Congratulations! I think you can do it in 2,5 years if you really put your heart into it!
I think it is natural that nintendo tries to sell cheaper games( are you kidding me? Vita is curently at the same price as the 3DS XL, they need a price drop), and a lot of people don't like 3D( headaches, dizziness some say the turn off the 3D is the best feature of the 3DS). For example, I don't go the 3D movies unless I got no choice, until this day I never saw a movie that worths the price of the 3D The strange thing about it, is that they should try to make the 3DS cheaper (lite?), and not more expensive like the XL. The absurd thing about it, is that while I don't like the 3D, making it 2D isn't the same as go back to the Nintendo DS? Like to admit the only new thing on their new generation of handleds wrong? They could go back making DS games insted? At least we can play some pokemon! I hear rumors that some 3DS games acutually uses the 3D in the gameplay (and the flip screen as well), didn't you guys said that the main motive Kingdom hearts 3D couldn't come to Ps3 was the "Motion flow" ? If they make it work in 2D, there is no more worries then? I don't know, but maybe some games are ruined without the 3D. Other aspect of the 3D... we all like to say it is horrible and stuff, but I read an article at Kotaku about a guy that is "Stereoblind" (can't see 3D), however he could see the third dimension for the first time at a 3DS, so we can't say is something "worthless". I think nintendo did this because as it is today a Vita and a 3DSXL are at the same price $199, they would not make the 3DSXL cheaper so they made a "creapier version" to make people find the 3DS even more appealing.
I am starting to like this stone fellow a shame he isn't here :([DOUBLEPOST=1377673774][/DOUBLEPOST]I am starting to like this stone fellow a shame he isn't here :(
I didn't mind so much.. the only schocking thing about it is that she was Hanna montana a few years back(and how strange her ass looked in those shorts, like wtf?), and now it is not (every singer has to be GaGa now?). I don't know about you, but for me that lived the 90's I saw the "downfall" of Pop music , until the 90's pop song even when talking about sex wouldn't be so "agressive", so "everybody could listen", today's pop is as agressive, as death metal , so one can't just hear DM and Pop as if nothing was happening, I mean you are free to like whatever you like, but when a style gets to agressive normally the fanbase doesn't mix.. today's pop is a different creature from past's.. now it is not a bad thing in itself, but I personaly don't like something that makes polemics, only for the sake of controversy. Anyway.. I've saw way "worst" In my national Tv, the inverse route also our most famous Kid's tv presenter "Xuxa", made soft porn before , and even more polemic than yours, In the movie she would seduce a little boy and worse, and by carnival it is OK to show naked women in our tv at 5 PM as long there is some paint on her (try google/youtube "globeleza")
I heard that pokemon games are really good, you should try them >(![DOUBLEPOST=1377663123][/DOUBLEPOST]I heard that pokemon games are really good, you should try them >(!
A good idea for the movie would be "Since everybody thinks bat is dead "(in nolanverse), some random dude inherits the mantle, that would be Ben Affleck(Azrael?). And then there would be references within the movie to show us it is the same universe.. if it is well made enough there is a chance that the Bat is back... or not[DOUBLEPOST=1377532925][/DOUBLEPOST]A good idea for the movie would be "Since everybody thinks bat is dead "(in nolanverse), some random dude inherits the mantle, that would be Ben Affleck(Azrael?). And then there would be references within the movie to show us it is the same universe.. if it is well made enough there is a chance that the Bat is back... or not
I have a fat Ps3, but mine isn't BC.. it has 160 gigas though, what is nice, but not as nice as the 500g they are getting now! To be safe I would go with a Slim , because is a new model , so the lens aren't used, and it will probably endure more time! My Ps3 does not make that much noise (don't know if I am used to it?), you won't notice while playing.. I think the fat is gorgeous, so you could buy it for the aesthetics! Don't buy the SUPER SLIM THOUGH! It is made from cheaper material, and the only way it wont make sound is if you put it vertically, when is in the horizontal position it makes sounds (maybe touching the case?).[DOUBLEPOST=1377496754][/DOUBLEPOST]I have a fat Ps3, but mine isn't BC.. it has 160 gigas though, what is nice, but not as nice as the 500g they are getting now! To be safe I would go with a Slim , because is a new model , so the lens aren't used, and it will probably endure more time! My Ps3 does not make that much noise (don't know if I am used to it?), you won't notice while playing.. I think the fat is gorgeous, so you could buy it for the aesthetics! Don't buy the SUPER SLIM THOUGH! It is made from cheaper material, and the only way it wont make sound is if you put it vertically, when is in the horizontal position it makes sounds (maybe touching the case?).
Nomura himself told that they made spin-offs just to keep the fanbase, so it is beyond discussion that those games were not planned at all beforehand, he wanted to do KH 3, though, so let's hope that KH3 will be stellar! About KH II , I love it! I guess the problem some people have with it is that Disney worlds lost their importance in comparison with KH 1 (Hell for most of the game there were all there was) . At KH II all worlds just end up resolving themselves pretty much like the original movies making sora's adventure disconnected with them, even lessons that could have been passed by Disney characters were done within their on "Kh universe". Riku only had 3 games doing his "i am dark, no I am not"(only two he was playable), is not like Sora that had a Heartless/Nobody/Data/Card version (all protagonists). I guess we can excuse Riku if the writers manage to do something different with him in KH 3 other than be "tempted by darkness" or become Ansem/Dark to save Sora.. If not it will be best for the character to die, he lived all they could imagine for him to live anyway. But again I think the problem is not the characters per se, but the plot that got stretched! It is like doing a "Batman & Robin summer vacation" so you can sell one more story.. even if you put some good things inside people will feel that it is a filler and won't enjoy as much, but it is not the characters fault.
I think there are some great characters in KH (a bit cliché sometimes , but wonderful ) .. About Riku that is what I don't like in KH 3D, it seems to me that people doing KH just don't know what to do with Riku anymore (what is a shame, because he had few cameos as a playing character), he have already "conquered darkness" at the end of Reverse/rebirth, and used splendidly at KH 2, whoever says otherwise probably didn't play or didn't pay attention to the game, even using Ansem's form he did't lost his heart or the keyblade, we can excuse them because they made Sora replay KH 1 so many times , but each time had some reason .. I think the problem is the "plot" not the "characters".[DOUBLEPOST=1377397868][/DOUBLEPOST]I think there are some great characters in KH (a bit cliché sometimes , but wonderful ) .. About Riku that is what I don't like in KH 3D, it seems to me that people doing KH just don't know what to do with Riku anymore (what is a shame, because he had few cameos as a playing character), he have already "conquered darkness" at the end of Reverse/rebirth, and used splendidly at KH 2, whoever says otherwise probably didn't play or didn't pay attention to the game, even using Ansem's form he did't lost his heart or the keyblade, we can excuse them because they made Sora replay KH 1 so many times , but each time had some reason .. I think the problem is the "plot" not the "characters".
Now I just need a pokemon in my vita and I am set! Seems great and beautiful![DOUBLEPOST=1377396553][/DOUBLEPOST]Now I just need a pokemon in my vita and I am set! Seems great and beautiful!
Not sure.. she was japonese they are very found of suicide (don't know why). While it is strange that she didn't leave a note, we could think that seeing her daughter making more success then she did as a singer made her jealous? Anyway this is something for the cops to find out! My sympathies for Utada!
I was remembering what people were saying about Heath Ledger when he was chosen to be the Joker, Ben could be a diamond in a rough .. now we have to wait and see.[DOUBLEPOST=1377317449][/DOUBLEPOST]I was remembering what people were saying about Heath Ledger when he was chosen to be the Joker, Ben could be a diamond in a rough .. now we have to wait and see.
He wasn't the best actor in the rumors, even though in Argo he portraited a man with a similar tone to Batman, It was not the best possible. He is not old enough to play "Dark Knight" as well.. if they were not going for the best, they could as well chose a unkown actor for us to link his image to the batman, seriously the only thing they could do to make it worse was Ryan Reynalds.
Free DLC? @_@ ! I HOPE MY BODY CAN TAKE THIS! I normaly don't like FPS, but this free Dlc thing makes me want to support them.[DOUBLEPOST=1377235706][/DOUBLEPOST]Free DLC? @_@ ! I HOPE MY BODY CAN TAKE THIS! I normaly don't like FPS, but this free Dlc thing makes me want to support them.
I don't know if the games after Black and White are in the same "universe" as the games before, before B/W there was always a main story even though there were multi-games , but since B/W there is clearly two new paralel universes even places that are in one are not in the other. So I don't know if the previous chronology ends up in Black or white, or is a new thing all together.. I am reading the mangas hopping that they respond this.
Ubi is even saying that AC IV will be their best AC, but that Watch Dogs is the Best game of the gamescom `_____´!
Day's manga>>>>> Day's game. Haters gonna hate.
Plants Vs. Zumbis garden warfare ç.ç!!!! I was hoping for more games, but there are a lot of games announced by this point, so I will be happy if they deliver them at launch! But I agree that Sony should had been the "better man" and stopped the M$ Bashing.. don't think all your success should come from the others failure, but others fail because you succeed (don't know if you will understand what I am trying to say). At E3 It was Ok, because M$ was full of "BS" and they did the first "WE WILL KILL SONY AT E3" bravado, but I think that today that was no need to kick a dog already on the ground.
I'll give it a try, just because it isn't First person! Seems great[DOUBLEPOST=1377176770][/DOUBLEPOST]I'll give it a try, just because it isn't First person! Seems great