Your welcome,I think I joined all of them lol.
I think it would be best if I controled Zexion?In other words can I have Zexion?Whoa you people spelt organization wrong lol.
Your welcome,just make sure to read the rules sometime.....if you already haven't.Sure thing i'll check them out.
Welcome to the group,I hope you enjoy your stay!!!
Oh no problem.So your new here huh?So What do you think about KH-Vids?In other words how are you liking it here?
We have talked about this before a lot of people say it wouldn't be good and vice-versa.I have to agree with you on this one it would be awsome.
He meant to use this thread to become a.......Premium.Then again you are already a premium member,so I can see how this is meaningless.
Uhh What???
Wow thats messed up,however that monster is pretty interesting.
Yeah it does suck lol,STRANGER!!!! lol.Ok,well atleast its not 4/4 lol.Fine,but its not fair.
uhh yeah.Well my mistake,i thought i did know you lol.Arghh fine then,now that you know i can't take it will you stop being all sentimental.
lol yeah thats what i was suppose to be lol.Larxene is like you?,i don't see how that is.Arghh i can...maybe lol.Yes its more than good lol.
What would your favorite game character of all time be? (mention more if you have the need to ) Mine.... Female = Spiral/Marvel v.s capcom ect. Male = Raditz/Dragonball Z Monster = Draksid Heartless/Kingdom Hearts
yeah yeah i see lol.yes i would have sucked lol,you as Lexeaus....equals perfection lol.AHHH I can handle it lol.Well thats good,i mean i wouldn't...
ohh yeah true lol.Ahh ok Well atleast you got to be a girl,you could have ended up being Lexeaus lmao.Arghh what did i tell you about that...
lol no its not.I know you are lol.LOL wow what are the odds of that.No i guess i'm just like that with you and few others,thats all.OK,i promise...
Ohh ok i'll look foward to that lol.Arghh so what if i'm not good lol.Yeah your like a little Larxene lol.Alright private message just tell...
ohh ok good.Yeah your worse than uh....whats something really bad? lol.Well i had to make sure you know lol.Arghh alright,ok yes i'm...
Ohhhh,you would fight me:nono: lol.Yeah your evil lol.Yeah i know,were always joking lol.Arghh,can't you just answer the question lol.
Yeah i just might lol.Well i'm chose to do that so that you wouldn't have to feel that way,so again its your fault...just joking lol.What do you...