Alright .
Very well.
Why so serious all of the sudden?
Oh, wonderful. We're getting a pirate. Brady thought to himself. We already have one murderous backstabber, thinking of Xikru, we don't need two.
You seem mad at me.
Oh, ok, you alright?
Yeah, I know. You two in a relationship?
That's all fine, but he can't take control of Sparrow like that again.
Brady had already summoned both his Keyblades when he saw them jump out. "You know these jokers?" he questioned, looking around waringly. (OOC- HoT, you don't control any NPC's, so don't take control of Sparrow.)
Yupp .
"If this is a pirate town, then where are the pirates?" he asked.
Already did.
Brady called out to Robyn "Didn't you say this is a pirate town?"
Lol yeah .
Okay lol. Still Uhg imagine what would've happened if I hadn't noticed.
Lol ok god I'm gonna kill him.
I swear omg that was my brother.
Omfg that was my brother omfg
lol mk. <3
Yeah, would you please?