Lexamus smiled. If I win...U'll be able to rule this dimension Voice: Don't start without me.... Anthony entered the stage. Name:Anthony Origin:Sunny Destiny RP Short Bio: He is friends with Matt and Miku. He's bored. So he entered the tournament for entertainment. Powers: Uses VERY sharp cards, can defy reality itself...but he's limited,Uses the sphinx's axe too Picture:
Lexamus frowned. "U just get out of my way..."he whispered to Seth.
is that some sort of strange language? O_O
I'm too sexy for my shirt TOO SEXY!!!
*spits cookie* well let's see how this other cookie tastes.. *eats cookie* *passes out*
*eats cookies* thanks R95 *starts to choke* *points at U* Murderer!!!
This is sparttttaaa!!!!
"Destiny eh?...looks like destiny will be wrong this time..."Lexamus said.
Ima firin my lazza i'm docta octagonapus bwaaaaaa
Lexamus smiled. "I see U know who my lord is...but how is this possible?" he asked.
oh no...don't strip...prepares barph bag
Lexamus smiled. Actually he had never met the "real" Seth. "A Kid joining the tournament!!! don't make me laugh!!"he said with a smile.
alright!! I'm hardcore!! *runs around like a dumbass*
I'm Metal Sonic/Lexamus/Mortalkid/Sephiroth/Jin Kazama/Megaman and other people :3
Ok... .....
hey...can U ask some of Ur people to join the rp...cause I wanna start
spdude? is he da oldest
"I got a question...when are we gonna start?" Lexamus said.
the correct term is homosexual...gay means happy.....anyway...I agree with the person above me
Goooo sephiroth!!!!!!!!!