Genservant had gotten up, and contenued to battle with Kouri and Malum, each time all three of their blades touched together, an explosion of energy threw them appart. Though the three would never admit it, they were all getting tired, and Malum, though he hated Genservant for who he was, and Kouri for interfering, he hated Mixt more. As the three fought, Malum backed up a couple of steps, and did something that came naturaly to him, using darkness to teleport. And though he didn't know it at the time, doing so caused a ripple throughout reality, sending his "brother" and his "sister" through teleports of their own. Fire swirled around Genservant, and he suddenly vanished, appearing in a flash of fire near where Phisoxa, Seth, and Rose were, he had teleported in ten feet into the air though... and he fell face-first towards the ground, landing a mere six or seven feet from Phisoxa and the others. Kouri was once again enveloped in a miniture blizzard, and she too vanished.
OOC: whoa... may I have a recap plz?
OOC: The RP has officaly started. (you do not have to read all of the Important Information, just skim-read though it, I kind-of got carried away with it XD) Important Information: Setting: Traverse Town, one year after KH2. Time: 17:00 GMT -8. Major events: Nobody Warships were spotted heading towards Traverse Town, the city is in a mass panic, while the Gummi ship landing platform is being flooded with refugees. Forces of Light: Orbiting Defense station, Crew: 7, Weapons: 4 rapid-fire turrents, anti-air missles. Three Gummi fighters (similar to what we would call fighter jets, think star-wars) Crew: 1, Weapons: 2 cannons. Forces of Darkness: Three Nobody Light class Warships, Crew: 123, Weapons: 20 large cannon turrents, 12 rapid fire turrents, ship to ship missles, Carrying Capacity: 100 infantry, 8 large Vehicles, 4 transport gunships, 20 Gummi fighters. Twelve Transport Gunships, Crew: 5, Weapons: 3 light rapid fire turrents, 2 cannons, Carrying Capacity: 25 infantry, 2 large Vehicles. Sixty Nobody Fighters, Crew: 1, Weapons: 1 cannon. (that is only for what is happening at Traverse town, which is being attacked, only people on that world know that though) You may now post. BIC: Riku sighed, and walked out of his room on the large Gummi ship, since Axel had come, and given word about the comming war, they had done nothing but preparations, now, with a hasitly assemebled army, drafted from citizens of the worlds Radiant Garden and Destiny islands, and with ships from Disney Castle. Riku was itching to go into battle.
not much, what about you?
OOC: okay, so Phisoxa doesn't notice this? (or is it just because she doesn't remember Eventus?)
OOC: lol, but really, StarCraft got the word Hyperion from greek mythology, where it was the name of the titan of light.
Albert looked at the face of the young man in front of him, by reading his face, Einstein was able to determine that he was sincere, "you may pick up your weapons, and return them to their holsters now," he said, as he placed his own gun into it's holster, on the side of his waist, the other G19 was on the opposite side.
Albert sighed, and opened the door, "If I see one wrong move from you, then you're done for, you hear me?" he said.
OOC: you know where Starcraft got it from, don't you? Donald spoke back into the Com-D, "ready to warp?" he asked. Eventus just watched to see what Michiru would do.
Albert sighed, "why are you in the middle of this forest, there isn't a paved road for miles, and you happen to come accrosed my house in the middle of it all?" he said.
Sora picked up Kairi, and laid her down in a sleeping compartment, "just rest here for awhile, okay?" he said. OOC: okay, the Hyperion it is! (lol) BIC: Leon watched after Mya, wondering where she was going.
I will start posting in this more once we have clues, no use in posting unless I'm figuing them out.
OOC: um... heartless angel, just so you know (in case you missed the post), my character responded to your character's action, and I am waiting for a reply from you.
OOC: any name at all, but if you don't want it to have a name, I'll just refer to it by a serial number. BIC: Mickey jumped into a seat next to Nalani. Riku sat in a seat near Grey, and he began to use cure on his injured leg, it looked like he had only fractured it, amazing, considering the fact that he had crashed through a solid stone wall. Eventus looked at Michiru from the co-pilot's seat, "okay, so you come over here to answer the Com-D, and now you are just sitting there?" he said, as he reached for the Com-D's controls, "go ahead and do the talking," he said, right before he pushed the button to talk. Leon put his hand on Mya's shoulder, "from the sound of it, there was nothing that you could have done, remember, you were not the only knight in the room," he said, trying to re-assure the young warrior.
No, you are supposed to start worrying once they say you aren't. Here is a question for you: How many of the doughnuts they gave you did you eat?!
OOC: um... heartless angel? Does Mya's ship have a name? BIC: Leon looked at Mya, "wait... Aerith is too strong to loose her heart to a regular heartless, and Sid was well protected, so that means... they were attacked by keybearing heartless!" he exclaimed. Cloud just shook his head saddly. Donald activated the ship's Communication Device, or Com-D for short, "Highwind to ______, are you ready to go?" he asked.
let's see... 17:00 -8:00 = .... 9:00. So nine AM for me.
OOC: I am guessing that this character has not been used again, if he has, I am sorry, and I will edit this post. BIC: Alarms blared inside of Albert's lab, and a video monitor set in the wall lit up, showing Raiken walking up to the house. "Computer, scan him, I want to know if his bio-clock is ageing," he said, speaking to his highly advanced computer system. The computer whirred for a moment, "Bio clock not stopped, is a normal human," the computer said in a feminine voice. Albert grabbed one of his G19 pistols, and walked to the front door, "what do you want?" he asked through an open window.
I think it is a cool idea too, have fun at disneyland!
Sora ran with Kairi, and the two dissapeared into the teleporter, appearing on the Highwind. Mickey had run with Nalani, and looked at her, "breathe deeply, it will help," he said, knowing what the young keybearer must be feeling. Riku limped over to the seat next to Michiru, "don't be ashamed of running, that heartless was like nothing I've ever seen before, and we were not prepared," he said, "and like it or not, most of the civilians were transformed into heartless before we got there." Eventus heard this, but didn't say anything, instead, he climbed into the co-pilot's seat, and prepared the ship for the flight back. Cloud walked out of the back room of the ship, he had just laid the uncounsious Tifa in one of the sleeping compartments. Leon looked at him, and then Yuffie, "have either of you seen Sid or Aerith?" he asked them.