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  1. Emzy ♥


    I'm going be a better person, and keep the insanely violent thoughts I am having to myself.

    It's simple to say that you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Emzy ♥


    Tension-killer. xD
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Emzy ♥


    Dear god, don't make me laugh like that again.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Emzy ♥



    If you're going to come in late, you might as well not come in at all.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Emzy ♥


    See, if you think that this stuff is good, I'd love to see how you would have enjoyed yourself when stuff was remotely humorous around here.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Emzy ♥


    I want to hurt you.

    A lot.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Emzy ♥
    Oh, shush with your chop-logic, you ill-mannered, barbaric imbecile.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Emzy ♥
  9. Emzy ♥

    Post by: Emzy ♥, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Emzy ♥

    Hey khv

    Since when did you turn into Judge Judy? :/gasp:

    EDIT: Go for it, Absol. If you don't experience it now, you may regret it later, and the last thing you want is to remain wondering what it would have been like, rather than looking back and knowing.
    I go to public school. It's pretty awesome, and a great laugh.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Emzy ♥
    I’m normal; I know it.
    Why do you say that?
    I feel this pain, but don’t show it.
    Isn’t there a way to convey that?
    I’m sick of applying that happy facade.
    Don’t get closer; you’ll fall.
    I feel no emotion in these worthless days.
    These are the times where we lose it all.

    I’m cracking; I feel it.
    Don’t give up on me now.
    I take a blade to the pain to relieve it.
    I want to help you, but how?
    I’m tired of the questions answered with lies.
    Don’t be a pessimist, my love.
    I’ve lost the will to compromise.
    Smile as you know you should.

    I’m dead; I know it.
    But you’re here, aren’t you?
    I feel this raw emotion, and show it.
    Don’t let yourself get so blue.
    I’m not going to cover up what I am:
    I love you for the real thing.
    This quivering wreck; a total sham.
    You’re not what you seem to think.

    I’m not healing; it’s good.
    You worry me at times.
    I’m still breathing, tasting blood.
    Are you trying to make me cry?
    I’m looking through eyes; they’re not quite clear.
    You’re telling me all these things, but why?
    I’m killing myself inside. I’m going to miss you, dear.
    Those aren’t the words I want to hear.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: Archives
  12. Emzy ♥
  13. Emzy ♥
  14. Emzy ♥
  15. Emzy ♥
  16. Emzy ♥
  17. Emzy ♥
  18. Emzy ♥
  19. Emzy ♥
  20. Emzy ♥
    Profile Post

    Please be on msn now.

    Please be on msn now.
    Profile Post by Emzy ♥ for Daenerys Targaryen, Dec 29, 2009