hey can u plz get rid of the quoth plzzzzzzzz
F***** U ALL yeah pick on the kid who can't write english lol i love that show
you gonna buy it
hey i'm not good at rapping i just like hearing it
i with u something this awesome should be payed for not downloaded i'm gonna per-order the american version from gamestop i just wish one of my...
hey when birth by sleep comes out are u gonna download it or buy it
you hate me XD
that was a good one but i like the 4th one best yeah i loved the end of 3 cause that how i like ending jack goes and be a pirtate and out smarts barbosa one last time and drinks his ram now thats a good ending also it could be worse like they make a tv show lol XD i allready got the mustache i need the beard and to be buffed out too St. Augustine here i come
shoes..........lets get shoes.......shoes...... oh my god......shoes........
ok here i go Yo my name is Ali i live in L.A. you know that something always going on you could be walking and hear a bomb yo don't mess with me and my crew or else I'LL SHOOT YOU word XD and as for the swears it is rap so it has to have some swears so you can write them like this *uck or somthing but DO NOT GO overbored and make every 2 words have a swear in it
then just say games not atm people will think email or even the money machains
emails or what
so what should we do now
post a rap that u made up and let it be rated by the users of kh-vids
you beat me and i thought i had u i gonna make a thread of this and ever one can post there rap
*CLAP CLAP CLAP* well done :)
hey dude what now
dude whos to blame at less we got game we tried our best now i forgot the rest dude who knew we can't rap i really wished i had a 6 pack (...
i know!!!!!!!!!!! XD