"Chances are," Brady began. "That we'll run into this 'princess' on our journey, so there's no point in jumping ahead to find her now. Besides, it's more than likely a trap, and you may have not seen it but she has seen it and I have experienced the power and strength of a full fledged Organization Member. None of us are ready. And by following her, we'd probably run into all thirteen of them. No, thank you." Brady concluded.
I think Reinzel is not online or afk atm.
"I would like a compromise, but I still say we head north." Brady crossed his arms. "Organization XIII?" Maleficent said, turning around, her long sweeping coat turning with her. "I thought those boys and that little mouse Mickey destroyed all of you. Was I wrong, or does thou turn out to be a new reincarnation? Either way, thou was very foolish to come to me. 'Twas a fool's mistake." She said, her gaze icy cold on the man.
Very well.
If you want to speak to Maleficent, I'll need you to add to your post stating that you found her so I can reply with her speaking.
"It's obviously a trap, so we should just forget about them for now. They are probably thinking that they can trap us and force us to serve them and defeat heartless for them. I say we ignore them and continue as planned. That girl obviously isn't as much of a thinker as Lucrix, but even if she is teamed up with him, it was quite obvious she was acting solo on this bit. She's probably not one of the Organization's top thinkers, after all, so she probably thought from Lucrix's report of me that I'd just charge in after them." Brady finished thoughtfully.
Xamsdek nodded. "Investigate Wonderland, perform Recon, and tell me of the dangers that lie there." he assigned. "Not much was she? Scrawny little thing." Brady stated. "I wonder if she's a friend of that Lucrix. Damn him." He remembered, rubbing his sore gut. "So, northward then?"
"Uhm, sure, go ahead." Brady said. Leader? He thought to himself. Me gusta.
"Oh, uhm, well that works too. But we probabl won't find any more wielders on this world, so I saw we go to the north world and hope!" He declared solemnly.
"Hm." Brady thought to himself. "Idea!" He said suddenly. He took out a munny piece. "Heads we go to the north world, tails we go south." he flipped the coin. "Heads. We go to the North area. He turned Northward. "If we walk far enough we should reach the wall between the worlds. We can glide there if it takes too long." he told the others.
"It looks like we find and take care of them. They can already find us, but every time they do so, they'll just someone thoe Nobodies and attract more Heartless. We'd just be furthering their goal. We need to gather more Keyblade Wielders first. So we find them." Brady explained to him. "Talk to Lucrix, not me. He is the operative in charge for now." Xamsdek replied.
Mmm, I've not even gotten there yet.
If you say so.
LOL, what's the real difference.
You're hilarious.
Very much so.
"Alright, So we've got three people now. This will be fun." Brady said to himself.
Tell me about it, I'll need it.
I didn't understand half you said, that's why I left it up to you.
"What, is it bag on sexy people day? I can't help it, I'm new to this!" Brady laughed. He followed her into her house, gesturing to the boy to come into her house, if he was in.