiku king mah nigs Faster than the rest [06/02/2013 23:48:03] Ed: DAMMIT NOVA [06/02/2013 23:48:18] President Smeernof: Oh look Ben can count He can join in our Haiku's Congratulations [06/02/2013 23:48:18] Ars Nova: So many pencils Scrawling silly words and rhymes Can't scrawl fast as me! [06/02/2013 23:48:29] ben: omg i cant even handle these poems anymore *kills self* [06/02/2013 23:48:37] Makaze: I agree with Nova Brevity is the key here As in time managed [06/02/2013 23:48:47] Ars Nova: Makaze in last Takes his time, predictably Step it up, senpai! [06/02/2013 23:48:48] absolio: i still masturbate to kingdom-hearts-vids not even sorry [06/02/2013 23:48:49] President Smeernof: First line has six, Mak [06/02/2013 23:48:58] Makaze: really [06/02/2013 23:49:00] Makaze: dammit [06/02/2013 23:49:01] Makaze: I suck at this. [06/02/2013 23:49:05] President Smeernof: Ag-ree and No-va [06/02/2013 23:49:18] Ars Nova: It's ok Makku I still lov u either way Have my less-than-threes [06/02/2013 23:49:22] Makaze: Nova is two, I didn't see it that way [06/02/2013 23:49:27] Ed: Oh it is on, nig I will rub that smirk off now arrogance irks me [06/02/2013 23:49:35 | Edited 23:49:44] President Smeernof: I ag-ree with No-va 1 2 3 4 5 6 [06/02/2013 23:50:01] Makaze: Go die horribly I do not have time enough To play this game now [06/02/2013 23:50:09] Ars Nova: Ah, but Ed my friend! In the game of haikus, I Walk and talk at once! [06/02/2013 23:50:22] Ars Nova: As in walk the walk and talk the talk hehe get it *brick'ddon'texplainthejoke* [06/02/2013 23:50:46] President Smeernof: This game, it bores me My weary soul yearns for rest So I shall stop now [06/02/2013 23:51:01] Ed: Admit it, Mak Mak you envy our super skillz you wish you were us [06/02/2013 23:51:09] Ars Nova: Two down, two to go! I still see pencils there Have you more to say? [06/02/2013 23:51:18] President Smeernof: I have one more [06/02/2013 23:51:20] Ars Nova: Oh man haha [06/02/2013 23:51:25] Ars Nova: First bail of the night. [06/02/2013 23:51:26] ben: [quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2013 23:49] Ed: <<< nig you racist little shit, you should be so ashamed blacks are people too [06/02/2013 23:51:42] President Smeernof: If there is one game At which Makaze can't win It must be this one [06/02/2013 23:52:03] Makaze: You bore easily I do not envy you lot Who mock openly [06/02/2013 23:52:44] Ars Nova: I imagine this Is what Norse flyting was like In ye olden times [06/02/2013 23:52:44] Ed: [quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2013 23:51] ben: <<< you racist little shit, you should be so ashamed blacks are people too looks at our own skin is amazed to see how black it is welp this is awkward [06/02/2013 23:52:55] President Smeernof: Now I'm out for reals Cat and Ienzo would laugh If they could see us [06/02/2013 23:52:57] Ars Nova: omg ed just [06/02/2013 23:53:05] Makaze: My power level Will rise with the moon on high And I will beat you [06/02/2013 23:53:07] Ars Nova: did a haiku in shorthand [06/02/2013 23:53:40] Ars Nova: Now, my final form! Scouters breaking left and right Witness my power!! [06/02/2013 23:53:59] President Smeernof: Ed, I bow to you For you are truly a lord Please teach us your ways [06/02/2013 23:54:20] Ed: [quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2013 23:53] Makaze: <<< My power level Will rise with the moon on high And I will beat you what the fuk are you? a motherfucking werewolf bitch please, you human [06/02/2013 23:54:25] Ars Nova: >Spins this shit all night >Ed belts out one good haiku >He gets all the praise [06/02/2013 23:54:50] *** haley has left *** [06/02/2013 23:54:56] jerome ❄: is there a rap battle going on [06/02/2013 23:55:04] President Smeernof: Haiku's [06/02/2013 23:55:36] Makaze: Self-reference is Unbecoming of you, Ed I'm a wolf, truly [06/02/2013 23:55:49] absolio: "haiku" IS plural [06/02/2013 23:55:50] Ars Nova: I got back from food I saw people haikuing So I jumped right in [06/02/2013 23:55:56] absolio: no s [06/02/2013 23:56:10] Ars Nova: But now we can't stop Some sort of battle's begun Everyone wants in [06/02/2013 23:56:44 | Edited 23:56:48] Ed: this is outrageous when will we ever stop this shit? neverending fight? [06/02/2013 23:56:50] absolio: i don't want in faggots [06/02/2013 23:57:01] Makaze: This is a game that Cannot be won easily Make a mistake, fool [06/02/2013 23:57:06] President Smeernof: Calm your farm, Absol I was not informed of this I apologise [06/02/2013 23:57:30] absolio: i am calm [06/02/2013 23:57:34] Ars Nova: This is getting lame If we're really gonna fight Let's lay down some rules [06/02/2013 23:58:21] Ars Nova: Point systems are good Time limits keep things simple Also, player lists [06/02/2013 23:58:33] President Smeernof: I'm out [06/02/2013 23:58:34] President Smeernof: I've got stuff to do [06/02/2013 23:58:42] Ars Nova: But another day For now I tire of owning Everyone's asses [06/02/2013 23:58:47] Ed: Makaze improves with each haiku, I am stunned to be quite honest [06/02/2013 23:59:26] Makaze: It is only fair Lay them out in free form now Reading small rules hurts [00:00:08] Ars Nova: Seriously, now This isn't conversation I'd like some of that [00:00:19] Makaze: Okay, fine. [00:00:27] Makaze: Done with the game for now. [00:00:27] Ars Nova: yay :> [00:00:34] Ed: xD [00:00:52] Ed: I'm surprised at how long we were able to go with that
typical boss battle
but it's so fun to look at. xD Do you guys have any gifs like that?
I don't think this has ever been discussed or debated on the forums yet and this section really needs some life to be honest. I want more conflict on the forums! *shot* An economic system is an organized approach to producing and distributing goods and services. It is an organized way to answer the three economic questions of what, how and to whom to produce. Although every country must have an economic system to answer these three economic questions, their method of producing and distributing largely depends on the country's historical experience, form of government, objectives and ideologies. To some people, government intervention in the economy is considered necessary to protect against the worst elements of capitalism while others think that such regulations are an unnecessary invasions of their freedoms. To what extend do you believe the government should get involved in the economy? I'm personally of the school that the government should be involved with the market because history has shown us that the market mechanism doesn't always produce the most optimal and efficient outcome and history has also shown us that leaving it alone to resolve itself hasn't worked out to our advantage as well. If I remember correctly, the US suffered about 5 depressions/recessions during its economic growth in the 19th century and early 20th century and the government almost did nothing. It was believed back then that it shouldn't be involved for the invisible hand would guide the market. Then the Great Depression happened and the government started to get much more invovled in the market and the US has experienced relatively fewer market failures and hasn't had anything similar to past depressions/recessions until quite recently. There are also many market failures that I feel the market won't resolve such as the problem of asymmetric knowledge. Asymmetric knowledge is when either the supplier or buyer has more knowledge than the other and they exploit this superior knowledge. For example, a doctor or dentist could tell you that you need more treatment than you actually need just to create business and most people would trust them because they know the field better than them but unfortunately we'd be wasting money that could be put into other things. Usually this problem is more common with the buyer but it could happen with a supplier as well. Another problem that arises when the market is left alone is that certain products would never be made because there is no profit to be made off of them so supplying them would be a waste of money. Think of street lights for example. They're non-excludable and the product by nature can't have any competition. But who in their right mind would make a business out of it? Yet the product obviously benefits us by helping us from crashing into each other and keeping roads organized. So this is where the government steps in and supplies this good, using taxation to pay for it. There are other market failures but I want to keep this post relatively short. I might bring those up later. So what do you guys think? Do you believe the government shouldn't interact with the market at all and leave it be? Should it have a light hand? Should it be heavily involved with the market? And for what reasons(ethical, practical, etc.)?
how about you and me go back to my place, eh?
Today has been a very good day. How has your day been, KHV?
"Never drink the milk from a coconut you found in the dark."
Well itz mah turn at Premium Primetime. It should be startin around now so click here n' listen in. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I hope you guys smoke up tha noize dat I smoke up fo' realz. And if you don't, welp, time ta cry like a hoe up in a cold-ass lil corner. ; ~ ; I wanna keep thangs a surprise so I be bout ta post tha tracklist later
you be one depressed ass muthafucka comedy gold
which means that I can finally shave now. How was No Shave November for everybody who participated? Spoiler I think my beard turned out fine.
eh creeps on staff and proposes to them and doesn't afraid of anything.
it sounds like orange.
Spoiler so cute hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng :'D Spoiler: wait what? w-w-w-w-w-w-what do you mean she's a he?! D: GODDAMN BISHIES!