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  1. Menos Grande

    that 97 movie if you didn't see it you shouldn't
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 22, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  2. Menos Grande
    What I would want to see? That in FF Versus Sora appeared in somewhere in there , Nomura Stated that Noctis is the anti-Sora, but they're alike in some ways. It would be great to have a cannon universe where not only other people go to KH universe, but KH universe changes other worlds... will this come true? Very unlikely.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 21, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Menos Grande
    I Loved Man of Steel I am surprised that it didn't sold well, I only thought that ubber fans of superman might not like the tune down he received plus the darker route he went.. but for the majority of people I think he was more accessible!

    About the logo it reminded me of the terrible BATMAN & ROBIN movie
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 21, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. Menos Grande
    Strange down here in Brazil we also speak X as Chi/ki (like when you are doing a χ² at statitics ) even the google translate says CHIχ
    We mostly get this thing said right, but more often than not when they are latin words, not greek

    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Menos Grande
    Whore is fine, because we are all waiting for the WHORE OF BABYLON GAME!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Menos Grande
    They said it would cover some of the fight of the keyblade war.. but as it is today there are no Dark seekers, and no new plot aswell.

    There are 5 mysterious Keyblade masters each one of them has an animal's mask, each person chose to side with one of them, there are some in game competition between those groups, but none is "bad" as it is now.

    The plot is at the present or at least close to the present, so it should not cover the original Keyblade war.

    Is good to distract us of not having any other KH game to play, and there is a hope of new plot arriving...

    Also there are new heartless! I just got a mission to find a strange toten-like heartless and he is no where to be found.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 19, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Menos Grande
    I would trade Days for COM (can't say about DDD, as I never played it). COM was planned since KH I, and has major characters that doesn't appear in other games in there.

    Days is a game that if you play before KH 2 takes away the "surprise" flavor of playing KH 2 with Roxas and not Sora, and if you play after KH2 you already know the essential about Roxas so you don't care as much...

    The Xion plot was only a overcomplication that they made to try justify the game, not to mention that horrible gameplay.
    In the end the "indispensable" spin offs, are the ones that were planned before hand, BBS was planned to be a Playstation game before going to PSP also, could end up being numbered or something like that.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 19, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Menos Grande
    It is not the answer we wanted, but I can see it.

    There must have been a lot of discussing in KH.. Ps3 was harder to work with , everybody said so at the begining.. than they had to choose between keep it Playstation exclusive or not, the problem with Utada, problems with disney etc.. It is just more simple to make games for handles recycling the OST.

    And even though I don't say it was all for nothing, most spin offs could be cut out, or shorttened ... I could live only with BBS (didn't play 3D).
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 17, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Menos Grande
    I am currently at college to get a master's degree (is a bit different from what you guys have at US).
    Since I was 18 I was at college doing my major at biology , just now I am finally being paid at a "university apprenticeship" (don't really know how it is in US, but basicaly doing my research gives me some money, is not A LOT , but is way better than the minimum wage (almost twice as much!).
    The best colleges in Brazil are also public, so there is no tuition to pay.
    My parents always gave me money to rent an apartament + food and stuff, now that I receive money they still got the rent , but I pay all my other bills (food, eletricity, internet,etc..).
    I guess the rent thing is a good Idea to make us feel responsible and value the things we have, at the same time is getting harder to find proper jobs nowadays.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Menos Grande
    Adam Sandler is one of these actors that "seems good, but only gets poor roles at ridiculous movies", is the famous Nicolas Cage's syndrom.. you see the person action, and you feel that they are good, and that they could be doing good stuff! Like Adam has a realy good "sad face" a drama would fit him good.
    The opposite of this would be Jim Carrey, that makes stupid movies good like the one with penguins.

    I didn't see both movies yet (they are not here just yet, we just got Men of Steel friday the 12), but I really hope PR is good it will be the evangelion movie I never saw come to life.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Menos Grande
    Apples and oranges, I am a researcher and even though many researchers will dedicate their lives to their works and some will find amazing new things, even them will not be "called athlete" , because research isn't a sport, though is more important even a nobel prize will not make you an athlete, by the same logic win the olympics won't give you a nobel prize (maybe the peace one).

    I don't have a problem in calling them "competitors" or pro-gamers , and stuff like that... but banalizing a word to describe something else takes the importance of it, just like all "doctors" of medicine that aren't real doctors, because they didn't get a PhD, but all over the world people started calling them doctors, and the real doctors are called "professor"
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 16, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  12. Menos Grande
    I wouldn't mind if when Ven wakes up he "remembers" his time as Vanitas and Roxas, but to make a new body out of nothing would make Roxas a nobody again, what is kind of lame. As far as Xion goes is the other way around she got a body , but doesn't have a heart of her own.. she could be alive inside of Sora's heart I guess.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Menos Grande
    I really would like the armor thing, but Sora would need some necessity of using it first! Because before KH I there wasn't gummi ships around to go to other worlds, so to surf on your keyblade with an armor was a necessity. Maybe if Sora ditched Goofy and Donald (what I wouldn't like) , or had some "phase" were he was alone and had to learn how to use his armor... He did use Ven's armor at KH 3D, so it is possible,

    With armor or without, Sora will need "forms" just like in KH 2.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. Menos Grande
    I would rather not play for my characters! Looking good anyways!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 15, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  15. Menos Grande
    As we won't be seeing deep jungle any time soon it was a nice touch to put it in, in a lot of ways that made KH I unique.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 15, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Menos Grande
    They at least changed the simple & clean / Passion at Kingdom Hearts 3D, sure it was an old song... but this gives me hope to KH III.
    I don't know if it will be her, but I sure would like it.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Menos Grande
    Until now the game seems to occur nowadays, don't know if they will cover the birth of darkness and stuff.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Menos Grande
    If Nomura wasn't so attached to Sora they could do the Keyblade wars game =D That would be a nice prequel!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Menos Grande
    Already pre-ordered /o\! But I am just to hyped too get 2.5
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 11, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Menos Grande
    Mark Cerny story:

    Saved an hour of my life LoL! Good video.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming