Banned because I have been out of action here far too long.
I can see that statement is true So my talent is rubbing off on you So my apprentice has grown in skill And soon you will have to pay my bill!
With that I agree one hundred percent And writing these rhymes is time well spent So now my friend take the stage Now to write our rhyme cycle's...
I began the last one we had So it was your turn Dr mad Yes I called you Dr Mad my friend And now the ball again at your end.
Finally you act upon my demands And now it is no longer inn your hands We both shall rhyme using our heart You just had to be the start.
My vote to Creature this time.
Beuce is a nice name to have though.
I have to say I like this name better since I can just call you Beuce.
Finally became Beuce huh?
Strfruit's time in the spotlight! Impressions first and current? If you were Kairi who would be your Riku and Sora? What is your favorite section of KHV? If you were a keyblade user which one would you want? And finally why are you so awesome?!
I vote for my brilliant sister Strfruit.
Weird dreams? Where do I begin? Tell you what I will let you decide which ones I tell you the list of themes are below. Kingom Hearts FfX SAO Lost Digimon Pokemon Doctor Who Ff7 Death Note
Banned because breaks are too often for some.
Banned because I have been out of it for too long.
This is a tough one. I am torn to who to vote for. Entry one is a great song and was performed good. Entry two was alright but I couldn't tell the difference between the two singers sorry. Entry three is a disney classic and it was sung quite well. Entry four seemed well divided and the voices complimented each other well. Entry five contained two singers who did a good job telling the story and singing on equal level. Leaving me torn between four and five with no idea which deserves my vote more. So the only fair way to decide this is with a coin flip. And I did use that method of deciding entry four sorry the coin wasn't on your side. I vote for entry five.
Thanks for the comments and it is my pleasure to reward you with the next chapter. Chapter Ten: Heart of the denied Bloo and Joser were now fully healed and ready to move on to the next level, "One down 99 to go" said Joser as he took the lead walking towards the door with Bloo following a few steps behind him. Once both were at the door Joser stepped through it and appeared at the bottom of some stairs by a sign that said "Stairs to the town of Fate" Bloo appeared beside Joser waiting for his friend to lead them up the stairs. "Off to the town of Fate" said Joser as he lead the duo up the stairs wondering what the town would be like. Once they reached the top of the stairs the sight of a town quite similar to the one where Gerald first appeared reached the eyes of Joser and Bloo. "Joser I am going to look around town on my own for a while to see if I can find any info on our friends any maybe get a new sheild. Meet you at the inn later bye" said Bloo as he ran into the town leaving Joser behind but remaining in the party. Now on his own Joser entered the town looking for someone to ask for information. After about twenty minutes Joser noticed more players around and overheard two of them talking. "Can you believe how easy it was to get here?" Asked one of them. "Yeah it was too easy because there was no boss like the rumour said. When I first heard that the Boss only had to be beaten once for all the players to be able to reach the next level I thought it was just crap meant to trick weak players into getting erased but I was wrong." Replied the other player leaving Joser stunned as he rushed off to find the inn to meet up with Bloo. Before Joser could reached the inn something causes him to stop, "Joser!? I know that name you are Joseph aren't you? It is me Doctor Harrison." Said a tall man wearing civillian clothing and no hair. The man looked about 69 years old. "Doctor Harrison you got this game too? I never would have thought you would considering you don't like computers much after the mix up with that patient" said Joser as he walked up to the man he was talking to. "Joser call me by my name here which is Xan. And to tell you the truth I am here because of you, hearing you talk about the joy of all that tech made me decide to give things a try and now I am here trapped like everyone else. What do you say we walk and talk for a while?" Asked Xan to which Joser nodded and the two of them started to walk down an alley towards what seemed to be an empty section of town. "Xan what do you plan to do here in this world?" Asked Joser as the pair reached an empty building that was for sale. "I have been thinking and have decided I will stay here in this town and open a medical items store to help the players survive and win the game" answered Xan as Joser noticed the for sale sign and price. "This place seems like a good spot to open up why don't you buy the place?" asked Joser while Xan looked at the building in question. "It does look like a good place to set up a shop but I don't know how long it will take me to raise the money to buy it" said Xan which a near by NPC overheard and approached the pair. "I don't mean to but in on your private conversation but I am the one selling this building and if you are interested I will be more than willing to accept 100,000 money for it." Said the NCP to his potential buyer. "That sounds very reasonable but I don't have that kind of money on me and have no idea where I could get it" said Xan. "There is a tournament being held tomorrow where the prize is 100,000 money" replied the NPC. "I'll enter for you Xan I owe you that much. Where do I sign up?" Asked Joser to which the NPC pointed to a building that looked like a battle arena which Joser quickly made haste to followed by Xan. "Joser you don't have to do this for me, I haven't done anything for you other than tell you a devestating reality. How can you say you owe me when I told you that you are going to die!?" Asked Xan loudly but not loudly enough for the people around to hear. "Doctor Harrison you are my doctor, you have always told me the blunt truth when everyone else tried to suger coat things to make it easy on me. You may have told me that my heart is failing me and I have been turned down by the transplant board. But the fact you actually just came out and told me I had no hope of a future made me feel normal even if it was just a second." Said Joser. Xan was speachless and frozen after hearing Joser's words, "Doc Harrison you treated me like the adult I wanted to be and helped me vow to live life to the fullest. That is why I came to this world so I can push myself to do so many things I couldn't do in the real world. I can live my virtual life to the fullest fighting monsters, traveling to see all the beautiful scenes of nature, being the man I want to be so I am entering for the thrill of the contest and to win you the prize money. This will be part of my story the one everyone will tell when they return to the real world." Said Joser as he signed up for the tournament. Xan then thought "So noble is the heart of the denied"
Do I need a reason to look forward to meeting someone who could become a good friend?
I know it has been some time but I am back in business so enjoy the next chapter my loyal fans. Chapter Nine: Too proud to break Oda tumbled onto his knees as his eyes caught sight of the shards of Bloo's shield hitting the ground while the one armed silver Minotaur let out a loud mocking laugh at his foe's expense. "The poor man dubbed the human robot stands alone after some stranger took an attack for him. Pathetic weak fools now to take down the last man standing." said Amaury as he walked towards his next would be victim. Normally Oda would be competely useless in this situation but something seemed to be controlling him as he pulled out the Hyperion and stood ready to strike his foe. As Oda waited for Amaury to attack he began charging his Sword Art Ability only this time it seemed different. Amaury was now about four yards away and Oda had finished charging his attack so both were ready to strike and in an instant both warriors slash at the other. Amaury using a normal strike but Oda using his ability Paradise Strike only this time the only scene that appeared was a golden beach that had the sun setting in the distance over the Sapphire sea. Once both had stopped in their atacks they stood still with their backs to the other. Oda was the first to lose grip on his weapon as it hit the ground and his health bar dropped to yellow. It seemed for sure that Oda had lost as he struggled to reached the critcal Bloo and Amaury had broken out into a laughing fit. Unphased by the laugh echoing across the room Oda used a potion on Bloo removing him from critical red health to barely yellow health. It was at that very moment the laughing stopped and the sound of a metal crashing to the floor echoed across the room. The very last of Amaury's health had been taken by Oda's attack meaning the group had won. All seven of the team then began to glow each getting a level up screen but what level they reached was unknown due to the varied levels of the group to begin with. At that moment a screen appeared before Oda offering him three items Minotaur horns, Essence of Amaury and Silver Minotaur cloak. Oda accepted all the items but then opened a trade menu and sellected to trade the cloak to Myst. Since his allies were still knocked out Oda managed to walk over to Myst and use his finger to accept the trade. Aware that his allies would soon wake up Oda took the chance to leave the group and drink a potion himself. Now back in green health Oda walked through the door to level two leaving everone else behind. Sapphire was the first to awaken ten minutes after Oda left. Noticing the battle was over and won by her level increase she also noticed Oda was gone when all that was said to her since entering the dungeon went through her mind. "I can't stay with these people, I would only cause them pain. I have to leave them behind" thought Sapphire as she left the group and followed Oda to the next level. Another thirty minutes passed before any of the others shown any sign of waking up until Jin became to awaken. Once Jin had fully awakened the first thing he did was run to his allies seeing all of them were stable and set to awaken in time. Once he had confirmed that Joser was safe he finally realized both Oda and Sapphire were gone but laughed at that realization. Hearing Jin laugh caused both Myst and Star to stir and slowly wake up. "Why are you laughing?" Asked Myst as he had fully woke up. "Because the silent loner has gone and it seems the Amazon has followed him" said Jin in response to Myst's question causing both and the newly awakened Star to burst out laughing. Aware that the only reason they laughed was the nicknames Jin gave his former comrads he just smiled, "So you guys want to tag along with me for a while leaving both Bloo and Joser here to recover more?" Asked Jin to which both Star and Myst nodded and the trio walked through the door to level two without a second thought about the friends left behind. It would be another hour before Bloo and Joser began to awaken but when they did it was not surprising how much more difficult and strained they were compared to their former team mates. As both had fully woke up they still struggled to get onto their feet and the room was filled with an awkward silence. "Joser it seems we won even after you got impaled on horns and my sheild was shattered into pieces. I guess that means we are as great as Kirito" said Bloo to break the silence causing both to start laughing until Bloo realized what had taken place. "We all had been put through our paces and what did our team mates do they leave the most critical to fend for themselves? Some friends but for Oda I am not surprised and I'd bet he wasthe one who ended the battle because he is too proud to break" said Bloo.
Already did but what he gave me hasn't helped yet.
With no sign of recovery.