All I basically need is them to be right next to each other and the exact same size. I've been resizing the same pictures but they always come out differently. I've even attempted to copy/paste and one always covered up the other. I need the American Flag and Spanish flag next to each other and the same exact size. That is all
Sure, I will. What time?
Ex post facto Jaden. you didn't know so no punishment.
Here's some. Chuck Norris is where babies come from Chuck Norris once leaned on a tower in Pisa Chuck Norris once ate 72 oz. steaks in a 46 minutes. He spent the first 31 minutes shagging his wife Chuck Norris once won the World Series of Poker with a checker chip, a green uno card, 2 of clubs, 3 of spades, and a get out of jail free card There are no species. Those are the animals he has allowed to live Chuck Norris' dick is so big that it has its own dick which is still bigger than yours. When Chuck Norris entered this world he had a beard and roundhouse kicked his mother.
No, the hex value is what made these addresses. I recall a shitstorm that started revolving around a video containing the actual digits for all the romhacks. If I could find the video, then I could run addresses for Anti Riku and Anti Saix. I'm sure a lot of gamers would love to have the sword extension that Riku has when you take down half of his hit points. I've only hex-edited pokemon so I'm not quite sure what the difference is bu this is what I would do in KH terms. 1. Find a Ventus version of Days. 2. Run the Roxas hex value and see if it changes him back to normal 3. Then use the hex value for Ventus and see if he changes back
No, because flaming= tempo banning :/ Also, Lexi says great job on the profile background. She's standing above my shoulder reading. She's taking...
Hang on, I'll go find some good super glue and duct tape.
Anybody predicting a grey version? I'm predicting more than 100 pokemon. If we get more than 100 new pokemon. I will personally make a code or something that edits the game and have the new professor say something "Do you have the attention span to catch em all? Yes, I'm ripping my girlfriend's joke :/ It took me 3 months just to get the all 493 legit. I had to transfer a crap load of pokemon from my girlfriend's pokemon games and clone them. It was just in December that I finally got a legit Arceus. As for the evil team. I'm hoping for a Cole/Balthazor thing. The evil team's leader helps you throughout the game, becoming your friend and all the other crap that Cole did but child-friendly. Just to have him turn teams and beat the living crap out of his teammates OR His second-in-command betrays him and you double battle with the team leader as your partner. OR The evil team leader thing same as above but is the champion as well.
Is a great fanfic writer.
Hello sir. I wish to talk to you in private. Private messaging would be best. I've read your rules several times and found that your site does not...
Eh, too active. I get errors a lot so it's been sucking. As you know Jaden and I have talked before I joined this place. Would you like to join...
Oh my god, go get Colonel Sanders. He's got a pretty big order to fill
No, just expressing my opinion. This place is here so you can let your brain relax.
Oh, he's a farmer? How many chicks do you have following you? -5? 13?
You can only make so many seasons for one show before it starts sucking more than Bill's lobbyist. Let us all travel down the Hall of Fail. Pokemon was among the first to go. Several great seasons then along came the dumbsh** May. We started having pokemon talent shows that are nothing like the games. The girls started wearing skimpy clothes and bikinis. Couple seasons later, along came Dawn. Just when we thought the stupidity was over, we were wrong. We got a new girl with a short skirt, long socks and tanktop. I can go on but I would rather keep it short. However if there was someone with characteristics of McCarthy, Poe, and Hitler then we would have a better version of Death Note. We would have Poe's dark and psychotic mind. Hitler's hatred of the world's unneeded meaning criminals. And McCarthy's false sense of justice. I would say the manga is better because we have the alternate ending and a comeback of the Death Note in Chapter 109.
Thank you for the information. It's nice to learn while on a forum once in awhile.
You open the file not NO$GBA. You go to load and select the file "Kingdom Hearts Ventus" There you will find over 200 possible addresses. it's a freaking pain to go through them though. I find more effects on the game by putting them into the Code option and use jokers. This way you know that code is actually being forced to activate.
Yes it is me, Pikachu. I prefer Pikachu but call me by the nickname Lexi gave me and I'll edit the ban list in the arena. I know you won't just a...
Then get current staff, former staff, and members with staff experience to moderate. Staff codes aren't that hard to figure out because in most chat rooms like tinychat when you come in they will give you the moderation codes such as Guest184927/ban.