Are you still using the broken KH2FM CD or something? And what are the damages? Scratches or cuts?
Well, the other person talking to me is like my friend Daniel a bit. you seem mature, why is that? Most fourteen year-olds I know have bad grammar...
That is quite unusual, Jaden. surely there are members closer to our age group. Aren't there other 20 year olds? The one who recommended me is 20....
Spoiler Are you serious? That is ALL you have? Battle Music Mod 62110DC0 00000000 B2110DC0 00000000 1003FF58 00000XXX 1003FE9C 00000XXX d2000000 00000000 Digits Spoiler 400 = Olivine City 401 = Dewford Town 402 = Cherrygrove Town 403 = Azelea Town 404 = Route 29 405 = Route 30 406 = Route 30 407 = Route 30 408 = Route 35 409 = Route 35 40A = Route 35 40B = Route 35 40C = Route 38 40D = Route 44 40E = Vermillion City 40F = Saffron City 410 = Cerulean City 411 = Lavender Town 412 = Celadon City 413 = Cerulean City 414 = Saffron City 415 = Saffron City 416 = Pallet Town 417 = Cinnabar Islands 418 = Route 1 419 = Route 1 41A = Route 1 41B = Route 3 41C = Route 3 41D = Route 3 41E = Route 3 41F = Route 3 420 = Route 3 421 = Route 3 422 = Route 3 423 = Route 11 424 = Route 11 425 = Route 24 426 = Route 26 427 = Pokemon Center 428 = PokeMart 429 = Inside Gym 42A = Professor Elm's Lab 42B = Encountering Professor Oak 42C = Encountering Kimono Lady 42D = Game Corner 42E = Battle Frontier 42F = Battle Tower 430 = Sprout Tower 431 = Ruins of Alph 432 = Deep Inside Ruins of Alph 433 = Outside Tin Tower 434 = Burnt Tower (Brass Tower) 435 = Tin Tower 436 = Olivine Lighthouse 437 = Mahogony Town Rocket Hideout 438 = Ice Cavern 439 = Dragon's Den 43A = Cerulean Cave 43B = Viridian Forest 43C = Victory Road 43D = Indigo Plateau 43E = Encountering Your Mom 43F = Getting a Tour of Town 440 = Encountering Your Rival 441 = Rival Defeated 442 = Pokemon March Radio 443 = Pokemon March Radio 444 = Bug Catching Contest 445 = Radio Music 446 = Encountering a Rocket 447 = Riding the Magnet Train 448 = SS Aqua 449 = Clefairy Moon Dance 44A = Game Corner Jackpot 44B = The End 44C = Pokemon March Radio 44D = Wierd Techno Beeping 44E = Pokeflute Radio 44F = Professor Oak Radio 450 = Pokemon Watch Radio 451 = Encountering Eusine 452 = Eusine Encounter Suicune 453 = Spotted by Female Trainer 454 = Spotted by Male Trainer 455 = Spotted by a PokeNerd 456 = Encountering Kimono Lady in Whirl Islands/Tin Tower 457 = Challenged by Kimono Lady 458 = Spotted by Rocket 459 = Encountered by Young Girl 45A = Encountered by Elite Trainer 45B = Encoutered by Gentleman 45C = VS Johto Wild Pokemon 45D = VS Johto Trainer 45E = VS Johto Gym Leader 45F = VS Rival Battle 460 = VS Rocket Battle 461 = VS Suicune 462 = VS Entei 463 = VS Raikou 464 = VS Champion 465 = VS Kanto Wild Pokemon 466 = VS Kanto Trainer 467 = VS Kanto Gym Leader 468 = Victory Music 469 = Captured Pokemon Music 46A = Defeated Trainer Music 46B = Defeated Gym Leader Music 46C = VS Ho-oh 46D = VS Lugia 46E = Pokethlon Dome Music 46F = Pokethlon Beginning Music 470 = Pokethlon Event Details Music 471 = Pokethlon Event Music #1 472 = Pokethlon Event Music #2 473 = Pokethlon Event Results Music 474 = Pokethlon Results Music 475 = Pokethlon Results Music 476 = Pokethlon Winner Music 477 = Battle Factory 478 = Battle Hall 479 = Battle Arcade 47A = Battle Castle 47B = VS Frontier Brain 47C = Defeated Frontier Brain 47D = Wi-Fi Connection Music 47E = Mystery Gift Music 47F = Wi-Fi Plaza 480 = Wi-Fi Plaza Game 481 = Wi-Fi Plaza Parade 482 = GTS 483 = Wii Connection Music? 484 = Wii Connection Music? 485 = Global Trade Station (Inside GTS) 486 = Route 47 and 48 487 = Safari Zone Entrance 488 = Safari Zone 489 = Kotone Encounter Music 48A = Rockets Taking Over 48B = Kimono Dancer Music 48C = Kimono Lady Encounter 48D = VS Kimono Lady 48E = Lugia/Ho-oh Appears 48F = Gizamimi Pichu Event 490 = Shinto Ruins 491 = Route 101 (Hoenn Region) 492 = Route 201 (Sinnoh Region) 493 = Inside Gym 494 = Blackthorn City 495 = Goldenrod City/Radio Music 496 = VS Weather Titans 497 = Pokewalker Menu 498 = VS Arceus/Arceus Event Music 499 = Route 29 49A = Route 39 49B = Route 42 49C = Surfing Theme 49D = Ruins of Alph 49E = Spotted by Rocket 49F = NOTHING Main Character Mod 62110DC0 00000000 B2110DC0 00000000 10025D90 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Digits Spoiler 000 = Soul Silver Hero Male 001 = Little Boy (Platinum) 002 = Little Girl (Platinum) 003 = Male School Kid (Platinum) 004 = Youngster (Platinum) 005 = Bug Catcher (Platinum) 006 = Lass (Platinum) 007 = Battle Girl (Platinum) 008 = School Girl (Platinum) 009 = Generic Male (Platinum) 00A = Rocker (Platinum) 00B = Ace Trainer Male (Platinum) 00C = Generic Female (Platinum) 00D = Beauty (Platinum) 00E = Ace Trainer Female (Platinum) 00F = Balding Male 010 = Barry's Mom (Platinum) 011 = Old Man (Platinum) 012 = Old Woman (Platinum) 013 = Fat Guy (Platinum) 014 = Hiker 015 = Biking Male Hero 016 = Reporter (Platinum) 017 = Camera Man (Platinum) 018 = Store clerk 1 019 = Store Clerk 2 01A = FREEZE 01B = FREEZE 01C = FREEZE 01D = Male Scientist (Platinum) 01E = Female Scientist (Platinum) 01F = Rough Neck (Platinum) 020 = FREEZE 021 = Female Skiier (Platinum) 022 = Officer (Platinum) 023 = Idol (Platinum) 024 = Gentleman (Platinum) 025 = Socialite (Platinum) 026 = Male Biker (Platinum) 027 = Female Biker (Platinum) 028 = Engineer (Platinum) 029 = Farmer (Platinum) 02A = Cowgirl (Platinum) 02B = Clown (Platinum) 02C = Artist (Platinum) 02D = Athlete Male (Platinum) 02E = FREEZE 02F = FREEZE 030 = FREEZE 031 = FREEZE 032 = Ruin Maniac (Platinum) 033 = Black Belt (Platinum) 034 = Picnic Boy (Platinum) 035 = Picnic Girl (Platinum) 036 = Fisherman 037 = Parasol Girl (Platinum) 038 = Sailor 039 = FREEZE 03A = FREEZE 03B = Waiter (Platinum) 03C = Waitress (Platinum) 03D = FREEZE 03E = Rich Boy (Platinum) 03F = Rich Girl (Platinum) 040 = FREEZE 041 = FREEZE 042 = FREEZE 043 = FREEZE 044 = Blizzard Ace Trainer Male (Platinum) 045 = Blizzard Ace Trainer Female (Platinum) 046 = Psychic Male (Platinum) 047 = Pikachu (Platinum) 048 = FREEZE 049 = FREEZE 04A = FREEZE 04B = FREEZE 04C = FREEZE 04D = FREEZE 04E = FREEZE 04F = FREEZE 050 = FREEZE 051 = FREEZE 052 = FREEZE 053 = FREEZE 054 = Strength Boulder (Platinum) 055 = Rock Smash Rock (Platinum) 056 = Cut Bush (Platinum) 057 = Item Pokeball 058 = FREEZE 059 = FREEZE 05A = FREEZE 05B = FREEZE 05C = FREEZE 05D = FREEZE 05E = FREEZE 05F = FREEZE 060 = FREEZE 061 = Soul Silver Hero Female 062 = Biking Soul Silver Hero Female 063 = Professor Elm 064 = FREEZE 065 = FREEZE 066 = FREEZE 067 = FREEZE 068 = FREEZE 069 = FREEZE 06A = FREEZE 06B = FREEZE 06C = FREEZE 06D = FREEZE 06E = FREEZE 06F = FREEZE 070 = FREEZE 071 = FREEZE 072 = FREEZE 073 = FREEZE 074 = FREEZE 075 = FREEZE 076 = FREEZE 077 = FREEZE 078 = FREEZE 079 = FREEZE 07A = FREEZE 07B = FREEZE 07C = FREEZE 07D = FREEZE 07E = Roark 07F = Gardenia 080 = Crasher Wake 081 = Maylene 082 = Fantina 083 = Candice 084 = Byron 085 = Volkner 086 = FREEZE 087 = FREEZE 088 = FREEZE 089 = FREEZE 08A = FREEZE 08B = FREEZE 08C = FREEZE08D = Cheryl 08E = Riley 08F = Marley 090 = Buck 091 = Mira 092 = School Boy (HG/SS) 093 = FREEZE 094 = Rival (Silver) 095 = FREEZE 096 = FREEZE 097 = FREEZE 098 = FREEZE 099 = FREEZE 09A = FREEZE 09B = FREEZE 09C = FREEZE 09D = FREEZE 09E = FREEZE 09F = FREEZE 0A0 = FREEZE 0A1 = FREEZE 0A2 = FREEZE 0A3 = FREEZE 0A4 = FREEZE 0A5 = FREEZE 0A6 = FREEZE 0A7 = FREEZE0A8 = Gym Stalker Guy (HEYA FUTURE CHAMP!) 0A9 = Tower Tycoon Paulmer 0AA = FREEZE 0AB = FREEZE 0AC = FREEZE 0AD = FREEZE 0AE = FREEZE 0AF = Pokemon Mansion Maid (Platinum) 0B0 = Diamond/Pearl Hero Male Holding Up Pokeball 0B1 = Diamond/Pearl Hero Female Holding Up Pokeball 0B2 = Soul Silver Hero Male Kneeling 0B3 = Soul Silver Hero Female Kneeling 0B4 = Diamond/Pearl Hero Male Watering Berries 0B5 = Diamond/Pearl Hero Female Watering Berries 0B6 = FREEZE 0B7 = Book 0B8 = FREEZE 0B9 = FREEZE 0BA = FREEZE 0BB = FREEZE 0BC = Soul Silver Hero Male Fishing 0BD = Soul Silver Hero Female Fishing 0BE = FREEZE 0BF = FREEZE 0C0 = FREEZE 0C1 = Green Mystery Gift Man 0C2 = FREEZE 0C3 = FREEZE 0C4 = Diamond/Pearl Hero Male Checking Watch 0C5 = Diamond/Pearl Hero Female Checking Watch 0C6 = Soul Silver Hero Male Kneeling 0C7 = Soul Silver Hero Female Kneeling 0C8 = Soul Silver Hero Male Handing Pokeballs 0C9 = Soul Silver Hero Female Handing Pokeballs 0CA = FREEZE 0CB = FREEZE 0CC = FREEZE 0CD = FREEZE 0CE = FREEZE 0CF = FREEZE 0D0 = FREEZE 0D1 = FREEZE 0D2 = Ruins Of Alph Wall 0D3 = Red 0D4 = FREEZE 0D5 = FREEZE 0D6 = FREEZE 0D7 = FREEZE 0D8 = FREEZE 0D9 = FREEZE 0DA = Thief 0DB = Shrine Woman With Candles 0DC = Sprout Tower Monk 0DD = Female Rocket 0DE = Male Rocket 0DF = Rocket Executive Athena 0E0 = Rocket Leader Apollo 0E1 = Male Snowboarder 0E2 = FREEZE 0E3 = Pyro-Maniac 0E4 = FREEZE 0E5 = Biker 0E6 = FREEZE 0E7 = FREEZE 0E8 = Kimono Woman 0E9 = Kurt 0EA = Clefairy Doll 0EB = Bill 0EC = SS Aqua Captain 0ED = Red Gyarados 0EE = Diamond/Pearl Hero Male 0EF = Diamond/Pearl Hero Female 0F0 = FREEZE 0F1 = FREEZE 0F2 = FREEZE 0F3 = FREEZE 0F4 = FREEZE 0F5 = FREEZE 0F6 = FREEZE 0F7 = FREEZE 0F8 = Soul Silver Hero Dancing? 0F9 = Soul silver Female Dancing? 0FA = Shrine Woman Without Candles 0FB = Other Part of a Door (Left) 0FC = Other Part of a Door (Right) 0FD = Crate 0FE = Magnet Train Support Beam 0FF = Magnet Train Support Beam 100 = Part of a Door 101 = Part of another Door 102 = Rocket Soul Silver Hero Male 103 = Rocket Soul Silver Hero Female 104 = Rocket Male Hero Handing Pokeballs to Nurse Joy 105 = Rocket Female Hero Handing Pokeballs to Nurse Joy 106 = ??? Apricorn Tree 107 = Red Apricorn Tree 108 = Yellow Apricorn Tree 109 = Blue Apricorn Tree 10A = Green Apricorn Tree 10B = Pink Apricorn Tree 10C = White Apricorn Tree 10D = Black Apricorn Tree 10E = Red Apricorn 10F = Yellow Apricorn 110 = Blue Apricorn 111 = Green Apricorn 112 = Pink Apricorn 113 = White Apricorn 114 = Black Apricorn 115 = Factory Head Thorton 116 = Hall Matron Argenta 117 = Castle Valet Dirach 118 = Arcade Star Dahlia 119 = Lady Caitlin 11A = Green Colored Frontier Worker 11B = Maroon Colored Frontier Worker 11C = Battle Frontier Entrance Worker 11D = Male Wi-Fi Plaza Worker 11E = Female Wi-Fi Plaza Worker 11F = Persian Statue 120 = Golden Dresser Hiding Rocket's Secret Base 121 = Little Boy 122 = Door Of Some Kind 123 = Ruins Of Alph Podium 124 = Patch of Dirt 125 = Rocket Admin Lambda 126 = Rocket Admin Lance (Rocket) 127 = Platinum Hero Male 128 = Platinum Hero Female 129 = Kneeling Rocket Male Hero 12A = Kneeling Rocket Female Hero 12B = Orange Mystery Gift Man 12C = FREEZE 12D = FREEZE 12E = FREEZE 12F = FREEZE 130 = FREEZE 131 = FREEZE 132 = FREEZE 133 = FREEZE 134 = FREEZE 135 = FREEZE 136 = FREEZE 137 = FREEZE 138 = FREEZE 139 = FREEZE 13A = FREEZE13B = Little Boy (HG/SS) 13C = Little Girl (HG/SS) 13D = Youngster (HG/SS) 13E = Bug Catcher (HG/SS) 13F = Mini-Skirt 140 = Blonde Girl With Pig Tails 141 = Brown Haired School Girl 142 = Brown Haired Boy 143 = Rocker 144 = Elite Trainer Male 145 = Generic Woman 146 = Beauty (HG/SS) 147 = Elite Trainer Female 148 = Balding Man 149 = House Wife 14A = Old Man (Daycare Grandpa) 14B = Old Woman (Daycare Grandma) 14C = Fat Guy (HG/SS) 14D = Hiker 14E = Store Clerk 1 14F = Nurse Joy 150 = Downstairs Pokecenter Clerk 151 = HG/SS GTS Clerk 152 = Poke-Geek 153 = FREEZE 154 = FREEZE 155 = Gentleman (HG/SS) 156 = Male Swimmer 157 = Female Swimmer 158 = Black Belt (HG/SS) 159 = Picnic Boy 15A = Picnic Girl 15B = Fisherman 15C = Sailor 15D = MISSINGNO. 15E = Gold Trophy 15F = Psychic Male (HG/SS) 160 = Falkner 161 = Bugsy 162 = Whitney 163 = Morty 164 = Chuck 165 = Jasmine 166 = Pryce 167 = Clair 168 = Elite 4 Will 169 = Elite 4 Koga 16A = Elite 4 Bruno 16B = Elite 4 Karen 16C = Champion Lance 16D = Your Mother 16E = Professor Oak 16F = Kid Playing DS 170 = Lt. Surge 171 = Sabrina 172 = Misty 173 = Erika 174 = Janine 175 = Brock 176 = Blaine 177 = Green 178 = Silver Trophy 179 = PokeManiac 17A = Juggler 17B = Bronze Trophy 17C = Banette 17D = Sudowoodo Tree 17E = Eusine 17F = Kobushi (Pokethlon Champion) 180 = Hajime 181 = Giovanni 182 = Ruins Of Alph Researcher 183 = Sprout Tower Master 184 = FREEZE 185 = DJ Kurumi (DJ Mary? Pink haired DJ) 186 = Lapras 187 = FREEZE 188 = Daisy 189 = Red's Mom 18A = Bug Catching Contest Host 18B = ??????? 18C = Pokethlon Medal 18D = Pokethlon Scroll 18E = Pokethlon Shoes 18F = Pokethlon Jacket 190 = Pokethlon Red Flag 191 = Pokethlon Pokegear 192 = Pokeball In a Glass Jar 193 = Pokethlon Self Statue Male 194 = Pokethlon Self Statue Female 195 = FREEZE 196 = Ice Block 197 = Soul Silver Hero Male Pokethlon Outfit 198 = Soul Silver Hero Female Pokethlon Outfit 199 = Rotom Microwave 19A = Rotom Fan 19B = Rotom Fridge 19C = Rotom Washer 19D = Rotom Mower 19E = Slowpoke 19F = Bulbasaur 1A0 = ??? 1A1 = ??? 1A2 = ??? 1A3 = ??? 1A4 = ??? 1A5 = Steven Stone 1A6 = Cynthia 1A7 = Soul Silver Hero Male Checking Watch 1A8 = Soul Silver Hero Female Checking Watch 1A9 = Ho-oh 1AA = Lugia 1AB = Radio Station Attendant 1AC = Bulbasaur 1AD = Ivysaur 1AE = Venasaur 1AF = Venasaur 1B0 = Charmander 1B1 = Charmeleon 1B2 = Charizard 1B3 = Squirtle 1B4 = Wartortle 1B5 = Blastoise 1B6 = Caterpie 1B7 = Metapod 1B8 = Butterfree 1B9 = Weedle 1BA = Kakuna 1BB = Beedrill 1BC = Pidgey 1BD = Pidgeotto 1BE = Pidgeot 1BF = Rattata 1C0 = Ratticate 1C1 = Spearow 1C2 = Fearow 1C3 = Ekans 1C4 = Arbok 1C5 = Pikachu 1C6 = Pikachu 1C7 = Raichu 1C8 = Sandhsrew 1C9 = Sandslash 1CA = Nidoran Female 1CB = Nidorina 1CC = Nidoqueen 1CD = Nidoran Male 1CE = Nidorino 1CF = Nidoking 1D0 = Clefairy 1D1 = Clefable 1D2 = Vulpix 1D3 = Ninetails 1D4 = Jigglypuff 1D5 = Wigglytuff 1D6 = Zubat 1D7 = Golbat 1D8 = Oddish 1D9 = Gloom 1DA = Vileplume 1DB = Paras 1DC = Parasect 1DD = Venonat 1DE = Venomoth 1DF = Diglett 1E0 = Dugtrio 1E1 = Meowth 1E2 = Persian 1E3 = Psyduck 1E4 = Golduck 1E5 = Mankey 1E6 = Primape 1E7 = Growlithe 1E8 = Arcanine 1E9 = Poliwag 1EA = Poliwhirl 1EB = Poliwrath 1EC = Abra 1ED = Kadabra 1EE = Alakazam 1EF = Machop 1F0 = Machoke 1F1 = Machamp 1F2 = Bellsprout 1F3 = Weepinbell 1F4 = Victreebel 1F5 = Tentacool 1F6 = Tentacruel 1F7 = Geodude 1F8 = Graveler 1F9 = Golem 1FA = Ponyta 1FB = Rapidash 1FC = Slowpoke 1FD = Slowbro 1FE = Magnemite 1FF = Magneton 200 = Farfetch'd 201 = Doduo 202 = Dotrio 203 = Seel 204 = Dewgong 205 = Grimer 206 = Muk 207 = Shellder 208 = Cloyster 209 = Ghastly 20A = Haunter 20B = Gengar 20C = Onix 20D = Drowzee 20E = Hypno 20F = Krabby 210 = Kingler 211 = Voltorb 212 = Electrode 213 = Exeggcute 214 = Exeggutor 215 = Cubone 216 = Marowak 217 = Hitmonlee 218 = Hitmonchan 219 = Lickitung 21A = Koffing 21B = Weezing 21C = Rhyhorn 21D = Rhydon 21E = Chansey 21F = Tangela 220 = Kangaskhan 221 = Horsea 222 = Seadra 223 = Goldeen 224 = Seaking 225 = Staryu 226 = Starmie 227 = Mr. Mime 228 = Scyther 229 = Jynx 22A = Electabuzz 22B = Magmar 22C = Pinsir 22D = Tauros 22E = Magikarp 22F = Gyarados 230 = Lapras 231 = Ditto 232 = Eevee 233 = Vaporeon 234 = Jolteon 235 = Flareon 236 = Porygon 237 = Omanyte 238 = Omastar 239 = Kabuto 23A = Kabutops 23B = Aerodactyl 23C = Snorlax 23D = Articuno 23E = Zapdos 23F = Moltres 240 = Dratini 241 = Dragonair 242 = Dragonite 243 = Mewtwo 244 = Mew EV mods All EV 252 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 0000FCFC FCFCFCFC 46C046C0 EV HP 252 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 00000000 000000FC 46C046C0 EV ATK 252 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 00000000 0000FC00 46C046C0 EV DEF 252 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 00000000 00FC0000 46C046C0 EV Special DEF 252 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 000000FC 00000000 46C046C0 EV ATK 252 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 0000FC00 00000000 46C046C0 EV SPEED 252 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 00000000 FC000000 46C046C0 EV HP+SPEED 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 00000000 FC0600FC 46C046C0 EV HP+Special DEF 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 0000FC00 000600FC 46C046C0 EV HP+Special ATK 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 000000FC 000006FC 46C046C0 EV HP+DEF 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 00000600 00FC00FC 46C046C0 EV HP+ATK 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 00000000 0006FCFC 46C046C0 EV ATK+Special DEF 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 0000FC00 00FC0006 46C046C0 EV Special ATK+SPEED 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 000000FC FC000006 46C046C0 EV Special ATK+Special DEF 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 0000FCFC 00060000 46C046C0 EV ATK+SPEED 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 00000000 FC00FC06 46C046C0 EV Special ATK+ATK 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 000000FC 0000FC06 46C046C0 EV Special ATK+DEF 1206EA8A 00004800 0206EA8C 023C0001 1206EA90 00004700 E23C0000 00000018 61384803 82B84801 BDF8B014 00000000 00FCFC06 46C046C0
Wondering why in the Hell my friend referred me here. i just got a picture welcoming. Are there any sane people here?
Okay, that was an introduction different from others I've received.
He was simply misunderstood in my opinion. We have learned that he was on drugs so can we really say it was him consciously saying "May i sleep with your son?" He was a good father and an amazing musician. If he was gay, then he would be a legend among the LGBT members.
The one who referred me said it was a hellhole for trolls, just expressing my opinion.
Every site that gets bought by Google ends up failing miserably. Look at Youtube, fails. Myspace, fails. Once Facebook gets bought then the remaining social sites will be the ones that are popular.
But people on Youtube have managed to turn romhacks into codes, why can't you guys? Or is there a difference between turning a romhack of pokemon into a code and turning a romhack of KH into a code? I ran my coding program and got this. You will need a coding program like cheat engine to open it though. I use it because of the speed hack feature.