Getting inn trouble as a kid? Now this is an interesting idea. Well for me I think the best example was when I was about seven. One of the teachers had a wooden fake leg and I had just been told of pirates by my older brother Who was inn that teacher's class. He told me that teacher was a pirate so I got scared of her and when she saw me runnin away from her she tried to catch me but I was cornered and shouted "Stay away from me evil pirate lady!" I then grabbed the near by fire extinguisher and used it on her. Her fake leg was damaged and I got in a lot of trouble for it.
Chapter Twelve: Friendly fire The following morning Joser, Bloo, Joy and Xan found themselves hearing a very familiar tune coming from room three. It was the Sword Art Online theme song so as they each exited their rooms the door to room three opened as the player came into view. The player was wearing a cloak of mystery which hides the identity of the wearer from players, creatures and NPCs. "Hey that is the third time we have heard music here. Were you the one Who player Always there in a forest near the first town?" Asked Bloo only getting a simple yes nod from the cloaked player. "We better get going we have to be there soon follow me to the tournament" said Xan as he began to head down the stairs with Joser and Joy following. Bloo looked at the cloaked player then followed Joser down the stairs so he didn't get left behind. As Bloo gave back his key to the inn keeper he noticed the key to room three land next to him on the desk as the cloaked player left through the door. The group left the inn following Xan's lead and after about ten minutes the group arrived at the location of the tournament. As the group waited Bloo was approached by an NPC he seemed to know. "Excuse me Bloo, I am sure you recognize me but I have a favour to ask of you. My son was supposed to enter the tournament on our behalf but he was hurt on the hunt last night so could you take his place. You would get to keep half of the prize money of course plus you could get the chance to try out that new sheild I made you" said the town blacksmith. Bloo was surprised but accepted the offer to take the son's place in the tournament, the Blacksmith then ran to tell the announcer the new combatant name. Before anyone could comment the announcer rang his bell catching everyone's attention. "The first match will now take place will Jeweled Dragon and Timeless Savior please report to the arena stage" said the annoucer as he entered the arena. Joy just laughed and walked into the stands entry door with the group following to find the very same player from the inn waiting there at the far left. "You are inn the tournament too?" Asked Joy only to get a simple yes nod. "What can't talk?" Asked Joy as the group saw the cloaked player. "The cloak of Mystery only covers the player name and appearence. The wearer's voice would remain the same" said Bloo as he took a seat to watch the up coming match slowly followed by Joser, Joy and Xan. The cloacked player remained leaning on a wall awaiting the chance to see the other combatants in battle. Five minutes passed and no one had walked onto arena stage causing concern among the waiting combatants. "Jeweled Dragon, Timeless Savior. Report to the stage or be disqualified" said the announcer as a whistle echoed from the entrance. Everyone looked at a figure in the shadows to seemed to be catching their breath. A man came out of the shadows, he had blue eyes hidden behind a pair of black framed glasses. The man had short black hair with a slightly longer fringe then the rest. He was wearing normal civillian wear with the exception of a green robe. He pulled out a normal sword as he walked on stage. "I am Timeless Savior, My player name is actually Linkman but Timeless Savior sounds better. Sorry I was late I got a little lost" said the man in the green robe. "Timeless Savior has arrived, unless Jeweled Dragon arrives in the next two minutes he will win by default" said the announcer. Linkman seemed annoyed he couldn't fighting yet but was caught by surprise as a spear hit the center of the arena. Before anyone can say anything someone jumped off the arena roof onto the stage. As they got up it became clear they wear female. But this was no normal female since both Bloo and Joser jumped up seeing her. "SAPPHIRE!" They both yelled inn surprise not expecting to see her again so soon. Sapphire grabbed her spear from the center of the arena. "I am Jeweled Dragon my player name is Sapphire so can we fighting now?" Asked Sapphire as she stared at the annoucer hoping the answer would be yes. "Both of our combatants have arrived! Please walk to the colored corners. Timeless Savior you are in the blue while Jeweled Dragon is the red." Said the Annoucer as both Linkman and Sapphire went to their assigned corners. "Before the battle begins let me make the rules clear. We have three rules here. Rule one, Anyone Who falls off the arena stage loses. Rule two, In each battle you may only use one weapon. Rule three, Once your opponent is inn red Health you win. Other than that anything is allowed so let the battle begin on my mark! One, Two, Three START!" Yelled the announcer as the bell rung giving Linkman and Sapphire the all clear to attack. Neither fighter was waiting since both began charging towards the other the second they heard the bell ring. Sapphire tried to stab Linkman in the stomach with her spear only for him to jump over her and try to strike at her from behind. Sapphire dodged by jumping forward and out of Sword reach. Realizing she would have to try something unexpected Sapphire lifted her spear above her head and charged at Linkman seeming to be planning on stabbing him in the eye. Linkman prepared himself to dodge her spear then strike at her from the left knowing she woudn't be able to get out of the way in time.
Guess you had very little to say to that.
This place is awesome why wouldn't we want to be here all the time.
I know but hey you always seem to be on too!
When I sleep. I tend to stay signed in and often wake up pop on then fall back to sleep.
Banned for not looking at my avatar.
Banned because the white faced hermit is back.
I can agree here. Roxam is a great guy and always is great to talk to. And let's not forget all the fun we have inn the games he is part of.
Speaking as a guy Who has heard your singing I can safely say the rain is God's tears!
Happy birthday little bro! Hope it is a good one!
I don't know him that well but from what I have seen. I can say he is a great guy Who is very friendly and well liked among the members here. And he makes my little sister happy so he has that going for him too.
Fair enough. Oda is a rather unique name I guess.
I'll join this too. Impressions First and Current? If you could have any pet what would it be? Who would you rather be Sora or Riku? Depending on your answer above as your choice Who would be your Sora and Kairi or Riku and Kairi? Is there anyone here Who hasn't called you by your real name?
Correct me if I am wrong but didn't you follow me because of my fanfiction A Limitless World?
I just noticed you were following me so I thought I would say Hello.
I agree with that statement too. And I shamefully admit inn the past I have known a lot more distruction than harmony, mainly because all I used to do is destroy if things didn't to my way. Yeah I was a spoiled brat inn my younger days but what can I say? That is just me being human. This view may not be liked by most but it is my opinion so I hope you respect it. I believe we find destruction so easy because it is in our DNA. The bible may have existed for some time but it hasn't existed forever. Religion, God and the urge to be good, things I believe are foreign to our race. So to summerize what I mean all the violence, hate and destruction is what makes you a real human but quite frankly i'd rather be inhuman.
Fair enough. My favorite of the original Yugioh tv show was and always will be Bakura.
No paticular reason?
How come you have the Yugi theme now?