Can't give you any advices , my college experince was very different from what I saw in american movies (It is a shame it wasn't an american pie scenario), we don't have fraternities , and we don't have to pay to study in here (it is easier to end up being paid to do some research). So I can't help you much... I guess never give up(?)! I second that about difficult classes though!
Also Ps3 just started being made at Brazil, it will probably have some years left here at better prices to all "mercosul" (don't know how you call us there Merco south?). Not to mention that in that Game of the generation war, there were more sony's exclusives than Xbox's. That Being said, I have a history with Sony/playstation, and for me to change team would meant a huge investment (new games, new hardwere, new account, new friends, etc..) . Truth be told I would like to experience some of the Xbox's exclusive titles (even though they are mostly FPS, which I don't like much). But Xbox one won't have Xbox 360 titles, so I would have to buy two consoles to "change team", that is a HUGE INVESTMENT! I think that when you are making a new video game you must always think "What will I give for the newcomers that they won't get in other plataforms?" Because if the investment doesn't pay up you end up not getting them. So Xbox one is made for deep Xbox 360's players, that want to continue playing their exclusives, and didn't felt that microsoft is taking advantage of them... so by now is easier for a former Xbox's player go to Playstation's side, as Ps4 will give you the Ps3/2/1 experience via gaikai, at lower prices.
They missed the ass, a great ass also.
Yeah ditto what everyone said, but as you asked NEXT and KH2/BBS/Codded are coming, I would hope for DDD as I won't have a 3Ds.
While I think "a Keyblade" was suposed to be Riku's, the form in which it appeared is very much linked to Ventus' "X-blade" (that was forged when he fought Vanitas). So that being said I don't know if Riku got a Keyblade it would be "Kingdom Key", remember that before a Keyblade is formed you need a medium to it take shape, in Riku's case he formed Way to dawn based by Soul Eater. Sora who didn't had a Keyblade probably taked "Ventus' Keyblade" until at the end of KH I it became his. Or that, or Kingdom key is the "Destiny Island World's Keyblade" Which is possible also, and then any keyblade wielder who first emerged there would get it, even in this case I still think it has a conection with Ventus/Vanitas, maybe the Light side of the Kingdom key got to Destiny Islands, and it's dark counter part got to the dark version of destiny island (Dark shore ?) .
Welcome Roxas, looks like summer vacation are over!
When I was down I listened to: (This one also works to get horny ;~~) (The harder they come)
I guess there is two possibilities why his heart hasn't come back 1) His heart was still incomplete, remember that at start Roxas was "broken" like a puppet, his relation with Axel that "mended his heart", If Ventus Heart had gone to Sora to be recovered it could not return to Ventus until that was done.. but obviously It wasn't with ventus because Roxas had it. 2) As Ventus body is sealed away at Castle Oblivion it isn't possible to get him back until that room is unlocked. --- @Ars Nova: They received various names: "defenders of the light, servants of darkness, those who sought to reconcile the two, and those motivated by nothing more than lust for power." (Report IV) seekers guardians, etc... the point is that their lust for the light is what gave birth to the darkness implied to be in their hearts, So if they could not wield it probably they were consumed and maybe they used some dark powers. A good thing about Re:codded was the possibility to fight Sora's Heartless that even though was "Fake" , was a great (true?) Dark Keyblade wielder. I don't know even if Vanitas is "true" in that sense as his keyblade is probably of the realm of light just like Riku's way to the dawn. Seekers/Servants.. I just hope to see people using the darkness with a keyblade! Maybe the pure blood heartless are the past keyblade wielders? How does they know to fear the keyblade? The fight between Data Sora and his heartless made a Data X-blade? Questions, questions!
Easy money I guess ;(.. It is sad that the "major developers" are going for this Smartphone/Browser games stuff.
A good theory though: At KH I, If Sora really had put his heart into it, he could be able to wield 3 keyblades as he had Ven's and Kairi's Heart and his own.. he would be a master indeed.
I really miss "Master of the keyblade" status :(!
It seems awesome! The multiplayer also seems great! If it stick to the formula (gameplay wise) It will be good or great! I really think that the previous bat will come back in a future release.[DOUBLEPOST=1375618639][/DOUBLEPOST]It seems awesome! The multiplayer also seems great! If it stick to the formula (gameplay wise) It will be good or great! I really think that the previous bat will come back in a future release.
I prefer Digimon tamers, wouldn't complay if they did all the series like that.
Like Genocider said, also there is all that about the "Keyblade inheritance ceremony" "In your hand, take this Key. So long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, its wielder you shall one day be. And you will find me, friend—no ocean will contain you then. No more borders around, or below, or above, so long as you champion the ones you love." All Sora's versions, and people conected to Sora had the Keyblade lost, or fake, and then recovered thus becoming a "true Keyblade wielder" Simply because they could use a Keyblade because of their conection with sora, and after their hearts became strong enough so they can be true wielders. Sora did it, Data Sora did it, Both Roxas and Xion.
I read the first time thinking you were doing a metaphor for Kingdom Hearts and how it hurts you that it didn't came at Ps3. But now that I understand, I can say what I've experienced, and what I've done In similar situation. There was a girl that I liked, and yes it pains me to say that she put me (or maybe only in mind) at friendzone. It sucks. Although since the begining she had a boyfriend and I knew nothing would happen between us. I was fine with that, and learned to be friends. One day the boyfriend was over, and I had all that mix feeling that I should ask her out, or shouldn't.. but not before long she was already seeing another dude. Then i finally got over her (and we are still friends), I ended up with a girlfriend (that I am currently dating for five years) and it all have been great , I think everything end up at the best way possible we are still friends, and I have the best girlfriend. ---- Now lets see! I can't know exactly what your situation is, so I'll try to give my opinion to what I should had said to myself six years ago: 1) If you feel something , say it, unless you are happy as things are now. 2) Don't expect the best outcome, but don't expect the worst.. things work out on its own. 3) When you think that there is only "One" for you, know that it is false! We all have different degrees of compatibility with different people, there will be another chance with somebody else. 4) Boys (and girls) sometimes mistake "being polite" to being hitting at, just because someone is nice to you It doesn't mean that they want something else with you, maybe your friendship and sometimes not even that. that being said, If you truly is over her and is Ok in being friends, GREAT, but by my experience you probably aren't and are fooling yourself.. If you truly doesn't mind seeing her with another, If you just want be friends untill the end and above all... than yes you can be! The best way to be sure that you are over her though is to be interested in someone else, that will be the only way that you could ask yourself "If the situation gets reversed, will I keep our friendship and not engage in a relatioship with her?" If your answer is "I won't date her no matter what" than go be friends, if it is "oohh but if she really wants it..." than you are not truly over her, and inside you still have hopes that she will come around, the problem is that you will not only torture yourself by being close to her, you'll probably mistake any "sign" that she gives you as a token of her love for you, and It will probably not be the case.
maybe MMOs finally got their chance at consoles?
I really would like "Dark seekers" came to light. Originally all keyblade wielders started as Dark seekers (even if they were trying to get light, they gave birth to darkness). Only afterwords some of them became protectors of light, so I wouldn't mind if there were some intelligent inhabitants of the realm of darkness, and true "Dark Seekers". (Like Xehanort is a Dark Jedi, not a true Sith in comparison with Star wars).
I don't like Dubs, even though Brazil has some awesome dubs.. yet, whenever you change the language part of the culture changes, for one exemple "japonese people tend to be overacting in real life", If you see people speaking english all ~kawai~ with all the faces and things like that just seems wrong. It is like seeing Nazi not speaking German, other languages normally aren't "so oppresive".. each language has its own flavour that reflects the culture of its people, you miss a lot of that in dubbing. As for SAO, I liked at first... the second part isn't so good.. but I didn't regret seeing.
Also never had problems with my controllers(have them both since 2009), a friend of mine broke several of his controllers, Sometimes is the kind of games you play.. he uses them a lot in fighting games like Street fighter and uses the analogs for combos (what I find strange... and yet I understand that the arrows at dualshock 3 are hard, and my fingers will ache after using them for long). So he always has loose analogs, never had this problem.
The thing with Nintendo is that they seem to use the reverse of the other companys, and mostly of Playstation. That is a problem, and let me explain it. We all agree (I guess), that Nintendo is pretty bold with their hardweres endeavours, like in Wii/WiiU they set in motion all this motion capture and second screen thing (sure Playstation and even Dreamcast had already this ideas at their cores, but never got it working before nintendo). They do have good ideas, or at least they do bold moves.. thats because they have a great fanbase that will support what they do, If they give all the same games they were waiting for. The others (Xbox, and specially Playstation) make their hardwere at first sight less risk, it seems like they play safe with it, but they make up for it with great new games. Each new generation has a new feel to their consoles, and in the end games is why we buy the consoles, not for all the perks (that don't quite work like planned.. Kinect and Wiimotes don't capture fine movement, Ps move do it well, but it is to expensive). While it seems like this is a simple choice "invest on the hardwere" X "invest on the softwere", is not only that.. when you buy a Wii and a WiiU, you know what you are gonna get for the next 10 years, and this is NOT OK! When you buy a Playstation and a Xbox, YOU KNOW that their games will evolve and that a game 5 years from now will look far better than a launch title... so the Playstation and Xbox have room to evolve for the next years to come so that they can compete with each other (and pc as well). Just look at Xbox 360 and Ps3, they were at one track and then they go to the hole "Motion capture" in their middle life cycle.. is not a thing that I can see Wii or WiiU doing, it can't evolve, it can't change over the years it won't get better, only will get new (of the same) games. That is the main problem of starting a new generation of gaming with old technology, you will be surpassed over the years so you have to make a huge investment at start so you can still be relevant at the future.