Lmfao im just playing and want to come over later
Want to go get a beer?
*feels sad again and crals into hole and sign say:NEVER COME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*opens door and comes out slowly, sees somebody and gets scared* whos that?
oh then you`d be perfect to join
*kicks back and closes door and locks door*
oh want to join my Black-Hearted Angel`s group. have you ever did something bad and never regreted it
*crals into a deep deep hole and never comes out*
it didnt work out so well:(:(:(:(:(
its okay:( but anyway what were you doing before right now
why now im about to marry cstar7777
like kid marry as acting as grown ups *get on on knee*http://www.kh-vids.net/picture.php?albumid=2304&pictureid=22354
its okay batarry bout todie and did you see the song i gave you and i have to tell you something willl you marry me?
hey what you doing?
heybabe what you doing *kisses on lips and hugs tightly*
hellow felllow black-hearted angels i am your leader
yes it count perfect you can join yes *whisperly*
im fine to hey have you ever did something bad and didnt regret it? if you did then you should come into my group Black-Hearted Angel`s Group
want to be my friend?