Are you implying that it is possible to not see it?
You know, I've never watched any of the Star Wars films, or played the games. ...Hm.
Phase Eight Hello There Firm, reprimanding, hands took hold of my collar. I could feel their grip tightening, burning down my air supply like flame to candle wax. But faster. Much faster. A scream. Blood-curdling, spine-chilling, hair-raising, blasted from my lungs. It echoed, echoed from the barren walls, only to be heard by the purveyor of actions provoking such a shriek. I was going to die. Die in the hands that built the badly structured childhood I barely balanced upon. The hands that moulded the disfigured psyche I held. Those hands. Those firm, reprimanding hands. The coppery taste of blood flooded my mouth as he attempted to finish me off. I let him. If I fought back, he would get angrier. I would only be wasting what little energy I had. Crack. Crunch. Squelch. He was taking jabs at my stomach. I could feel each twig-like rib snap under the pressure of such rage-driven fists. Everything he did told me how much he hated me. Everything that happened told me how much he hated me. Each stammer of blood. Each crunch of bone. It all told the same story; he wants me dead. Dead. Gone. Lifeless. Deceased- “Steve?” A single voice, a single word, a single tone used, all shed the same amount of light on the situation at hand. She was here. The one person who could stop him had arrived; a little late, maybe, but my saviour had come for me in the end. “She...she threw something at me.” He stammered. “The kid threw something at me.” *** “They’re going to find out.” “Of course they’re not; we’ll work together to stop that from happening.” “Since when have you wanted to work together with me?” “Since now. I don’t want us going down here; they could wreck our lives.” “My life. They could wreck my life.” “It’s the same thing, Emma.” “...That’s the frightening part.” “Emma, who are you talking to?” “Nobody, mom.” “I heard you talking. You were having a full conversation with thin air.” “I wasn’t talking to anyone, will you just drop it?” “...Close call.” “Fuck off...” “Oh, now your temper is flaring, huh?” “Will you go away?” “Say please.” “Will you go away...Please?” “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.” “I hate you.” “This, in turn, means you hate yourself.” “Exactly.” *** The vibrations that shook my phone across the battered duvet grew more and more frequent throughout the night. I remained motionless, my eyes unable to focus on anything but the black Sony Ericsson that danced about my bed. “Go away.” I grumbled, resting my head on the worn carpet that laced my flooring. It smelt of stale cigarettes, like a big, black, nicotine patch. A small slither of metal – barely visible, if not for the light that crawled through the crack in the doorway – shone towards my eyes. It was there. Calling me. My old friend. We share so many memories together; she has been with me through the pits of hell and back. And here she was. Making a reappearance when I need her the most. I use her. But then again, she doesn’t expect much more from me, unlike everyone else. I think it’s time we said hello again.
New camera for Christmas. I trekked into town, and decided to capture a few pictures as the sun set. (Gave them titles.. xD) WARNING: Big Pictures. Industry is booming: Spoiler A Sunlight Kiss: Spoiler Frost And Fairground: Spoiler Two Faces shine: Spoiler Blue Sky On the High Rise: Spoiler CnC, please?
Fuck off, man, I'm enjoying this.
What the hell do you have on your legs xD You're crackers, love. Oh, and you look small. Still. Maybe even smaller than me. c: Lovely~
Have a Merry Christmas, love <3
Oh lord, you lucky person~ I hope you enjoy yourself, and have an awesome new year over there ;] Ciao~
How deep is the snow? We had 12 inches, but it's all gone down to 4 now. :/
doggy duns pee on tree llama dus. What am I?
It was an...accident that I missed you off? .-.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. .-. I should be on there. I'm already looking after one of our children, and carrying the twins. :.-.:
Thanks for that correction, love. It seems that I wrote in slap-dash slang there, for a moment, leaving it to be a spit infinitive. (Grammar freak) -_-" Thanks for your support, and thanks to anybody else who has read the story, and especially to those who have reviewed. <3
No, but it can blow your head off. C:
Fuck you. :B|: