Your OC? Of course, You did a brilliant job.
Your turn again.
My pleasure. Iahaxnuys thought to himself. He swung his sword once in the direction of the young man. A red trail followed it, reforming into a slash of blood which went flying, not at the boy, but at the lamppost beside him. It cut it in half easily, and it started to fall down upon him. Brady caught the movement out of the corner of his eye and swung his keyblades up, catching the falling lamppost and throwing it across the street. He spun around and saw the giant white fang, bright against the dark cloaks of the two. "Th-th-th-the-the.. " he said, remembering it from the pages of the textbooks. "The Organization." Iahaxnuys finished, a large smirk on his face though the boy couldn't see it.
Iahaxnuys waited for Lucrix to show up. When he appeared, Iahaxnuys silently nodded over to two people, a young man and a girl. He mouthed the word wielders to Lucrix before silently summoning his giant curved blade, what looked like a humongous flat fang. "Hoods up." He said to Lucrix before putting his own up, and then asked "Ready?" "A toy..." he murmured before summoning Galihad's keyblade. "Was it a toy to you, dear friend?" He sensed a presence. He knew the girl was still watching him, but this was an added presence, much more ominous.
Once again, up.
Alright, Just know I'd like you to.
Alright then. You're good.
"I think I have that covered." he called back, idly summoning Kingdom Key and twirling it around.
Are you an offline always status person?And it's your move.
Brady smirked. "Well, do pardon me. I am Brady. Also, I advise you not to order me around again. Thank you." he added, and turned around and continued taking in his surroundings. "Oh really." Xamsdek murmured, turning his attention to Lucrix. "Very well, Lucrix, you will decide who goes."
You're up again.
"Uhm." he thought she probably shouldn't say his name to someone he didn't know. "That's not really important, could you tell me where I am?" he asked.
You're up.
Brady ran into the town, what appeared to be a port town. "Huh?" he said. The fires were just torches blazing all around. "Talk about primitive." he talked to himself, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. He looked up and saw a girl in a window, who plopped down on her bed. He looked at her for a few seconds, then started looking around.
It's alright.
Sure, go ahead.
Sure, just post an OOC notice before your first post.