in the past, in various countries, if you defied the moral/power/ethnicity of god(s)/iconic people/kings or specific beliefs you had just earned a one-way ticket to your grave, in modern times that still happens,for example in various Islam countries, if a person, commits certain crimes such as adultery, rape, disrespect to Ala(weird hary islam god) and any secret communication with people of the opposite sex, that person could(and probably will) be stoned (stoned to death with rocks, not get high) or hanged, but the question is: are death sentences correct? in MY beliefs, forgiveness is always possible and death sentences are completely unethical and immoral, but what do you all think? click edit post (or reply w/ quote) and you will see i used the transparent color BB code, but the text is not transparent...
Spoiler its basically a cartoon about 6 military people all going to investigate a rumored terrorist threat in a so called "pharmaceutics manufacturing facility" owned by cobra and they find all types of illegal stu- actually im not gonna spoil it im just gonna say the story is amazing and so is the concept, the first episode is legally available for free on itunes if any of you are interested...
i think her songs are good because they are telling a story, not mention catchy rhythm [video=youtube;QGJuMBdaqIw][/video] its basically a game with all the memes, and you having to troll them LOL sounds kinda silly by explanation but just try it :D
its a very good anime, i just started watching it, its basically about alchemy (buso renkin 武装錬金 = Arms Alchemy) Spoiler: the begging of the first episode The story begins when high school student Kazuki Muto is killed one night saving a mysterious girl from a monster, only to wake up in his school dorm, believing it to have been a dream. However, he soon finds out that dream wasn't a dream at all when a giant serpentine monster attacks him and his sister. PS: NOT A FMA RIP OFF! i hate how people assume that just beacuse it has alchemy its a FMA rip off
R O X A S ~ T H E ~ L O S T ~ S T O R Y this is my first story ever so its not gonna be very good, but i will try to make like 4 chapters per week, cnc, was it good or bad? and why? EDIT: NOW THAT I FINISHED MY STORY I WILL MAKE A MASTER POST(SOON). EDIT 2: DONE MASTER POST: Spoiler R O X A S ~ T H E ~ L O S T ~ S T O R Y Chapter ~ prolouge Late night. A boy with blue eyes, 13 years old, with spiky blond hair, wearing white shirt and pale pants, and normal shoes is falling from the Sky at an immense speed. He was dreaming about a boy with red clothes, spiky brown hair shoving a weird blade on his chest pulling a white shining orb out, the orb slowly entered a girl's chest and she woke up from what appeared to be a long slumber. He slowly opened his eyes, woke up and noticed he was falling, before he could even scream… *BAAM* He falls on the asphalt-like ground with terrible force, he faints, and wakes up much later, he found himself in a small crater, with a diameter of 40 feet, he woke up, got up, and felt no pain, not knowing who he is, he was surrounded by buildings, they all looking the same: dark, obscure, and with a few lights and neons blinking, There was no one in sight, he slowly trembled and said “hello, is anyone there?”. Chapter ~ Chapter One: "the man in black?" "Hello, can anyone hear me?!" He screamed repeatedly at the top of his voice, "How Pitiful..." a sophisticated voice interrupted from beyond, "Wait, What?" the boy said. "Who are you?! Where am I?! Who am I ?!" he questioned with a raging voice. "You know nothing, and one who knows nothing..." the voice halted, as a cylindrical pathway of darkness (corridors of darkness) appeared and a man in a black coat came out of it, "...Can comprehend nothing" he finished, the coat had a hood that caused a shadow over his face, so the boy could not see his face at all, after that the pathway closed, "Who am I?!" "What’s going on?!" he asked rumbling, "You are a Nobody, you should even consider you’re existence a reality" the man mocked him. Chapter ~ Chapter Two: "the confront" "What?!" he said grunting, he saw a wooden stick on the floor, he grabbed it and ran towards the man in black, he tried hit him but a small force field, about the size of a door, made up of small hexagons, appeared. he hit the force field, and was thrown back by it, he fell on the floor and got back up. "Why are you here?!" The boy asked. "You fool, I came because I thought you could make an exceptional new member, but look at you, you are week and do not even remember from whence you came, you are even not worth my time." He turned around as a pathway of darkness appeared he was about to walk in, he held one of his hands up and snapped his fingers. Three weird creatures with leather-like flexible bodies appeared; they had no eyes, zippers as mouths, and a weird emblem on their heads. "Dusks, Destroy him." he commanded. with no hesitation the so called "Dusks" flew to the boy, when they reached him he swung his wooden stick, it had split right trough them all, but when he looked down he was not holding a stick, he was holding a metallic blade that looked mysteriously like a key. "What?" the boy questioned, the man in a black coat turned around, and said "perhaps I have underestimated you, maybe we can negotiate" he took off his hood, as the pathway of darkness disappeared, revealing his tan adult face, with silver long spiky hair and orange eyes. "My name is XEMNAS." he slowly announced. Chapter ~ Chapter three: "The Deal" “If you come with me I will tell you who you are.” Xemnas said with a confident voice. “You c- you can tell me who I am?” the boy softly asked. “Of course” Xemnas replied. “Then, who am I?” The boy asked, “All in time, now come with me” Xemnas said while opening a portal, “now let’s go” Xemnas said, they both walked in it, and came out in a room with lots of computers and a weird machine. There was a man with the same coat as Xemnas; there only he had shaggy-like blond hair, and an adult face. “Vexen, we are ready” Xemnas said with one hand in the boy´s shoulder, “But Xemnas are you sure? He does not look anything like sor…” VEXEN! He cannot know yet!” Xemnas argued, Vexen looked at the blade in his hand and said “ohh, it is him, Right, sorry master, I forgot” "Vexen, but are we ready!?" Xemnas asked, "I am a scientist, Experiments are what I do, yes. of course we are ready, but we must be quick, we have roughly an hour before DiZ gets back" “Boy, get in to that machine”, Vexen said pointing to a vertical like tunnel machine. Chapter ~ Chapter four: "The new Member." The boy gave Vexen a mean look and Said “What’s gonna happen when I do?!” -Nothing we simply wish To Gather information. -And I will tell you all you wish to know- Xemnas Said with a False Smile. -Okay- he said uneasy, as he walked in to the machine -Now how will we do t…- He was interrupted. -Vexen go Now! Vexen pushed a button in the computer, and cylinders of light flashed from the machine trough the boy. He screamed at the top of his voice, so Xemnas made a shield of pentagons to block his voice, after all they did not want to be discovered. Moments later the boy Fainted, and the shield disappeared. -Vexen will he be okay? -Yes, gathering specimen information of Nobody is very tiring considering we don't exist *laugh*, we are lucky he is who he is, or else he would have been obliterated. Don't worry he will awaken soon, and the replica? -Make her look like the girl for all I care... Just make sure she can Use the keyblade. -Xemnas, in all reality she is Really HIS Replica, so that is already taken care of, I will put her into existence later; but for now let us worry about the boy, after-all he is the organization's best chance. After a few minutes The boy woke up and Stood, he saw flashing images of the boy in red, with some girl, in his head. -AHHH! what did you do to me?!? -Now, Now don't be Mad, I am a man of my word, Come with me and I will tell you all you need- he said opening a portal. -Vexen, we are done, Pack up and RTC- (Return to the castle) -Yes, sir.- -For the proper Explanation I need to show you something- -Now come with me- They both walked through the portal and the boy was Overwhelmed with what he saw. Chapter ~ Chapter Five: "The Rebirth." They walked into a very Obscure beach. -What is this place? - The boy said dimly -We call it “The Realm of Darkness”- -I am the leader of an organization of people like you, people who are incomplete and wish to be whole, and if you join us, then we can achieve that Goal.- -What goal?- -Kingdom Hearts, the heart of all hearts, the kingdom of all kingdoms, we must collect strayed hearts and if we Are successful, we will each be granted our hearts, and become complete, however…- -Yes? – The boy asked -If we are not, we will fade to this place, now do you understand how crucial it is for you to join us?- -Yes… Xemnas I Will join you! - The boy declared -Excellent- Xemnas replied. -Now shall we only need to perform a certain ritual… - Xemnas explained and then held his hand out and the word “SORA” was in front of the boy’s face. -Xemnas I… I understand… but this feels… wrong… - the boy said. -What do you mean? – Xemnas asked. -I mean that in some way, it feels like you should not be the one to tell me this… and not here… - the boy said -Namine! – Xemnas raged under his breath. -Very well- Xemnas said as the “SORA” disappeared in front of the boy’s face. He then put his hands in the boys head as bolts of nothingness came into it. The boy had fainted again, so Xemnas grabbed him and used his pathway to go to the front of a mansion, were Xemnas laid him down on the grass and left. ~X-X~ A few hours later, the boy woke up, But this time he remembered Nothing. Xemnas came to see him. Xemnas walked up to the boy after he got up and said -You seek answers… -. He made the word “SORA” appears in front of his face and finished –I can give you purpose. – making the letters S O R A Spin around his head, and then he put his hand over the boy making a Yellow “X” appear as the letters were rearranged into “ROXAS” And so, Roxas was given His name. Roxas said His name Confidently. “That is right- The new you” Xemnas said with a smile. ~END~
21, bbs avatars,all 150 X 150 free to use, for anyone
500 X 465 Spoiler original picture link
i cant save projects as images on gimp, help
i cant get on voxli...
just a 500X50 Spoiler what do you think?
this is an original naruto picture made by the creator of naruto(kishimoto), i added several effects and toyed with the color and made it ember-like, enjoy my 400 post! Spoiler
GABR´S HALLOWEEN M.E.P. A MEP Is A Multi-Editor-Project as most of you already know, im thinking of doing a mep with 1 song(this is halloween), but not a worm like the KHV MEP was,i plan to make this MEP on the same genre: halloween,suspence, horror, terorror, so if you want to join just post in this thread and suggest a song,anyone can join really. but i wanna make this MEP before holloween so we have roughly 14 days. Oh, And dont worry about organizing and stuff for now, SOURCES: Spoiler: SOURCES any anime thats PG-16 is fine, but remember its hallowen themed SONGS: Spoiler: SONGS NOTE: we wil use marlyn manson´s "this is halloween" -"This Is Halloween"- marlyn manson Spoiler [video=youtube;oVSpfQHEsNY][/video] MEMBERS IN: Spoiler: MEMBERS -Ⓐⓝⓣⓘ ☢ Ⓢⓞⓡⓐ(gabr) -Phantasmagoric(GS) -Hayato -Okabe Rintarou(RvR) -Ventus108 FORMAT AND QUALITY: Spoiler: FORMATS AND QUALITY Most Formats are okay, just nothing too bad like 3GP :P , However i would prefer something recognizable like AVI. or MP4. but its not necessary, as for the quality 480P is the least im expecting from you, because remember it doesn't have to be HD but we at least have to understand whats going on. I am going to upload it in HD so if you want to give me your parts in HD, such as 720P or 1080P that is alright ~IMPORTANT~ DUE DATE ~IMPORTANT~ Spoiler: DUE DATE I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR PARTS OF THE MEP AFTER 10/28/2011 MIDDAY!big red bold letters for ya HOW TO START: Spoiler: chose youre lyrics ~~SOLO~~ Boys and Girls of every age Wouldn't you like to see something strange? Come with us and you will see... This our town of Halloween! This is Halloween, this is Halloween! Pumpkins scream in the dead of night This is Halloween, everybody make a scene Trick or treat 'til the neighbors gonna die of fright! It's our town. Everybody scream. In this town of Halloween... I am the one hiding under your bed, Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red. I am the one hiding under your stairs Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair. This is Halloween, this is Halloween, Halloween...(etc) In this town, we call home, Everyone hail to the pumpkin song! In this town, don't we love it now Everybody's waiting for the next surprise. 'Round that corner, man, Hiding in a trashcan Something's waiting now to pounce and how you'll Scream! This is Halloween, Red 'n black, slimy green... Aren't you scared? Well, that's just fine! Say it once, say it twice, Take the chance and roll the dice Ride with the moon in the dead of night (oh) Everybody scream, everybody scream In our town of Halloween. I am the clown with the tearaway face... Here in a flash and gone without a trace. I am the who when you call Who's there? I am the wind blowing through your hair. I am the shadow on the moon at night, filling your dreams to the brim with fright. This is Halloween, This is Halloween HALLOWEEN! HALLOWEEN! Tender Lumplings everywhere Life's no fun without a good scare. That's our job, but we're not mean In our town of Halloween. In this town don't we love it now? Everyone's waiting for the next surprise. Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back and Scream like a banshee make you jump out of your SKIN! This is Halloween, Everyone scream, won't ya Please make way for a special guy... Our man Jack is King of the Pumpkin Patch. Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King now. This is Halloween, THIS IS HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN In this town, we call home, Everyone hail to the pumpkin song! LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA WEEEEEEE! ~~EPIC ENDING SOLO~~ BLACK=PART 1 LINK-TAKEN!-Hayato PURPLE=PART 2 LINK-TAKEN-Okabe Rintarou(RvR) BLUE= PART 3 LINK-TAKEN-Phantasmagoric(GS) RED= PART 4 LINK-TAKEN!-Ⓐⓝⓣⓘ ☢ Ⓢⓞⓡⓐ GREEN= PART 5 LINK open PINK= PART 6 LINK-TAKEN!-Ventus108 ORANGE= PART 7 LINK TAKEN! - Hayato OBS: IT MAY NOT SEEM LIKE IT, BUT EVERY LINE IS THE EXACT SAME TIME: 29 SECONDS, SO NO ONE GETS A LONGER PART :) HOW TO SEND ME YOU´RE PART: Spoiler: how... SIMPLY upload it to and perferably send it to youtube so i can give you some CnC before the final draft, and DO NOT PUT ANY WATERMARKS ON IT watermarks just draw peoples attention away from the video, besides i will give you all the due credit so, no worries :) good luck and do you're best~ gabr.
a litlle glitch on youtube that makes all the videos on your "up next" list look like they have 0:00 seconds Spoiler
boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy Justin Bieber boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy
maybe you guys could put a button in the home page or user profile that you press and randomly puts you in to any trhead that was updated this week(at least)
can anyone give me a list of 3DS games that are multi player?