He and Naminé! Yes... but his existence maybe vanished? Maybe the organization just keep their information up to date. It is a bit strange though, and if I had to bet it would be that before 358/2 days they didn't planned that Roxas got his dual keyblade hability only at the end of the game, because He was show at KH 2, and at deep drive using 2 key blades.
It seems great to play without worries! I would really like to have it in english, but if some one makes a good guide it would be fine because this game doesn't seem to have that many different interactions.
MY BODY IS READY FOR KH 2.5! I am even less excited for KH 1.5 because of 2.5, but already pre-ordered.
You can only think it is an "error" (since KH 358/2 days wasn't made yet, and since the begning of KH II Roxas had those blades, so originally they could had think he had since always , like even in the special video from KH I roxas has it.), or the tombstones from the "proof of existence" are magically conected to their organization's member that they are meant to.
I am happy that i got a vita x)
That actualy made Bleach better. Is black Haired Ichigo kaien ?
I think it is a natural progression from Magneton/magnemite/voltorb/electrode etc.. there was even a lamp pokemon, I Just thought that swords were too "violent for pokemon" (it is strange if you think it is a fighting game, but it is meant for kids). Even though i love it!
Knowing the end isn't all the fun, sometimes knowing what will happen makes the plot better, like BBS we knew the cruel fate of the trio even though it went as expected knowing how it got there was a fine ride... It's not the only exemple in animes, mangas , movies and other medias I found that knowing the tragic fate before hand doesnt spoil the surprise, it can even get better than the "present plot" (even by knowing that anything can happen). If you are bleach readers probably felt that "Turn back the pendulum" was better than the hole arrancar arc.. That being said, I loved monster university, I don't usually like spin-offs especially because Pixar has so little titles that they should make new ones and not rely on the previous brands, but it was so good that I overlooked it.
The only way I would consider getting a Xbone would be if KH III was an exclusive. Even before the press release of KH III, I already sided with Sony. I always had sony's consoles so for me to ship to another console (Nintendo or Microsoft) there would have to be a huge cost benifit from their side, I already got many trophies, saves , and things that probably will combine with my Ps4 account... so Xbone would need to give me a real nice deal for me to invest on it.. not to mention that even going to the Xbox one wouldn't give you all the Xbox 360 games that I have lost over the years, so it would be a huge investment to change sides by this point.
They must do some cameo why would Sora return to them? I hope that they are not lost like the cards at Castle oblivion.
He is taking the hit for microsoft... ok.
two month ago no one would believe KH III was being developed.. so anything could happen by now. I would bet just like: The only thing I would change is that I don't think they would leave a whole year to a browser game to count it as a new release.. so I would'nt be surprised if KH III was out by 2015 and PC browsers way before maybe this year.
they will probably recap as people over Xbox one won't have the previous games.
So this is how you do it in north america .. interesting.
They maybe could make Versus an anction RPG at PS4, but turn based at VITA, because Turn base seems to need less power, and turn base fits well in handleds (like pokemon).
hornets are evil versions of bees >(! I keep a secure distance from them.
Don' t know what to think, I will wait for more details.
I am the only person in the whole world that preferred the hobbit over Lord of the rings! Also all the changes that the movie made ;O
Ditto... they may make a Final Mix version over it, but because this is a next gen title there is no need to make the whole game again, just make a DLC and be over with it.
Thanks Sony! Thanks to you there will be two next gen consoles for people to buy! Even though I am still getting a Ps4 competition is always great!