halo 3 and mw1+2 halo 3 was on youtube when i was watching a music video and mw2 was my friend that just told me it out of nowhere when he got an xbox and the game :'( and mw1 was when my brother started the campain in mw2
haha yay!!!! D'oh.......
great now i can't go on youtube for birth by sleep cause some one will show the ending
oh sorry.....
hello!!!!!!!!!!! welcome to kh-vids
no this is fun the only way u can stop it is if u lock it but plz don't
the only thing i did that is like exercise is runing from people who try to hit me. but now i go to a gym with friends.
haha what should we talk about now
ok the most violent thing is someone has to shoot another person in the game
yeah hahaha thanks for the fix
care to play wolf
wow sweet pic that is a girl right?
this could be werid but i'll go for it the rules are one person is jigsaw and he/she come up with the death game like the air is being sucked out of the room (write holding my breath. last one to write it will be out ). i need about 8 people and then you make the name of your person,how he looks etc. the last person in is the winner can became jigsaw himself or if he/she does not want to him then the next person who wants it is it. so who is gonna play i'll be jigsaw first
no i don't have a dog where do babies come from
yes i like pie got any new games
some of my posts didn't count i made a few posts the other day and it was about 204-6 and then i when online the next day and it went right back to 200 and i looked back at the thread i posted on and my post was gone.
nice did you make that yourself or did you get that from a site ah touche....
wow we mess things up hahaha kh-vids was better before some of the good user left but who cares like you all say post like hell
hey i don't want this to get locked yet but it will in about a week at most and you are right that is weird