dammit amuary, get a damm twitter account already and stop spamming up the spam zone hahahahahahaha loljk
plz answer .
View attachment 36860
ok so I went to the mall to get KH recoded and a shiny giratina from EB games, I bring my pokemon black 2 game cartrige that was on my 3DSXL, then i realise i was a day too soon for the shiny giratina even, So i decide to simply put my pokemon black 2 game in my pocket and get my copy of KH recoded and play it in the car ride back home and to do so I put my copy of B2 in my pocket, when i get home i am too obnsesed wiyh my new Kingdom hearts game to recall forgetting pokemon black 2 in my pants and put them in the laundry basket, along with my pokemon black 2, the next day mother asks me to remove my clothes from the washing machine and put them out to dry, ok i find my Black 2 game wet in the bottom of the washing machine, ok that game had about 10 even legendaries and my first ever starter! like from when i was 9(Roxas, septile, lvl 89) and some other pokemon who have been with me for almost a decade! amd now the game is in a pile of rice in a plate because rice gets the watter out of the electronic devices( works with cameras and phones most of the time), ok so i researched it, and most of the people who wet theirpokemon games have had it working again but with corupted save data, so what do i do? do i leave the probably dead cat in his box where he will eternally be both dead and alive, or do i risk losing them just for an extremely slim chance of seing them again? if you read up to here i admire you.
sora has a derp face Spoiler and a pleasure face Spoiler Edit: srsy wtf is wrong with his eyes? Spoiler
It was suppose to be a show about people killing giants. I did not sign up for this ammount of emotional damage. This was the first anime that actually made me shed tears.
is it so hard to sing along to this without a semi-orgasmic smile, its a song that states everything i believe in. i wanna sing this while i walk down the streets in the city. in a loud manner.
sheit! in 3 days I downloade 10 Gb of videos. I never wanna see media-fire again. Ever. so many videos... i forgot what this site was...
I am afraid, what will happen if I post any more? what will lose? how will my name change in color? ANTI SORA NEEDS TO BE IN BLACK n WHITE!
Pardon me, comming trough...
Monthly Manga, 13 episode anime, not as epic as the manga, both very good, the anime has a few characters left out and is in desperate need of sequel, the anime stoped right before the best part in the manga, but the manga is ongoing with a new chapter every month. enogh rambling now on to the plot. Ganta Igarashi who does not remember his past, one day has all his frieneds slaugtered and reduced to ribbons right before him, by a crimson red man wearing metalic parts and a cape, and is framed as the murderer, and sent to japan's first thematic privitazed corection facility, where every day he has a chançe of dying by various means, the prisoners work as actoers, cleaners and entertainment provaiders as the prison is also a theme park for citizens, the prision has various sectors where the prizoners live, by odd jobs and risking their lives in inhumaine games they accuire money and you can buy everything from food to drugs, and even buy out your sentençe. however there is a secret sector in the prison, hiding and using one of humanitys greatest misteries and dangers. good anime, better manga, totally worth your time, I apologize for lack of gramar, clarency or anything else. The funimation dub is very good.
The return of The Anti Sora, Schedueled this april! lol sorry guys, i moved to australia on january and have been saving up to buy a pc, ill have enough dough to get one in april, so yhea ill be back, i am now working as meat waiter in a brazilian restaurant, the pay aint bad, i also skipped a grade, with 15 years im in the eleventh grade, ive been good, i bought black 2 and partook in the meloetta event,well see ya soon. if you are new here nice to meat you!
mood musik: yep lets have a thread for pokémon games, any games on any system we may discuss HERE! We may also share Friend Codes and Trade pokémon here, I have a Saphire(Best.Game.Ever) and a Diamond, however i Plan on buying an emerald,Firered,Heart Gold, Black And Black 2 and finish them before X Y are released, and if i do, ill probably buy both X and Y, I only recently recently used Pal park And loved it. please, post your games, pal pad codes, friend codes, favorite pokemon and anything you wish. Pokemon Character Name:GABRIEL(Saphire);Gabriel(Diamond) Games Owned: Saphire; Diamond Pal pad code: 4471 0246 2531 3DS friend code: 1676 - 5037 - 9009 Faorite Pokemon: Rayquaza, Mew, kyogre, Latias Legendaries Owned: Rayquaza; Kyogre; Regirock; Registeel; Regice; Dialga(X2); Latias; Uxie; Azelf; Landorus, Thundurus & Tornadus(Therian Form) Card: Pokemon Character Name: Games Owned: Pal pad code: 3DS friend code: Faorite Pokemon: Legendaries Owned: (Feel free to add anything else) Anyone up for a trade/Battle with Gen 4 games, if you are just add my Pal Pad Code. Edit: I dont want people hoarding my neck for making a specific thread (Again), so remember, a Pokémon Battle/Trade is a Pokémon Battle/Trade, and a Community Playdate is a Community Playdate.
I have a lvl 48 Lapras on my pokemon diamond, and need to get it at level 100 ASAP but the pokemon league is to hard and takes too long, is there another way to get its level quickly?
1- Can Original Gameboy Games be played on a Gamboy Color Device? 2- Can Can Original Gameboy Games be played on a Gamboy Advance Device? 3- I download wii store Games on a WiiU? 3.1- If I cannot, Does The regular Wii Store on a Wii Still work? 4-Can the WiiU Exchange Data with a DS Like a Normal Wii? 5-Do GameCube games work on the Wii and/or the WiiU? I apologize for any stupid Questions, for I do not own any of the above.
Spoiler: OpanDis Game BoyGame Boy CollorGame Boy AdvandeNintendo DS(Dual Screen)Nintendo DS liteNintendo DSiNintendo DSi XLNintendo 3DS (Tri-Dimensional Dual Screen)Nintendo 3DS XL If you have any of the above this thread is for you! Hey! This is a thread where we can talk about Nintendo Handheld consoles and games, Exchange Friend Codes and recommend games for each other, I Will also be posting News on games and such for the 3DS, you may do so as well Note: Please inform someone on the thread if you are going to add them on your friend list so they can be aware and do the same.Tag: Spoiler: Tag KHV Name: Gamer Nickname: (Anything you want the other gamers to call you) 3DS Games/Apps: (This includes any non 3D Game in the eShop.) 3DS Demos Played: 3DS Friend Code: DS Games/Apps: GBA Games: GBC Games: GB Games: Favorites: Now I Will Post Mine: Spoiler: My Tag KHV Name: Anti Sora Gamer Nickname: Anti Sora 3DS Friend Code: 1676 - 5037 - 9009 3DS Games/Apps: Pokédex 3D (Completed); Pokédex 3D Pro; Pokémon Dream Radar (Caught The Kami-Trio and Dialga, so finished); Theatrhythm Final Fantasy (Halfway Done); Centipede Infestation (on lv.3); Generator Rex: Agent of Providence (About 1/4 finished) 3DS Demos Played: All of them: Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, The Amazing Spider Man; Pyramids; Rhythm Theif & the Emperor's Treasure; Mario & Sonic At the London 2012 Olympic Games; Metal Gear Solid S n a k e E a t e r 3D; Resident Evil Revelations; Heros Of Ruin; Crush 3D; The Denpa Men; Mutant Mudds; Moshilings; Order Up; Lego TLotR; Lego Batman 2; Adventure Time: Hey Ice king Why'd You steal our Garbage?!!; The Art of balance touch; 2 Fast 4 Gnomz DS Games/Apps: Kim Possible: Global Gemini; Kimgdom Hearts 358/2 Days; Drawn to Life; Sonic Classic Collection,Sonic Colors, Final Fantasy IV; Naruto Ninja Council 3; Spectrobes; Lego Pirates of The Caribbean Collection; Pokemon Diamond GBA Games: (Will Update soon) GBC Games: - GB Games: Red(I played original Red for a while...) Favorites: Kim Possible: Global Gemini; Kimgdom Hearts 358/2 Days; Drawn to Life; Spectrobes; Adventure Time: Hey Ice king Why'd You steal our Garbage?!!; Pokédex 3D Pro; Pokemon Dream Radar; Final Fantasy Theathrythm, Pokemon Diamond; Pokemon Sapphire
and how should i go about magic or items to do so? and what keyblade should i use? and what is the strongest keyblade? yhea thanks.
"The world Around you is not what it seems" "It's happening all around you. They aren't coming. They're already here." "* The primary goal of the game is defend the takeover of the human race by an unknown “Shaper” force or, depending on your perspective, to assist in an “Enlightenment” of mankind through an alliance with the Shapers. This is accomplished by aligning with either the Resistance or the Enlightened faction and by creating “Control Fields” over geographic areas. Progress in the game is measured by the number of Mind Units controlled by each Faction (visible on the Intel Map). * XM Control Fields are established by claiming Portals and then linking Portals together to form Fields. More powerful Portals can link over longer distances (up to hundreds of kilometers). The link range of a Portal is determined by the power of the attached Resonators. Portal Keys are needed to form links. * When three Portals are linked to form a triangle, a Control Field is established over the region. It will be rendered on the Scanner as a hazy blue or green field over the area. The number of Mind Units claimed is related to the population density of the area covered. Cities yield more Mind Units than rural areas. * Your ultimate goal is to cooperate with other players in your Faction to secure or liberate the entire world. * *" This, My friends, if I may be so bold to say, is the beginning of Virtual-Reality Gameplay You are the characters and your city and surroundings are the environment. Request a Beta Tester Invite: http://www.ingress.com/ Download it here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nianticproject.ingress This seems very promising.
Can we do that ?
What do you guys prefer?