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  1. Odamadillo
  2. Odamadillo
  3. Odamadillo
  4. Odamadillo
  5. Odamadillo
  6. Odamadillo
  7. Odamadillo
  8. Odamadillo
    Marushi I welcome you to our humble abode
    There is no need here for any secret code
    Nasirrich, Tadashi, Ienzo, myself and Keyblade master Joe
    Are poets you will soon know
    I am my glad invitation you didn''t decline
    So as long and you have fun here everything is fine!
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 26, 2013 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  9. Odamadillo
  10. Odamadillo
    Yes I am aware that there is a post your picture here thread and this one works just like that one does.
    But there is one rule in this thread. And before you ask I did check to see if it was alright for me to make this thread and was told it was.
    Any picture posted must be a minimum of three years old.

    Now you know the rule I hope to see you posting pictures soon.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Jul 26, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Playground
  11. Odamadillo
    Oda's back in action so enjoy my new works! Please note that the first one was not based on any truthful events of any sort.

    Are you happy now?

    Life has always been a burden
    One I was forced to accept with a heavy heart
    With many factors joining up
    To tear my soul apart
    Your words cut me deep
    Your fists smashed my bones
    I refused to back down
    And you left me near the stones

    She was a lively girl who always smiled
    She never let life get her down
    Then the jerks made a bet
    That they could make her frown
    Three days they tortured that poor girl
    They failed again but attacked her the next day
    "Are you happy now?"
    They said as they walked away

    Three days passed and they were seen again
    Three evil guys who had no remorse
    They love to make people suffer
    Emotionaly or by force
    Many longed to escaped and rejoiced
    As their time near was growing short
    And on the last day they had the nerve
    To say to everyone "Thanks for being a good sport"

    They saw all their evil as a game
    They thought we would playing along
    For years we wish the trio were dead
    But now they act like they did no wrong
    More than ever we waited for a ring
    For the bell to sound
    "Are you happy now?"
    They asked the girl they once put on the ground

    Three years passed and one jerk died while oversea
    The duo remaining were the leader and weakest pawn
    Oh god can this really be?
    We are rid of one of that demon spawn
    Another year passed as another died
    The weakest ODed on some weird drug
    And I find myself thinking
    World is down one heartless thug

    Two more years passed as I walked the street
    My name was shouted by a mugger behind
    I was supposed to be robbed but I fought back
    And when I floored the guy what did I find
    I had beat the jerk from my past
    And his homless state was a great show
    I asked him "Are you happy now?"
    For me the answer was, oddly No

    Be disappointed

    You tell me I have to listen
    You tell me what I should be
    Treat me like I am your servant
    Never letting me roam free
    Acting like my life is
    Something for you to run
    So tell me please when will you
    Treat me like your son?

    I'm sorry Dad I am not the sportsman you wanted
    I'm sorry my bones are weak as sticks
    My muscles are not very strong
    I can't even lift more then eight simple bricks
    All there is to do is be disappointed
    Because your son can't power through
    All I can do is watch as you do the hard work
    I am sorry to be such a failure to you

    It is clear my future lies elsewhere
    So I will hunt it to find my place
    And after so many rejections
    My parents wear that same face
    Why did I fail so badly?
    Why has my luck always been bad
    And it pains me to realize
    My parents are raving mad

    Please Mother don't look away
    I am trying to made you proud
    I know you do love me
    But for the first time say it aloud
    I keep failing so I can understand
    And as all is said and done
    You always seem to be disappointed
    With your failure of a son

    I am so useless even the army said no
    Even when I voulinteer my work is subpar
    And the world seem to always deny me
    Any possible chance to drive a car
    When I try to cook everything burns
    When I try to clean it up I miss too much
    When I offer to help everyone says no
    And there is almost nothing I can ever touch

    Now I stand before a mirror
    Seeing a reflection I don't want to see
    I see failure enbodied
    Into the worthless me
    The only thing left for now
    For this failure to do
    Is to be disappointed
    As he also feels really blue

    Dad did you have to
    Be disappointed
    Mother please don't
    Be disappointed
    How can I let myself
    Be disappointed
    I bet my existence would even make the world
    Be Disappointed
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 25, 2013 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  12. Odamadillo
    Spread across our community my friends
    And how to do so depends
    Your sig can carry the link
    Or tell about on profiles and pms I think
    Though I admit this rhyme is sub par
    It is just asking you to show everyone where we are!
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 25, 2013 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  13. Odamadillo
    Who is smarter L, Light Yagami or the Doctor?
    Would you take the shingami eyes?
    Who is the best staff member here?
    What color would you look best inn?
    What about me?
    And Ienzo?
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 25, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  14. Odamadillo
  15. Odamadillo
  16. Odamadillo
    Hey Maka how have you been?
    Profile Post by Odamadillo for Maka Albarn, Jul 25, 2013
  17. Odamadillo
    If we are talking about Enzy then there can only be one thing to say.
    Cat hurry up and hijack this thread!
    Also she is awesome and a great girl to chat with.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 25, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Odamadillo
    That is nice work you did there. I would like to hear it being sung.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Odamadillo
    Profile Post Comment

    I guess you are right Nas alright.

    I guess you are right Nas alright.
    Profile Post Comment by Odamadillo, Jul 24, 2013
  20. Odamadillo