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  1. Menos Grande
    RED >>>>>>>>>>> ASH!
    Wining from Brock with a charmander, if they keep the "RED" and not the "FireRED" , he will have to win without metal claw >_<!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Menos Grande
    OMG! Have to get it ç.ç! I hope that after years of gaming I am finally able to surpass that unicycle clown!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 16, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  3. Menos Grande
    Never liked the guardians even in the comics so..
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 16, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Menos Grande

    The thing is that the dark realm is dangerous to people because even the dark people that appear in KH all were born in the light world, so they weren't made to survive in the dark realm, if there is someone living in the dark realm it will be immune to its power obviously. There are Keyblades in the dark realm (we all know that) so there must be someone wielding them , I don't think they sit there waiting for people from the light side come and take them (like mickey did). So or we think that the most powerful heartless wield them(stronger hearts? Even if dark ones), or a third kind of dark realm's inhabitant.

    We know that Riku's, Terra, (so probably Xehanort and Vanitas) , Keyblades are from the light, even when they use dark powers:"

    Director's Secreat report p. 28; Tetsuya Nomura: "Riku's 'Way to the Dawn' and Kairi's Keyblade are naturally the same type of Keyblade as Sora's. However there is no particular explanation for the Soul Eater's transfer and occurrence, as well as Riku's handing it to Kairi."


    As for how we know that Light/Dark keyblades are the same, because we saw Mickey using a Dark keyblade with light powers, but also because nomura said so:
    "Keyblades have 2 different constitutions, either from the Light side or the Dark side. This is merely the exterior key, the inner key can act from either side and its abilities won't change. "
    (In the same link , part 2 about Keyblades).

    I can see the "world of Kingdom Hearts" functioning like a "Buddhist afterlife scenario".. there are 3 kinds of worlds : Light, dark, in-between. There are X numbers of hearts from all hearts that form Kingdom Hearts, some go to any of these worlds and take the form of their natives, a Heart can go "up" or "down" and never cease to exist, if it goes to the dark realm it will gain a form that survives there (heartless?) , the in-between worlds are the only ones friendly to Nobodies ,but normal people go there as well because "nobodies" doesn't count towards the balance of the worlds (as they have no hearts), light becomes darkness, darkness becomes light.. that is why there is always light in darkness and darkness in light.. the hearts keep changing like that evolving and changing .. maybe Kingdom Hearts is nirvana, or where "dead hearts" go to wait their rebirth?

    ---Also there is this comment about Vanitas:

    "He has no control over the darkness in his heart. The Keyblade is not his to bear. He's an abomination beyond hope of salvation."
    —Master Xehanort to Terra
    So his keyblade is ventus probably.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 16, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Menos Grande
    The problem is the "objectification of female" , their characters doens't matter it could be a bird or a ship , only the male role is important.

    I think this is more problematic them the "damsel in distress", why doesn't the Damsel tries to escape (even if she isn't successfull).

    There is two things that some feminists doesn't understand , or fail to understand about feminism:

    1) Feminism is about equality, as female role in society is underappreciated , most times make good propaganda of females helps to set the balance , this however is not the goal!

    2) Woman are in average weaker than man, not saying that a woman couldn't kick some guys ass, but the average woman probably wouldn't be stronger than the average man... that can influence games, BUT IN FANTASY your muscle doesn't count as much as your magic and other factors, so gender could be discarded.

    To acknowledge that man and woman are different isn't sexism, but how to treat "different people" equally? By giving "advantages" that will balance the table...

    When a building puts a ramp for people in wield chair, they are not "throwing a bone to them" they are setting the balance with people that can walk, now both of them can work in the same building, public health care and other stuff like that try to balance the system that is composed by different people.

    There is the oposite problem of "objefication of female":

    (I don't endorse everything she says but she got some points... as a male I can state that our role in society isn't a piece of cake either, but I don't blame the feminism if you are a female and thinks so badly of men, even if you think you are a feminist you aren't)
    That being said, I thought that Peach's game was a poor excuse for a feminist game using PMS as powers is degrading..

    ps.: those who think that "is just a joke, so it is ok" it is not , humor supports racism/intolarence etc.. think about that the next time you tell one.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 15, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  6. Menos Grande
    But we know that the first users made their keyblade as a copy of the X-blade, to achieve the power of kingdom hearts, even if not taken by dark intents they aren't guilty less as well
    As for "true" or "false" , I was getting to the fact that Vanitas has a keyblade that uses dark powers (like Riku , terra and Xehanort), but he was born in the realm of light, so his keyblade is "light based" even if used for darkness, Xehanort says that "dark keyblades" and "light ones" are equal, you can use it how you like it, the proof of this of course is Kingdom Key-D , Mickey seems able to do every light based attack with it.

    But that doesn't change the fact that there are Dark keyblades, so there must be someone using them... So there must be "people" in the realm of darkness if they are heartless or not.. is not answered yet.

    I think the realm of darkness needs to be better explained! If there is "dark keyblades" there must be "anti people" the inverse of the people that live in the realm of light.. if there is people in the realm in between and in the realm of light there is no reason to suspect there isn't in the darkness.

    I disagree of what you are saying about Heartless, the pure blood heartless are simply heartless that were not made by Ansem(Xehanort) artificially in his lab, in a sense the emblems are more "pure darkness without will" them the pure blood heartless, as they are made from darkness harvest from the dark realm into "things" that became heartless, pure blood are people that lost their heart to darkness or to other heartless.
    " Though they lack emotions, they do seem to have some intelligence. How to communicate with them?"

    (ansem report 4)

    The only "pure blood heartless" (by that what I meant is> "people" that naturally became heartless) are: Ansem , Sora, Scar! They are not emblems (even though Ansem uses its symbol as a token of his invention) , all of them kept their individuality, and are cleary the "dark side" of their one's persona and not from other's .

    So by what we know now, we can only speculate that every pure blood heartless is the "dark version" of someone, not from the "colective of darkness".. in the ansem report was stated that they had inteligence as well, but could not be controlled by someone with a heart because they would prey on it, so he became a heartless himself to controll the other heartless.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Menos Grande

    Diablo III

    Hope that Ps3 version gets that expansion pack at the same time as pc! Just like more the ring of expansion pack over DLC.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 14, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  8. Menos Grande
    I was expecting some delay they are basically changing all the features of Xbox one. Sony was smart to don't give us a release date so we can't complain that it is late. Wouldn't be surprised if the rumour about the october 21th being the real date though.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 14, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  9. Menos Grande
    I think the problem is that we feel abandoned.. "Did assassin's creed stretched too much?" I think Yes, but then again there is like 2 AC's games a year, so even if one fell short, the next can save the franchise, but for KH since 2006 there was only one important game : Birth By Sleep. Planned and all... I still didn't play 3D, but for what I've read it seems to me that the main foccus of it is to explain the spin offs, so is just like a spin off to explain spin offs, and it is necessary because they have gone out of their way(don't like time travel deus ex machina also)...

    I guess if the games were closer to each other, and most of all the important games! If BBS was out 2007/8 and Days also we would say "Okay days wasn't so great, but at least we have more KH!"..

    I felt as Nomura has something that he wants to tell with KH 3 , but is like he doesn't have the approval for the game , maybe he doesn't know how the game will work, so he needs the side games to experiment with gameplay, maybe he just thinks the game is too important that he will need years to have it ready so he give us this side games just to mantain the fanbase waiting.. I don't know.. but I could see a better path for KH without so many deviations.
    About the number of consoles, if you wait a few more years you will only need Ps4 to play all games (as 1.5 and 2.5 will be on Ps3, and Ps4 can gaikai them) . You only have to play twelve years after everybody else...
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 14, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Menos Grande
    KH I is more difficult, but not in a good way, it is not more difficult because of the challenge, but in truth because of the poor control in comparison (that camera mainly).

    That being said KH II gave you too many options for healing(forms, summons, potions, friends, monsters) so cura had to have a counter point to it... than again even knowing that it would cost all your mp you could just use it with bearly none and get the same result.[DOUBLEPOST=1376457547][/DOUBLEPOST]KH I is more difficult, but not in a good way, it is not more difficult because of the challenge, but in truth because of the poor control in comparison (that camera mainly).

    That being said KH II gave you too many options for healing(forms, summons, potions, friends, monsters) so cura had to have a counter point to it... than again even knowing that it would cost all your mp you could just use it with bearly none and get the same result.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 14, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Menos Grande
    What is great about that show, is that it doesn't insult the viewers inteligence, also most characters are great if not genius they have some good sense so they won't screw up for minor things..
    I read the manga first, and I have to say seeing the anime right now just feels right! The drawing of the manga is too bad, so it is easy to mix all the "background characters" at the anime we have a close relationship with the character previous to their death so we care.

    Also Titan's apocalipse>>>> Zumbi's apocalipse[DOUBLEPOST=1376454300][/DOUBLEPOST]What is great about that show, is that it doesn't insult the viewers inteligence, also most characters are great if not genius they have some good sense so they won't screw up for minor things..
    I read the manga first, and I have to say seeing the anime right now just feels right! The drawing of the manga is too bad, so it is easy to mix all the "background characters" at the anime we have a close relationship with the character previous to their death so we care.

    Also Titan's apocalipse>>>> Zumbi's apocalipse
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 14, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Menos Grande
    my mom would not let me fight her pokemon battles, with all those ratatas around Ç_Ç!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  13. Menos Grande
    I thought it was good buy Halcyon days or memories in the rain that you were mentioning.. when bleach was good.
    But... i've seen too much, now I have to see the end of it, so I stick with the manga.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Menos Grande
    What a bummer :( oh well.. keep waiting for news!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 9, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. Menos Grande
    I like the third one.[DOUBLEPOST=1376089723][/DOUBLEPOST]I like the third one.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 9, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Menos Grande
    This website:
    It is a count down.. for what? It was send to me and people were saying KH3.. But for the time I think it will be more likely to be KH 2.5 remix. There seems to be a twitter account also that says things everyday:
    June 27th -
    I've been having these weird thoughts lately. Like, is any of this for real, or not?

    June 28 -
    The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.

    July 1st -
    There will be times you have to fight.

    July 2nd -
    Your path is set.
    Thread by: Menos Grande, Aug 9, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Menos Grande
    the lower price that I was saying was the console in general even a "top bundle" with Ps eye is still cheaper than Xbox, the games prices for both will continue 60 dollars, so Ps4 will be probably cheaper overall .. even though I believe that Gaikai games will be cheaper than buying a Xbox 360 with their exclusives (so It is cheaper to a person that never played Playstation get the full playstation experience than buy a Xbox one + 360 to have the full Xbox experience).

    I think that Gaikai or will be a bundle price for all games, or most games for free.. even if is not, It probably won't be the full price.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 9, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Menos Grande
    Hirohiko Araki (Jojo), Jojo is one of the best (if not the) mangas I've ever read, Although I have great love for Kishimoto as well
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 9, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Menos Grande
    So It is just like giratina as I said before.. While I don't mind all their digimon aspect... I don't think Mewtwo should have a new form, as he is LENGENDARY..., and yet it was a Legendary that first showed a different form.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 9, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  20. Menos Grande
    I liked this analysis about the remix:

    A lot of misinformation, though the game still worth it!
    I new about the FINAL MIX, but just played KH 2 FM, and no KH I. Also I think square's deserve that I give them the money for playing the FINAL Mix versions for free (as I was the only way) so even if I wasn't going to play (what I will) I think is fair to buy it.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 9, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates