Because I enjoy doing just that I am not asking you to tip your hat To respect the words I have written in rhyme But be warned I will be doing...
I tried to fix my errors but couldn't complete I had to bow down in defeat My browser froze as I tried And the fact I use a tablet is not...
Another rhymer have I found here? Well that is how things do appear If that be the case then it is very good And home of the poets awaits a post...
I know what you mean my rapper friend Who would be the next poster time will send?
You wish to see more rhymes? Here you go But you should really know I write for the job of the activity And I hope the rhymes makes people happy...
Another Mod joins the rhymer's home? I am pleased to this place did your eyes roam I know that rhyme is recycled from my sig But inn my mind why should I dig? For the joy of speaking inn rhyme is amazing I hope many other the tides do bring Our poetic home welcomes all wanders near And remember we all have a home here.
Very well your inbox will soon contain the class And don't worry it won't reach critical mass Inn your lesson you will be alone Unless with...
Maka this gift is now yours And no need for applause I write this because you are great And your reply I shall await It doesn't matter if it takes...
Cloud<3 I write this to make you smile You know this is my style This gift for you was willing made So no need to burn me up with Wing Blade You...
Excellent! Inn your inbox class will reside And the lesson take with pride As I will pass on my knowledge to you And show you what you can really...
I am afraid I must tell you IF to not know any Reaper review Care to enlighten the sweet toothed Hermit As right here I will sit Don't mind my...
Why Hello there Moderator Llave I hope this is something you will save For you see it was wrote with you inn mind It is a gift for you to find...
I am grateful for the applause But I can not pause There are so many more rhymes to spread Or they will overload my head I hope you will follow...
Hello Moderator known as What? This a gift you have now got A rhyme writen for your profile I hope it makes you smile Feel free to reply inn rhyme...
Hello there Beucefilous The only green eyed creature who is not vicious This is something I tend to do And this one is a gift to you Will you it...
Your skills are promising indeed So I hope these words you heed When you heart if open the words will flow And you too can make a good rhyme show...
greater_Bloo I bid you Hello And I am a guy you are sure to know Since this is not your first gift given rhyme I used to write you one all the...
Hello Amaury the human alarm Writing this rhyme can't to any harm I hope to your eyes it is a willing sight And doesn't set them alight This was...
Is it because you failed to pass? If so then come back to class I am sure you can do well And I won't give up as you can tell This teacher is...
Why Hello ther Mr Creature In movie trivia please be my teacher Since a Bond movie has never reached my eyes Jaws, Die hard and terminator failed...