I am alright. How are you?
Hello Amaury
I am so bored it is unreal But I doubt you care how I feel But the purpose of this thread is clear It is a message to the members here My boredom will be overcome in time Maybe by you the reader of this rhyme No matter Who you may be If you are willing to chat with me Take a chance and send me a pm chat We will talk after you do that So now anyone out there take heed A person to chat with is all I need Perhaps you will become my new friend Well that can only depend On what you do now you have seen this Will you reply here nice or dis?
My vote goes to Tummer once more.
I remember this picture and making a joke about so called Tough guy hulk Hogan liking a show about a kid and his pet mouse.
Well this is an intersting variety of individuals. Pardon me as I to sit inn that dark corner eating cake.
I'm Oda and I am Odamental.
Your name does ring a bell for me but I am sorry bu I do not properly remember you but welcome back Nashida.
I'll ask some questions too. Impressions first and current? Do you find my profile rhymes annoying? Do you enjoy being staff? Would you ever want to be admin? Have you ever thought about what it would be like if someone else ran the chorus and you were just someone who signed up for every song? (Like PaW does) And for my final question Doctor Who or Kingdom Hearts?
The month is alnost over so I thought I would bless the fans with the next chapter enjoy Chapter Eleven: A lonely Melody Joser just finished signing up for the tournament, "We have our 32 contestants so no more sign ups. The line up will be posted tomorrow morning at eight hundred hours see you then" said the man behind the sign up desk. "Joser if you are entering on my behalf the least I can do is pay for your accomadation for the night follow me to the inn" said Xan as he started to walk back the way they came from with Joser just behind him. "Hey you hold on! I want to talk to you" said a female voice from behind the two of them. Xan and Joser turned around to see a girl with her blond hair tied short. She was wearing green knight armour with plain dark green gloves. "I am Joy, I entered the tournament too and I heard the old man say you entered for him. What does he mean?" Asked the girl. "I am Joser and the "old man" is Xan. He has helped me in real life a lot so I owe him and in order to repay that debt I entered the tournament to win the money so he can buy a building to open up a medical supplies store in town" said Joser. Joy smiled in response to Joser's reason for entering the tournament then she looked at Xan. "I am only entering to test my skills so don't count on Joser winning because I will stop him." Said Joy as she walked past Xan not caring what either one said or did. Xan just turned around and continued making his way to the inn with Joser just behind. When the duo entered the inn Joy was renting a room while Bloo was at a table waiting for Joser. Joser went to Bloo while Xan went to rent a few room. "There is only three rooms left on the top floor. Room three was taken by this guy while Joy just took room one. You can have the last three rooms here." Said the Inn keeper as he handed Xan the key to room two, four and five. "Joser I got the last three rooms for you me and your friend. You can have room four while I have room five leaving room two for your friend" said Xan as he handed the room keys to the ones they were meant for. The trio made their way up the stairs and each entered their own room losing sight of each other. In their rooms each began to prepare for bed and once they were ready none of them could get to sleep, each troubled by something known only to them. Joser thought maybe some air could help him so he walked to the window and opened it. As he looked out the window Joser began to think back to the day Xan gave him life changing news. "That day Xan told me I would never get a heart and was doomed to die, I couldn't believe it so I lashed out and ran away from the hostipal to Xan's house where I saw his beloved dog I the garden. I attacked his dog and killed it with his own car. I have lived with this guilt since. Should I tell him that is my real reason for helping him?" Thought Joser as tears started to fall from his eyes while he looked at the window to room five. In room five Xan tries to combat his trouble sleeping by remembering how tiring his work had been for him in the real world when his mind returned to the day before he gave Joser such deveastaing news. "The day before Joser's case was meant to go before the transplant board he had heart failure so I had to operate to start his heart again. Everything went fine in the surgery or so I thought. Until the next day I was told I accidentally weakened his blood flow and made it very unlikely he would survive the transplant he was previously approved for. I cost him his life can really accept his help?" Thought Xan with tears in his eyes over his heartbreaking mistake. Bloo was lying on his back trying to get some sleep but failing because the memory of seeing Joser impailed on Minotaur horns kept poping into his head. Trying to combat his lack of sleep, Bloo summoned his new silver shield. "I bought this shield from a blacksmith who just finished making it. I didn't hesitate to buy it and he said no refunds but it was then he said it was formed from silver Minotaur horns that was sold to him that day, Amaury's horns. Am I insulting Joser by using a shield made using the very horns that nearly killed him?" Thought a highly troubled Bloo. Joy was lying in her room also having trouble sleeping, she was being haunted by Joser's reason. "That guy is going to fight to win the money for his friend not to prove his power. His reason makes me smile, I think it made me like him but will these feelings effect my fighting?" Thought Joy. The night seemed quiet for a while then until a soft lullaby like tune started to echo round the top floor of the inn. It seemed to be coming from room three, the tune sounded quite sweet but hearing it made the four feel very lonely. As the tune began to end Joser, Joy, Xan and Bloo all thought the same thing, "No I can't tell him even if it means I have to be alone!" A decision made listening to a lonely melody.
Members who see what is written above Show Mish the fear filled love Click like or face her evil glare And she will follow you everywhere With her...
Mish the Mod I fear I write a gift for you here You are the only one in the KHV nation Who can easily cause a lot of intimidation I apologize if...
I think I will nominate Labrys and greater_bloo.
My vote goes to my mate Creature.
Amaury is a good guy. He likes stuff that makes fun of himself because he finds it funny. Is there really anything wrong with that? Personally I believe if you can't laugh at yourself you have no right to laugh at anyone else.
My sig contains the words home So do not roam All rhymers gather that will send And you are welcome there my friend I look forward to seeing what...
I am glad you have chosen to reply And my clumsy spellings I do not deny I hope you take chance to pm me If you do we will soon see For I do enjoy...
I am well but how are you? And will your next reply be inn rhyme too?
Obligation you should not feel So how about we make a deal Feel no longer a need to reply in rhyme And work with me in writing a lyric some time I...
When you have the rhymes within your heart At any hour the magic can start A curse it should never be But everyone can't be like me What horrid...