OOC: why has no-one come back to this yet? Heartless_Angel was on, and so was Midnight star, so someone could have replied, I seriously hope this isn't going to die because of the site errors.
OOC: okay then, thank you very much for the recap. BIC: Malum walked further through the realm of darkness, seeming to feed off of the darkness there, as it gave him energy, making him more powerful than normal. Soon, he came to a place where the black, open plain of the dark realm was broken by massive buildings. They were the ruins of a world long gone, consumed by the darkness eons ago. A large open doorway lead into the stone ruins, it looked like the wood had rotted away long ago. Malum's boots made loud, echoing thumps on the ancient stone floor as he walked deeper into them, noticing the strange markings on the walls and floors, it looks like... Alchemy markings? He thought to himself... Alchemy... Mixt... Malum's mind made the connection, and before he knew it, he was off, racing through the corridors and hallways, searching for something, anything, that would help him find Mixt. ____________________ Genservant slumped to the ground as Toxober left, and began, almost instinctivly, to meditate, absorbing magic energy that was left over from the fight, refuling his depleted reserve of the precious power. OOC: I started that post from whenever Toxober and the others left the ship, so that My characters were not just sitting there in the 'reality' of the story.
The Dark Master gestured with his left hand, and another, smaller chair rose out of the black stone floor. "Please, sit, we have awhile to talk before you can leave." _________________ Leon looked at Herra for a minute, and then sighed, he couldn't hold her forever anyway, "okay, but one wrong move and..." Leon's voice trailed away as he released his grip on Herra.
Eventus nodded, "okay, that's enough, you can take a break now," Eventus said. ______________ Black had gone back to the heartless castle, and was busy attempting to flirt with the mindless shadow-Aerith, because he thought that she was a quote 'pretty heartless'. At that time, Malum walked into the room, "kock it off," he said over his shoulder to Black, who immediatly made the Shadow-Aerith vanish, "Black listen."
Leon began to walk accrossed the beach, dragging Herra with him, "Nalani, I promised him before you came back from talking to Sora, it was the right thing to do; this is his fight, not ours." OOC: yes, I knew that, I just wanted to make sure that it wasn't, like, Grey's homeworld or something. BIC: The Dark Master walked over to Grey, "if you make a deal with me, I can restore your sister, but only if you aggree, I know that you high and mighty keybladers of the light uphold your vows, as I will uphold my end of the bargain," said the master of darkness.
OOC: common guys, I really need a Recap! Can someone please give me one, as I do not have time to read four+ pages of posts.
The dark figure stood up, appearing to have a height of at least six feet tall, maybe even seven. "So, you have come," the dark master simply said with a heavy british accent. Leon turned Herra around to face him, while keeping a tight grip on her sword arm, "I understand that you are Grey's sister, is that correct?" he said in a serious tone.
The darkness seemed to swallow up Grey, as it transported him onto a new path; this one a narrow walkway leading into a massive, black throne room. The room was circular, and there was a smaller concentration of black mist, not nearly as thick as on the bridge, but still there, slightly obscuring some things. The room didn't seem to have a celing, instead, the top was encased in thicker black mist. There was a ornate chair in the middle of the room, it was like any king's throne, exept for where there might have been silver or gold, there was only a black metal. A hooded figure sat in the chair; face hidden by shadows so that the only visible features was his pupil-less glowing red eyes. Leon shook his head, as he held Herra tightly, not taking any chances, "I promised Grey that I would get you out of there when it was time, and I keep my promises."
Malum followed through the portal, which vanished behind him. Darkness swirled around, as they stood on what appeared to be a bridge made from ancient black stone, with cryptic markings engraved in them. There seemed to be no end to the bridge, as it's length vanished into the darkness at either end of it. "quiet your thoughts, they will only delay your walk down the path to true darkness," Malum said in a mono-tone voice.
Malum opened a portal of darkness, "I have orders from the Master to take him into his inner sanctuary," the Dark warrior stated. Meanwhile, Leon got to his feet, and then grabbed the back of Herra's cloak, jerking her to her feet.
A dark portal opened behind Serrin, about twenty feet away, on a patch of purple-black ice, and Malum walked out of it in a calm manner. Far away, by the floating black castle, an explosion marked the end of Grey's ship. Black floated through the portal, landing on his dark feet behind Malum. The shadow-Aerith was with him, attached by a strand of darkness that was not unlike a leash.
Leon locked eyes with grey, only for a second, but Leon made a little nod, as if he agreed, or at least understood what Grey was doing. Suddenly, Leon made a running tackle, attempting to push Nalani and Herra through the portal with his weight. _______________ Eventus looked at Michiru, "now, stop thinking about the lightswitch, and just yell thunder," he said.
OOC: may I please have a Recap?
OOC: yes, you still get riku. I am going to try PMing everyone who was a part of this and hasn't been active, to see if they still want in. OOC: yes, you still get riku. I am going to try PMing everyone who was a part of this and hasn't been active, to see if they still want in. OOC: yes, you still get riku. I am going to try PMing everyone who was a part of this and hasn't been active, to see if they still want in.
OOC: they are not going to be able to fix the loss of data, that is a permant problem that we are just going to have to work around. I could geek you out with why that is, but I don't feel like it right now, so for now, we are just going to have to re-create what we have lost, or, in this case, just pick up where we left off, we know the basic situation, so it shouldn't be too hard.
OOC: well... the last I checked, Kairi was sleeping in the medical room, (Sora and Riku are in there, so that isn't a bad place) and Roxas was charging out onto the battlefeild to fight the Deadelus. So his location is at the beach, where everyone else is. (location details: the beach on this side of the island is wider than the beach on the only other side seen in KH and KH2, there are large peices of stone rubble from a destroyed wall of rock that Grey made durring the fight.)
Genservant swung his keyblade at Toxober's back, "common Mixt, the more people who are fighting him, the more chance we have of winning!"
OOC: I agree, I seriously hope that my RP's don't die from this, that would suck big time. ...Let's see, Yevv had just made his helicopter vanish before Albert blew up his wastland base, and dropping a piece of the metor that he mixed with some liquid, to turn it red... Too much detail... lol... BIC: Albert gestured for Whisper and Vyce to follow him into the basement command room, and out of the vehicle garage.
RvR, you said the site suffered an attack, what kind of attack do you mean, like a Virus? (Man... I have a heck of a lot of RP to make up...)
Genservant looked up at Phisoxa, and instantly remembered his memories, the face, the debt... "Phisoxa?" he asked, as another memory poured, a memory of the woman's name.