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  1. Menos Grande
    They could at least leave the sharing in download content that way people might choose digital over physical.
    Like steam, but without steam prices... They would be 60 dollars digital titles so there was not that much advantage. I hope that in this next gen the people over Sony and Microsoft finaly make digital games cheaper than physical .. I mean there are some discounts (like AC III: Liberation, that I bought two days ago that was like 14 U$), but they are not that often, and Sony doesn't have to pay the cost of making a physical media, so I hoped they would give better prices.. Soul Sacrifice is the same price at PSN or retail.. just that my memory card is full , so i move towards buying the physical thing.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  2. Menos Grande
    Xbone is now ok! So there will be two next gen consoles.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Menos Grande
    maybe you mean that you don't touch yourself by using a sock, or maybe you use something like this: ?
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Menos Grande
    But if he dies in the present he can't time travel to a place after he had died so he will be stoped and never will attack in the future. There is the possibility that he is cleansed from the darkness just like Riku did with Ansem.

    If this is what is bugging you, why not to think that at KH II Sora travelled back way before Xehanort to the timeless river? We could use that door so he didn't need to lose his heart in the process... Merlin even says that Sora might change the past in there , but should resist the temptation.
  5. Menos Grande
    I liked Kinder Eggs(My dream is to full a refrigerator's eggs shelf with Kinder eggs), but they got pretty expensive over time, they are like U$3 each now >(! which is like R$6
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Menos Grande
    Just hope that Plants Vs. Zombies don't go the same road...
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Menos Grande
    I think the real inovations of Ps4 were presented on febuary, the DRM thing... I don't think it was "last minute" thing since febuary they stated they would do the right thing for costumers, and after that "Sony wouldn't require DRM", (fact that was forgotten until a few days before E3)... I think that the public hate towards Microsoft just made a huge pressure on the third partys so that they don't put their own DRM (like online pass).
    I wish they've talked more about gaikai, I want to know if we will need to pay for it, for all games for each title, or it will be included at Ps Plus.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Menos Grande
    I would prefer Last of Us, don't like animal crossing that much.. but if you like it.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Menos Grande
    I try to see the bright side of this...

    1) For those who say.. maybe it should go to WiiU, remember that the gba/DS/3DS were all intruders at first, so If Kh doesn't come to Xbox there will never be a fanbase in there.

    2)One thing that I hate about Square (and other Japonese developers) is that they will make this HUGE GREAT GAME and make us wait 1 year or more so we can finaly have a "Western version".. with Xbox one at the party, we can hope that the american version of KH will be out at the same time as the japonese one, as Xbox is mainly an American machine (it will not be out for japan this year D:!).

    3) I think multiplayer is way better than "betray" the franchise like they did previously going to all nintendo handleds and the PSP, I was left orphan of a lot of KH games If KH gone to WiiU I would hate Square for all times, but they will give us the game and for other people as well, I can feel only empty for them because I know what is being left out by square.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Menos Grande
    I would play BBS again, but i don' own a psp ç.ç


    Let me see I like KH I, but i realy hate the gummi ship.. I'll have to do some soul searching before playing again at KH 1.5
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  11. Menos Grande
    I was kind sad when i heard this one is not rocksteady's.. both Arkham games were awesome, and they put some hints in Arkham city for what would happen after so I was looking foward for it.
    I'll get this 2 games eventually.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  12. Menos Grande
    I've been reading JoJo for the past decade , and is by far my favorite manga (it is also one of my guilty plasures), I've seen all the episodes also, but the OVAs kind bored me so I skiped them.
    My favorite Jojo is Joseph(and Joalyne!), the one I dislike the most is Jousuke (that is back again >_>...).

    I kind think Jonathan and Jotaro to be "The Superman expected by that era", when Jojo was first out the ideal protagonist was Jonathan(I like him better as Johnny), just like Jotaro is a bad boy that was expected by his time... unfurtunetly for them Joseph was in the middle of them, the most awesome Jojo!
    Jousuke is just dull.. Kira was far more interesting than him (Maybe thats why Araki did what he did at Jojolion).
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Menos Grande
    Yes they have, they feed you, they bath you, they educate you, because they "know better", and we could not fend for ourselves.

    There are some liberties sure, we are human ... but most of our "liberty" is cultural, and being "less free" works fine in other cultures, like until some centuries ago all marriages were fixed by the parents, the idea of "romantic love/marriage" is new... and even being "less free" we (as people) did ok.

    At some point you grow up and you can rebel against whatever your parents tried to taught you, but you can only be truly free when you stop free loading them, so to be free is to be able to live alone, until that day you always have to give up some liberty.

    If I were a father I would try to give certain freedom to my kids, only because I know that what is forbidden is also what we want to do more! If you treat your kids like reasonable people it will be easier to reason with them. At the same time they ought to know that you are not their friend, your are not their equal you are a father, a boss.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  14. Menos Grande
    It would be great if there was TOY STORY'S WORLD and Buzz lightyear cartoon's world, just like there was a "Tron world" and the "Space paranoids" world... maybe we could have some conection with Buzz beforehand like he remember us even without knowing us, just like Leon at Castle Oblivion.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Menos Grande
    The statistics of "being a gateway drug" is debatable, sure today a lot of people who uses other kinds of drugs used marijuana before, but that is because it is illegal, so to get marijuana you have to go to the same place you get crack or whatever.

    But one could say 100% of crack users were before "milk drinkers" so does that mean that milk will make you a drug user?

    As for organic X synthetic , people have a huge misconception that "organic is better", that is not true, in reality most "organic things" have some degree of bad effects, as the plant wasn't at first "wanting" you to kill it, some plants co-evolve with some animals and it becomes safe for this animal to eat it, but not another.. just look at Chocolate is good for us, but kill our dogs , because dogs didn't evolve to eat cacao, but this shows that cacao has lethal chemicals is only that we are able to get rid of those.

    The synthetics chemicals are prone to be better than natural ones, only that they have to be tested before consumation, the only advantage of "organics" is that we have been eating it for thousands of years so we are adapt to their poisons.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  16. Menos Grande
    I would appreciate if he goes first there, and maybe make CO return to be Land of departure... but your way is great also!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Menos Grande
    I also think that everybody has some kind of trait that they're good at, unfortunately not always is something that the society finds usefull.

    It is a bit of complex thing to judge if it's right or not.. for exemple there is something like "Body intelligence", like people at gymnastics who can do what other people can't, it's great and all, but just because of that shouldn't them be able to read? To discuss? There are some basic knowledge that everybody has to have so they are not taken advantage of... some people say "Hell I never used all the math that I've learned at school", but they fail to realise that even without using complex formulas, we learn the "spirit of math" that is LOGIC, to know that "If A is equal B, and B is equal C, A= C ".. we need years of math to understand the logic of the world.

    Maybe people shouldn't be judged or tested, but that would lead them to believe that when they got out of school they wouldn't need to be tested and everybody would recognize them as GREAT...

    So Einstein is right, and yet he didn't propose another way just pointed out our system flaws.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Menos Grande
    I love Jojo, great taste >(!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Menos Grande
    By square standards KH probably won't come out for the next three years, by that time a huge number of games will be out so they will know before hand the things the other people did in this "next gen", I hope they don't take that for granted and do a step foward.. we are really looking foward for KH III, I don't supose they will let us down as every numbered title was awesome and revolutionary.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Menos Grande
    I don't really know... I didn't buy the Nintendo DS or 3DS .. so I never played Kingdom Hearts DREAM DROP DISTANCE, because i don't like this handled... I didn't buy the PSP as well, but I got to play BBS in a friend's PSP, (And now I bought a Ps Vita, and I am sad to know that I won't be able to play BBS :( !).

    At the same time... KH III is KH III, it will be a NUMBERED GAME it'll probably be the best so far.. I WANT TO PLAY IT >_<!
    So I don't really know if I would eventually buy it or not.. I'll have to say maybe, even though in past experiences i didn't bought the games because of their deviant ways...
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts