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  1. Menos Grande
    Probably when Kingdom Hearts gone to nintendo 3DS.. that was pretty sad , as I won't be able to play it for a long time.

    Seriously.. all the BBS stuff, but I was already prepared for it since KH II.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Menos Grande
  3. Menos Grande
    Even though I didn't played it yet, I don't buy Riku's plot, he already had that character development of conquering his darkness at REVERSE REBIRTH, I think staying in this topic through another game only takes the importance of that game we already played, and puts in question if they can show Riku do something other than fight his inner darkness over and over, I get it , you have an inner conflict , but if you are stuck in it is pretty difficult to believe that there was actually some character development.

    I didn't lose my hopes that some day they'll do an emulator of 3Ds so I can play Kingdom Hearts 3D, and that it will be before KH III, so I won't see the videos for now.

    And on further point.. you said that the game is important because it links all previous games together, but my original point was "The spin offs, aren't necessary for the major plot, only to keep us teased" If the game is important to link "unimportant games" is like saying "Spin offs are important to explain spin offs", so The spin offs created a demand that wasn't there previously, sure NOW THAT THEY EXIST they are "important" "cannon" as they enlarged (and overcomplicated) the plot, but their own importance is mainly within themselves.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Menos Grande
    KH 2, Sanctuary is fabulous!
    I would say DDD, as it is a way better version of simple and clean and the scenes are awesome, but Sanctuary wins for nostalgia and originality.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 30, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Menos Grande
    Despite what all Deep-KH-Lovers think, Nomura stated in previous interviews that all these games are actually spin-offs and not side games, not only that he go as far as tell that the major importance of them was to keep the fanbase satisfied, as the core game wasn't released.

    So is not that ALL these side games didn't had new plot, is that the plot that they introduced was almost all disposable, so the story is there mainly to keep us occupied. Think about it, what losing Xion would made to the larger scheme of things in KH universe?

    That being said, It is pretty obvious that COM (that was planned since KH I, by Nomura's statements) and BBS (that could be a numbered/Console title) were the most important games for the game development, the other spin-offs only overcomplicated the plot (which wasn't necessary to continue).

    If we see Days for an instance, It is a game that is only worth playing to pass the time of deep fans, and see some information about the "villians", because IF you play Days before KH II (as it should be chronologically), KH II loses the surprise effect that it had when we started playing the game with Roxas and not Sora, and by the end of KH II we pretty much know everything that was necessary to understand Roxas (minus Xion).

    Re:codded/Codded also had minor plot that could be the start of KH 3, I don't know about 3D as I didn't played , but as far as the other games goes they were not needed, they are important now because the plot was enlarged , but they were not important at first.

    I am a bit concerned that this current statement seems to indicate that he didn't started making KH 3 by now, so he is pretty behind what I would hope to be..
    And this other part gives me shivers
    Just make the game already ç.ç
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 30, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Menos Grande
    Assassin's Creed liberation ! It seems cool, I didn't played yet, but must be just as good as other assassin's creeds titles.[DOUBLEPOST=1375051169][/DOUBLEPOST]Assassin's Creed liberation ! It seems cool, I didn't played yet, but must be just as good as other assassin's creeds titles.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Menos Grande
    Sebastian (that is like a King Arthur for the Portuguese people) would fit nicely.
    Damn you baby! You stole my birthday >(! I stole from my grandma first so I guess it is ok.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 27, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Menos Grande
    It would be wiser to make the song English only. As Kingdom Hearts is a world wide phenomenum and english is more accesible than japonese. Most people probably know Simple & Clean, and Sanctuary, and not Hikari and Passion. And over all whenever they chose something to keep in both versions is usually in english: The names "Heartless", whenever there is a Final Mix they get the english voices, not to mention various sections of the menu like Dive/Drive/Magic etc.. even the magic are said in english even if written in japonese. And finally Japonese audience is inclined to use english words in japonese pop culture.

    Not to mention that Disney is trying to "force" Disney characters to stay with their "english names", when I was a kid tinkerbell was "Sininho", Daisy was "Margarida" now it is just "Tinkerbell" and Daisy.. so is just easier to make the contrats with disney keeping all in english brandwise.

    I know that some deep fans like anime fans (like myself) prefer j-rock/pop songs than the "english version", but I think Kingdom Hearts had done a good job with it, and I wouldn't care if there was only this version.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 27, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Menos Grande
    Master Eraqus was the main culprit, if he wasn't so biased by light he would accept Terra as he was born that way >(! He also almost killed Ven and MADE Terra go towards darkness.
    After that Sora... If Sora didn't go sleeping at the end of Chain of memories and took it like a man (just like Riku), he would eventually get his memories back Roxas and Xion could still be "alive" , and Kingdom Hearts would be free before KH II.
    Ps.: Terra didn't help Maleficent, it was Xehanort that took Aurora's heart , he was tricked to believing he did it.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 25, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Menos Grande
    Yes he did at 358/2 he used dark corridors to go to the organization and to all the worlds:

    (At 3:43).
    Also Roxas didn't use the "light places" that Sora uses in all games, but uses the entrace of the dark corridor to move about.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 24, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Menos Grande
    Even though it might not be so good If I had a Wii U I would probably buy it if not only to diversify my game collection
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 24, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  12. Menos Grande
    the advantage of being Roxas would be using the corridor of darkness and keyblade as well.
    If I could do everything Sora did on COM I would be glad.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 24, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Menos Grande
    Kingdom Hearts [chi] and Uncharted golden abyss
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 24, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  14. Menos Grande
    @below: Is not as much alike as I remember:
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 24, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  15. Menos Grande
    Only true impressed by Mickey! And that Aqua girl was hot >(!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 24, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects
  16. Menos Grande
    If you have a VIta you should get a PS PLUS, I only bought one game for it all the others are freebies! And Uncharted Golden abyss is one of the top games of Vita and is in your instant game collection!
    Also I've found that the casual Ps mobile games acutally fun (like the penguim one).
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Menos Grande
    According to Mark Cerny (from Sony) he said you shouldn't listen to your costumers, they will tell you what was great a month ago in other game, and your game will be out two years after being old from the begining, you should just make new things and test if it appeals after!

    The problem over nintendo is that both nintendo and its fans are in a comfortable position of making the same games for ever.. so if they both like it, is not a problem, even though I don't.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 24, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Menos Grande
    I loved Sailormoon (guilty pleasure) when I was younger, and Card Captor Sakura. But that is that, for me a true great Magical Girl anime has to be like Puella Magi Madoka, it just set the bar higher for everyone else.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 24, 2013 in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. Menos Grande
    The only one that I read in this list is Bleach, but since the arrancar saga it is getting worse everyday, I wouldn't be surprised if One Piece or Fairy Tail were better.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 24, 2013 in forum: Anime and Manga
  20. Menos Grande
    1) Be stuck at that new "social technology" , you have to have 10+ friends over facebook that plays kingdom hearts to get all materials daily D:

    2) Your character has "encounters" every day with bosses .. they consume AP, that again can be filled with THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!(over facebook)

    3)Not making it a CO-OP experience (I've dream about it since the first KH, and this generation killed the Co-op.. I want it back or the money of my second controller back!)

    4) You have to have Kinect/Ps eye to use the gummi ship ç.ç

    5) After years of new and good gameplay COM>BBS>RE:CODED>>>>>>>>>>Days, you are stuck with MP gauge and 3 spells(Where are all my sweet combos that I've learned over the last six years?).

    6) DLC abuse... this is another problem with this generation.

    7) The game wouldn't quite finish Xehanort Saga, we will need the next side game that will only come to a new Microsoft HANDLED (that will only have THIS GAME!)

    8) After a lot of thought... Nomura thinks this game is too good for this generation, let's wait for the next with more 30 spin offs, and another 40 useless people to save like Xion.

    9)We see that Riku is way better than us, but we are stuck with Sora all the game (maybe we can play with him just by geting this AWESOME DLC that has the actual end).

    10) The plot of KH III, is replay KH I once more.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jul 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone