Not a thing. I feel sorry for this kid, but come on. That was stupid as ****.
Khight is not correct spelling.
Your name is so leet, am I rhight?
I have a penis
Man goddamit I'm an atheist so I can be unobjective when teaching and this is making it really hard
Don't call me gai, I'm an american.
You assume too much.
I don't think something exists that is loved by every member.
I wanna be a plumber for the notoriety and the lingerie.
someone seems well done
Some of these are just stupid, like those "who are you quizzes" where it asks you things like "do you fight with a broadsword called ____"
ye shis
How did you get such a high score? My friends always win.
It isn't wrong, it's pretty much necessary. Sexual compatibility is one of the most important parts of a marriage, and it contributes to most divorces. I don't believe in casual sex, only because I don't think it's a perfectly healthy lifestyle, but sex is a major part of relationships.
your nose is cute.
Oh, come on. It would be a very specific kind of fun reunion.
You ar enjo welcme