I brought the big black dildo.
That hasn't been very many times. And Jaxed, he meant Roxas-, not Roxas.
Create pointless drama. Why be famous when you can be infamous?
Good things get tiresome.
Manga ending > anime ending.
Huh??? What is all of this? I'm having a great time. What's with all of the "WHEREZ DA THREADZ!?!?" or "NO ONE LIEKS MEE!! T__T" topics? This is about quality, not quantity. Nor popularity. Is everyone suffering down-syndrome? Maybe if you guys stopped roleplaying, typing "^_^", and "full of win" so much, you'd establish some entertaining personalities with some occasional variety in them, and give something new for people to read every once in awhile. Is it really THAT tough for you guys to be innovative? You guys sit here and sulk.
What browser do you use, annie?
The term 'brag' has been wronged.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthography What what.
I couldn't help but laugh.
Hello, coreykins. ....666 LOLOLLOL OH, HB.
This thread is painful.
Ahur. KHV: Lowering the standards; one promotion at a time.
How would I go about getting a liquor license? You know, for one of those silly bars?
From the moment I saw someone's post I expected overuse of '=/'. Thanks for not letting me down.
*body lays lifeless on ground*
This thread is exercising my self-control.